Lush Empties & Reviews part.2

Monday, January 23, 2017

Hi girls !
This is a second special empties post featuring only Lush products. Some were great, some not so good, so I hope this post will be helpful. If you've missed previous one, have a look at it here. Also I have to mention that I don't work at their shop anymore, however I've always enjoyed the brand.

Živjo punce !
Spet se javljam s praznimi embalažami nekaj odličnih in nekaj ne tako dobrih izdelkov. Ta serija je posvečena samo izdelkom Lush znamke in če še niste prebrale prejšnje, jo najdete tukaj. Tokrat pa še morem omenit, da ne delam več v trgovini, ampak še vedno uživam v izdelkih. Upam, da Vam bo objava v pomoč. 

Snow Fairy shower gel
If you aren't familiar with this cotton candy scent from Lush, you're missing it ! It's a limited edition from Christmas range and I have to have at least one every year. I'm not a sweet scents kind of person but this one is different. The sweet, bubblegum scent is quite strong and you only need a small amount to lather up well. On cold winter days it definitely cheers me up a bit and leaves me smelling yummy for hours ! Also mentioned here.
Repurchase: yes

Če še ne poznaš Lushevega Snow Fairy vonja, ne veš kaj zamujaš. Ta limitiran, božičen tuš gel je opojno sladek saj diši po sladkorni peni in sladkih čigumijih. Sicer običajno ne maram sladkih vonjev ampak je ta res poseben. Za lepo gosto peno je potrebna majhna količina, vonj pa me ob zimskih dneh spravi v boljšo voljo. Prav tako moja koža kasneje diši še več ur. Na blogu tudi tukaj.
Ponoven nakup: ja

Ro's Argan Body Conditioner
This is a in-shower body lotion. Packed full of nourishing ingredients, such as: argan oil, shea butter, cupuacu butter etc., it feels nicely moisturizing on the skin. The scent of rose absolute is amazing but not too rosey due to vanilly infusion, since I'm not a fan of real rose scents. It nicely moisturizes the skin and leaves a nice scent behind which lasts for a few hours. However, because my skin on the legs is very dry, this conditioner is not moisturizing enought for that area. 
Repurchase: maybe

Tole je regenerator oziroma losjon, ki se uporablja pod tušem - tako na hitro. Poln je hranljivih sestavin, kot so: arganovo olje, karitejevo maslo, cupuacu maslo in podobno. Tako pusti hranilen občutek, brez da bi bil preveč masten. Odišavljen je z vrtnicami, vendar je dodane še malce vanilije. In kljub temu, da mi običajno vrtnični vonji niso tako všeč, mi je ta res prijeten. Na koži pa vonj ostane še kar nekaj časa. Na predelih kjer je koža res zelo suha, ne deluje tako vlažilno.
Ponoven nakup: mogoče

Dream Cream Self-Preserving body lotion
My all time favorite body lotion ! Eventhough it doesn't smell the best due to camomile and lavender, I just love how moisturizing it is. My legs can get so dry that the skin looks flakey - I'd call it snake skin unfortunately. This is the best thing for my skin and I can't say enough good things about it. Also if your skin is sensitive or itchy, it can be a good saviour. Though I still prefer the original version because to me it seems a bit less thick and oily. (Review of original version: here)
Repurchase: definitely !

Dream Cream je že kar nekaj časa moj najljubši losjon. Mojo ekstremno suho kožo zelo dobro navlaži, kamilica ter sivka pa jo pomirita. Čeprav vonj ni najboljši (je bolj naraven), mi je to vseeno, ker ga nič ne prekosi. Originalna različica pa mi je še vedno malce bolj všeč od te samokonzervirajoče. Nekako je ta malce bolj gost in masten. Starejša ocena: tukaj.
Ponoven nakup: ja

Eau Roma Water toner
I never thought I would be a fan of a toner infused with rose, but I am. Combined with lavender, the scent it not artificial and overpowering, which is up my alley.  It is definitely the only toner with rose which smells gently enough for my "taste". Other than that, it is calming and gives a refreshing feeling to the skin.
Repurchase: yes

Nisem ljubiteljica vonjev po vrtnicah ali sivki, ampak je ta tonik nekako poseben. V bistvu je edina vrtnična vodica, ki mi je všeč. Vonj ni pretirano močen in umeten, temveč pomirjajoč. Sestavine pa kožo pomirijo in jo malce navlažijo.
Ponoven nakup: ja

Tea Tree Water toner
This is one of my favorite toners. Tea tree water as an ingredient seems to work very well with my skin. It stops me from breaking out and dries up the pimples. I can really see the difference. I always miss it when I'm not using it. Old review here.
Repurchase: definitely !

Moj najljubši tonik. Zakaj? Ker moja koža obožuje čajevec, ki deluje antibakterijsko in mi pomaga pri odstranjevanju mozoljčkov. Sama kar hitro opazim rezultate, prav tako pa je prijetno osvežilen tonik. (Zelo staro oceno najdete: tukaj).
Ponoven nakup: seveda

Cupcake face mask
This has to be one of my favorite face masks. Containing Morrocan mud, it absorbs all the oils of the skin while leaving it really soft. It just smells like chocolate and the scent lingers on my skin for an hour. It still feels refreshing due to mint and it's just really nice when you want your skin to feel really clean. Review here.
Repurchase: definitely !

Ena izmed mojih najljubših mask za obraz. In še sveža je ! Ker vsebuje maroško blato, posrka s kože vsa olja in nečistoče, kakavovo maslo pa kožo pusti lepo mehko. Dodaten plus je, da koža diši po čokoladi še kakšno uro kasneje. Uporabljam jo, ko želim občutek res čiste kože. Omemba tukaj.
Ponoven nakup: seveda

Love Lettuce face mask
This balancing mask contains almond oil to moisturize while lavender balances the oils and ground almond shells give you a nice scrub. It's a great face mask for oily skin types, however not good for sensitive skin since the scrub can be a bit harsh. I've talked about it here.
"Repurchase": probably

Love Lettuce maska je namenjena balansiranju kože. Tako vsebuje mandljevo olje za navlažitev ter sivko za balansiranje kože. Mleti mandlji pa opravijo piling, ki morda ni primeren za občutljivo kožo. Ker vsebuje veliko olja, na mastni koži preprečuje, da bi le ta proizvajala še več sebuma. Hkrati pa dobro očisti kožo. Omenila sem jo tukaj.
"Ponoven nakup": verjetno

BB Seaweed face mask
On the oposite site, this face mask is more on the clay side and dries up quickly. Doesn't contain any particles as a scrub. Aloe vera and seaweed calm down the skin. It's great for any redness or sunburns. Mentioned here.
"Repurchase": maybe in the summer

V primerjavi z Love Lettuce, pa je BB Seaweed klasična glinena maska, ki se hitro posuši na koži, vendar ne vsebuje delcev za piling. Ker vsebuje veliko aloe vere ter morskih alg, dobro pomiri kožo. Zmanjša rdečico ter je predvsem pomirjajoča za kakšne sončne opekline. Omemba tukaj.
"Ponoven nakup": mogoče poleti
Salted Coconut hand scrub
This coconut scrub is great for rough, dry hands. It scrubs and softens while preparing them for a hand cream. It does work nicely on the hands, however the effect anywhere else on the skin dissapears.
Repurchase: maybe

Pilingi za roke so bolj redkost, pa vendar znajo biti zanimivi. Tale zelo prijetno diši po kokosu ter soli. Roke lepo zmehča, odstrani odmrle celice ter jih pripravi na kremo. Na rokah ima sicer dober učinek, na telesu pa ni nič kaj posebnega.
Ponoven nakup: mogoče

D'Fluff Strawberry shaving soap
This is one tricky to use shaving soap. The consistency is like soap but softer, so you can easily scoop out. It take some time to work with it. I put it in the middle of my palm and then rub into wet skin, so that it foams up into a creamy consistency. It's not easy to use, that's why most people don't buy it. The smells is pleasant but could be more strawberry-like.
Repurchase: no

To milo za britje morda ni tako priljubljeno. Ima teksturo zmehčanega mila, zato ga lahko ven spraviš kar z roko. Pa vendar ga je težje uporabljat. Sama dam kos v dlan ter z njim podrgnem po mokri koži dokler se ne začne malce penit ter se spremeni v kremasto teksturo, podobno navadnemu milu. Na žalost ga je težje uporabljat. Vonj pa je prijeten, vendar bi lahko malce bolj dišal po jagodah.
Ponoven nakup: ne

Honey Trap Lip Balm
One of the best, moisturizing lip balms. Containing butters it really hydrates the lips. And this one has a vanilla sweet scent with a bit of mint to give a cooling effect. Though I dislike this kind of packaging because it's so unsanitary.
Repurchase: maybe

Tole je ena izmed najbolj vlažilnih balzamov za ustnice. Ker vsebuje prava masla, ustnice res dobro navlaži ter ustvari nekakšen hranilen sloj. Vonj je zelo njami: vanilija ter malo meti, ki deluje hladilno. Edino embalaža je malce nehigienska, saj moreš za vsak nanos uporabit prst.
Ponoven nakup: mogoče

Daddy-o hair shampoo
Because the packaging is empty you obviously can't see what color the shampoo was: bright purple, to combat any yelowness on colored blonde hair. However on my hair it left a shiny effect due to lemon juice. Sadly, the coconut oil seemed to get my hair greasy quicker.
Repurchase: no

Ta šampon je v bistvu živo vijolične barve, s čimer pomaga pri nevtraliziranju rumenkastih tonov na barvanih blond laseh. Seveda sama nimam barvanih las ter nisem opazila razlike pri barvi, temveč je limonin sok, katerega tudi vsebuje šampon, pustil na laseh sijoč videz. Na žalost pa je kokosovo olje hitreje zmastilo lase.
Ponoven nakup: ne

Jumping Juniper hair shampoo
On the picture you can see a tiny amount of what's left of this lavender/lemon shampoo. Designed for greasy hair, it really cleanses while leaving the hair soft. It's very easy to use as it lathers up nicely and I have no complaint about it. Though when I wanted a bit less of a cleansing effect and more softness, I used I love juicy. I definitely see the difference between drugstore shampoo's and Lush ones. This bar lasts for ages so it's worth the money. You can find a review here.
Repurchase: yes

Morem priznat, da sem to ploščico za umivanje las imela res dolgo. Vmes sem poskušala porabit še kaj drugega, tale pa se ni pokvaril ter je res dolgo zdržal. Je popoln za moj tip las: mastno lasišče ter suhe konice. Vsebuje pa sivko za balansiranje ter čistilno limono, ki lasem doda nekaj sijaja. Ta ploščica se zelo enostavno uporablja ter dobro speni, med tem ko zelo dobro očisti lase. Hkrati pa ne izsuši las, vendar bi za še več mehkobe priporočala tekoči šampon I love juicy. Morem še omenit, da definitivno vidim razliko v občutku na laseh, ko uporabljam navadne drogerijske šampone v primerjavi z Lushevimi - katerih več ne zamenjam. Trd šampon pa je definitivno vreden cene saj zdrži zelo dolgo. Več pa v oceni: tukaj.
Ponoven nakup: ja

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  1. Lush love =D Jaaa, Snow Fairy diši božansko. Sem pa, iskreno povedano, malo razočarana nad majhno ponudbo Lush izdelkov pri nas, I want mooore =P
    Xoxo, A.

    1. V bistvu imamo pri nas vse izdelke, ki so na voljo v normalnih Lushevih trgovinah. Samo v Angliji lahko na Oxfordu dobiš veliko več in preko njihove spletne trgovine :) zato se komaj veselim, da grem v London ^^

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