Živjo punce.
Danes sem se po dolgem času odločila, da skupaj sestavim objavo o mojih nakupih. V bistvu bi se ta objava mogla imenovati "Fant na Dunaju šopingira kozmetiko za blogerko" saj sem njegovo službeno, dvotedensko potovanje izkoristila za to, da sem mu pripravila seznam z mojo "wishlisto " izdelkov. V Sloveniji pa si že en čas nisem kaj večjega kupila, saj imam preprosto preveč izdelkov in na koncu si kupim samo najbolj potrebno: kakšen deodorant ali suh šampon. Tako pa sem si zaželela nekaj "sladkorčkov", da se razveselim, saj prihaja december. Skrbno sem pazila, da je le nekaj stvari, saj ne potrebujem kopičenja.
Hi girls.
I think this post should've been called: "Boyfriend shops in Vienna for beauty blogger". Because it's literally everything that I ordered and asked him to bring to me from his two week work trip. I haven't been shopping for beauty in Slovenia other than buying some deodorant or dry shampoo because to be honest I don't need anything, however I wanted some beauty treats since December is coming.
Že tretje leto bo to moj božični vonj tuš gela. Gre za precej močno odišavljen tuš gel po jagodičevju. Nekako me spominja na sadne čaje, z dodano svežino, kot svež zimski zrak. Spravi me v dobro voljo in je čisto po mojem okusu. Seveda pa ga hranim tudi za kakšen mesec kasneje, saj je svež vonj čudovit za vsak letni čas. Prav tako mi je trenutno všeč peneča kopel iz iste linije. In ja, zdaj lahko The Body Shop kupujete tudi pri nas na spletu.
This has become one of my favorite shower gels, especially for winter time. As the name says: it's very berry scented, however it reminds me of winter teas and freshness of the crisp winter air. I tend ti also save it for later months as well (I'm not a kind of person who would use up shower gels very quickly). Also I've been still enjoying the bubble bath from this line.
Nekaj novega pri TBS so kopeli: peneče in bombice. Sama sem izbrala 2 peneči kopeli: vonj kokosa, ki je popoln, ampak ne presladek ter grenivko, ki jo krasi močan, kisel, saden vonj. So v obliki srčka in naj bi ustvarile veliko pene. Upam, da mi bodo všeč.
The Body Shop has released bubble baths & bath bombs which I was excited about because they're cheap and looked cool. I opted for bath bubbles because it's my preference to have as many bubbles as I can. These look quite simple, heart shaped so they're not as exciting and special as Lush ones. Though the smells are amazing. Coconut is very coconuty but not that sweet and pink grapefruit scent is very zesty and fruity. It made the whole bag smell incredible.
Na Douglasovi strani sem si ogledala veliko setov in daril, saj so običajno bolj posebna ali pa vsebujejo manjše izdelke za preizkušnjo, kar sama obožujem. Zagledala sem ta set in čeprav sem vedela, da ne potrebujem še ene maskare, trenutno v svoji zbirki nimam luksuzne maskare. Pred tem sem imela Lancomovo in me je popolnoma navdušila. Ta set pa me je prepričal, ker vsebuje mini paleto senčil, ki je videti res luštno, plus to, da je set ugoden.
As I was browsing through Douglas sets and gifts for Christmas, I spotted this beauty. I do not need any new mascara, however after using up Lancome mascara, I knew I wanted another high end one, to compare it and hope that it wows me as well. Plus this set comes with a tiny eyeshadow palette which is totally adorable. It is a lovely treat and I cannot wait to use it. Also it is great value for money.
In še nazadnje: presenečenje od fanta. Preiskala sem veliko spletnih strani in trgovin, vendar me noben lepotni koledar ni navdušil, zato sem se odločila, da bom letos imela samo čokoladnega. Potem pa me je fant vseeno presenetil in mi popolnoma sam izbral enega saj ve, da rada odpiram okenca in obožujem kozmetiko (čeprav je imam preveč). Malce sem pokukala v opis in mislim, da mi bo všeč.
And lastly is an advent calendar which my boyfriend surprised me with. I was looking up so many advent calendars but none impressed me this year so I said I wasn't going to buy any, maybe next year. Though I got this one and I cannot wait to start opening it this week. I took a peek in the leaflet and I think I will like it.
- Tuesday, November 28, 2017