Zadnjih nekaj tednov sem preizkušala nekaj luksuznih ličil, ki so me res navdušila. Svojo zbirko ličil želim zmanjšati ter tu in tam zamenjati nekatere povprečne izdelke z kvalitetnejšimi za katere vem, da jih bom vedno uporabljala. Z večjim veseljem uporabljam nekaj za kar sem odštela kupček denarja, saj ga želim dobro izkoristiti. Seveda pa se to dogaja res počasi, saj si le tu in tam privoščim kakšen lepotni sladkorček.
Zadnjih nekaj tednov sem preizkušala nekaj luksuznih ličil, ki so me res navdušila. Svojo zbirko ličil želim zmanjšati ter tu in tam zamenjati nekatere povprečne izdelke z kvalitetnejšimi za katere vem, da jih bom vedno uporabljala. Z večjim veseljem uporabljam nekaj za kar sem odštela kupček denarja, saj ga želim dobro izkoristiti. Seveda pa se to dogaja res počasi, saj si le tu in tam privoščim kakšen lepotni sladkorček.
Čar luksuznih ličil je v čudovitih embalažah, v katerih se skrivajo učinkoviti produkti, kateri običajno ne razočarajo. Tokrat bo govora o dveh Lancôme ličilih. Lancôme je francoska luksuzna znamka pod okriljem L'oreala. Ponujajo ličila, negovalne izdelke za obraz ter tudi čudovito dišeče parfume.
Lately I've been quite keen on trying luxurious makeup brands. I've decided to minimize my collection and maybe replace some products that didn't work for me, with quality products. I do tend to use more expensive items with pleasure because you pay more for them and that way I get more motivated to get good use out of those products.
I feel that luxury makeup items definitely have a charm of gorgeous packaging which hides amazing products inside that don't disappoint. This time I'll talk about two Lancôme makeup items. If you don't know already: Lancôme is a luxury brand, which is a part of L'oreal. They offer makeup, skincare and wonderfully scented perfumes.
I feel that luxury makeup items definitely have a charm of gorgeous packaging which hides amazing products inside that don't disappoint. This time I'll talk about two Lancôme makeup items. If you don't know already: Lancôme is a luxury brand, which is a part of L'oreal. They offer makeup, skincare and wonderfully scented perfumes.
Hypnôse Volume-à-porter Mascara
O Lancôme maskarah sem že slišala veliko pohval in tokrat sem sama imela priložnost preizkusit to novo "čudo". Seveda, morem takoj pohvalit embalažo, ker je čudovito prefinjena ampak hkrati minimalistična ter nekaj posebnega. Krtačka ima plastične špičke, ki so dobro razporejene, tako da res ločijo vsako trepalnico. Sicer moje trepalnice niso zahtevne, vendar mi je všeč kako jim ta maskara naredi lep volumen, jih dobro privihne ter tudi dovolj podaljša. Posebna krtačka omogoča, da lahko maskaro nanesete večkrat na trepalnice ter se ne zlepijo. Na mojih mastnih vekah je obstojnost odlična (kar tudi obljublja) in se maskara s trepalnic ne prenese na veko oziroma predel ob obrveh, s čimer imam pogosto težave. Prav tako se ne drobi. Vendar jo morem odstranit z odstranjevalcem ličil na oljni osnovi, kar me sploh ne moti.
Cena: okoli 29€
I'm sure you've heard some praise about Lancôme mascaras since there seem to be a lot of girls liking them. I've recently tried one of their new additions. Of course first thing you notice is the gorgeous sleek but luxurious packaging. I even like how simplistic it is. The brush is plastic and bristles are spread out nicely, so they catch each eyelash and separate them. My eyelashes are not high-maintenance, however I really like the effect on them. It adds nice amount of volume while lifting up my lashes and also elongating them. I just love how easy it is to apply mascara with this brush. You can brush through many times without clumping. I'd recommend two thin layers. Also it promises long-lasting formula which is totally true. Sometimes I have difficulties with mascara since my eyelids can be really greasy and mascara transfers onto them. Not with this mascara. It's so long lasting, that I need to use make-up remover on oil base. It really depends if you like that or not. I'm perfectly satisfied with it.
Price: around 29€
Effacernes Longue Tenue (Long-lasting Softening) Concealer - 01 Beige Pastel
Korektor sem si kupila v drogeriji Muller, potem pa sem prejela novičko, da bodo zamenjali embalažo. Skratka, izdelek je enak, edino sedaj je zapakiran v črni tubici skozi katero se vidi odtenek.
Odlikuje ga gosta, kremasta tekstura, ki ima nekako zanimiv vlažilen občutek. Zlahka se zabriše s čopičem ali prstom ter lepo zlije s kožo, prekrivnost pa je bolj srednja, vendar se jo zlahka nadgradi (torej lahko brez problema nanesete tudi dva sloja). Sama pa ga najraje uporabljam na podočnjakih. Ima lep svež izgled, vendar sama vsak korektor zaključim s transparentnim pudrom v prahu. Ta korektor se ne useda v gubice in je dobro obstojen. Najbolj mi je všeč, da ni samo mešanica gostote ter dobre pigmentacije, vendar je občutek zelo prijeten. Odtenek pa je precej nevtralen, tako da bi ustrezal večim tonom kože. Vendar, če imate problem z različno obarvanostjo podočnjakov, kot je modra ali vijolična, vam priporočam, da prvo nanesete korektor za nevtraliziranje odtenka, nato pa ta "korektor" za prekrivanje.V embalaži se nahaja kar 15ml, kar je res veliko. Še en plus je, da ima SPF30, torej kožo dobro zaščiti pred vplivom sonca, zaradi česar se tudi drugače hitreje pojavijo gubice. Kljub veliki zaščiti proti soncu pa na fotografiji z bliskavico ne pusti belega učinka, temveč izgleda popolnoma naravno.
Cena: okoli 33€
So, If you follow Lancôme on monthly basis, you'd probably know that this "old" packaging has been revamped. Well, I didn't know it is going to be replaced, so I bought it anyways. I'm pretty sure that they kept the great formula while only changing the packaging to a sleek, black one through which you can see the shade.
What most surprised me was the texture: quite thick but hydrating. However, when applied onto under-eye area, it blends really easy. Doesn't matter if you apply it with fingers or a brush. I'd say that pigmentation is medium, while you can build it up easily to almost full-coverage. I love using it under my eyes since it doesn't feel drying. It dries up to semi-matt finish and I usually set it with transparent powder. It doesn't set in my fine lines (yes, I have them from smiling) and it has a nice lasting power. I just love that it's not just nicely pigmented but also feels really pleasant. I'd say that the shade 01 looks quite neutral / beige, so it would suit different skin tones. If you have discoloration under your eyes, such as blue or purple, you should definitely use a corrector firstly, and then concealer. Another plus comes from having an SPF of 30, which is great because sun harm the skin, which results in more wrinkles. That way you're a bit protected. Also it doesn't the light doesn't flash back or create "white cast" when using flash photography.
Price: around 33€
p.,s. I never put mascara on my lower lashes
Lovely Lancôme - La Vie Est Belle fragrance
- Saturday, February 27, 2016