My Bad Skin Day Essentials

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Hello girls !
So you might know that my skin is quite oily and on top of that sometimes I do suffer from homornal breakouts or sometimes even stress gets the worst out of me.
I always tend to make sure my skin routine is on point which involves: cleansing, toning, cream or sometimes even serum. I never forget to do those but when I'm lazy and I miss one product in a routine I can get a breakout too. Anyways, today I'm going to show you which products I like to use on a day when my skin looks quite horrible. I'd show you also my usual morning and night time skincare routine but I tend to switch up the products, however the ones for my "bad skin days" usually stay the same, which is perfect so I can share them with you today...

First of all I like a deep cleanse. So I would use a face mask such as Lush Cupcake which sucks up all the oiliness, so it leaves your skin matt but also those particles make sure you have a gentle scrub. Also the smell is amazing !. I talked about it here. If you suffer from more imperfections, I'd recommend you Mask of magnaminty or Cosmetic Warrior for really acne-prone skin. Review here.

Najprej se vedno razvajam s kakšno masko za obraz, da obraz globinsko očistim. Tako trenutno uporabljam Lushevo Cupcake masko, saj absorbira vsa olja, matira kožo ter majhni delci naredijo nežen piling. Se mi je že tudi zgodilo, da je ta maska iz mozolja prav "potegnila" tisto nečistočo na površje ter jih je bilo lažje odstranit. Če pa trpite za večjimi nepravilnostmi bi vam mogoče raje priporočala Cosmetic Warrior ali Mask of magnaminty. Ocena tukaj

Next on, would be something to clear out pores on my nose. I've been using these Balea Nose strips on and off for about two years (if you look at my September haul 2013, you'd see these in there).

Po želji nato ali kateri drugi dan uporabim obliže za nos, kateri pomagajo proti ogrcem. Od vseh, ki sem jih preizkusila so mi trenutno najboljši Balea Nose strips, saj se dobro zalepijo, dovolj učinkujejo in jih ni težko odlepit.

Next on should follow a really good cream. Because when you deep cleanse your skin it will more likely to absorb nice ingredients. So, I use La-Roche Posay Effaclar Duo [+] to help clarify my skin but also moisturize it a bit. Normally I like to use it as a part of my night skin care routine and sometimes I notice difference in just a few days.

Nato sledi dobra krema. Ko očistiš vse pore, je dobro, da jih zapolniš z dobrimi sestavinami, saj se takrat hitreje vpijejo. Sama uporabljam La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo [+], ki tudi malce navlaži kožo ter predvsem pomaga pri čiščenju kože. Velikokrat jo uporabljam tudi kot del nočne rutine, saj tako opazim razliko v že nekaj dnevih.

When my skin tends to get really clogged up, I decide to also daily cleanse it with Olaz face brush. This one does make a difference in the way skin looks and feels. I used to use it almost every day but sometimes I forget about it which is bad - I know ! Review here.

Kadar je moja koža precej "zamašena" rada tudi dnevno uporabljam Olaz ščetko za čiščenje obraza. Z redno uporabo kožo očisti, ter predvsem spremeni teksturo v bolj enakomerno. Čeprav se zavedam, da bi jo mogla res bolj redno uporabljat, saj pogosto pozabim nanjo. Ocena tukaj.

And then we have products which are focused on clearing up & drying individual pimples. Sometimes I use Afrodita Young and Pure - Remove spots ! spot treatment. I'd say it doesn't work each time but when it does, I'm happy. Also have to mention Oriflame Love Nature corrector (my packaging is a bit older, so that's a new name). It's a 2 in 1: a corrector (green) & concealer. I tend to use only the green side because it contains tea tree oil which is great for combating those pimples. Also green counteracts redness, which will make your pimples easier to cover up.

I have to also mention Tea Tree Water toner from Lush. It also dries up the pimples and helps with oily skin. I haven't had it for a long time and kinda miss it.

Nato pa še imamo tukaj nekaj izdelkov, ki se osredotočajo na čiščenje in odstranjevanje posameznih mozoljčkov. Včasih uporabim Afrodita Young & Pure Remove spots ! gel za sušenje mozoljev, ki pa ne deluje vedno, vendar je velikokrat zelo uporaben. Omeniti še morem Oriflame Love Nature korektor, kateri je 2 v 1: zelena stran odpravljan mozoljčke in bež stran prekriva rdečico. Večinoma uporabljam samo zeleno stran.

Omenit še morem Lushev Tea Tree Water tonik, kateri tudi izsušuje mozoljčke saj prav tako vsebuje čajevec in ga malce celo pogrešam v rutini. 

Let me know if you use any of these products. Also I have to mention that these products might not work for me as they do for me. Everyone is a bit different. I just described what I like to use.

Another important thing that is lacking in these essentials criteria is: hydration..but we could talk about that in another post maybe ?

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