September & October Favorites 2017
Saturday, November 04, 2017
Živjo punce.
Po dolgem času sem se odločila, da spišem nekaj o mojih trenutnih favoritih, ki sem jih uporabljala najbolj v zadnjih 2 mesecih. Moja pričakovanja nad izdelki so se očitno dvignila in le redko me kaj res zelo navduši. To se vidi šele kasneje, ko se zavem da nekatere izdelke uporabljam v eno. Hkrati pa zmanjšujem svojo zbirko izdelkov, tako da porabljam precej starih priljubljenih produktov. Skratka slednji izdelki so me navdušili in bi jih verjetno ponovno kupila, če bi bilo potrebno.
Hi girls.
After a long time I decided to write something about my current favorites which I've been using mostly for the past two months. I seem to have high expectations when trying out new products, so not many wow me these days. Plus I've been minimizing my collection and using up old things, so some new products are still waiting for me to test. All in all, these are the products I've been really enjoying lately.
Hi girls.
After a long time I decided to write something about my current favorites which I've been using mostly for the past two months. I seem to have high expectations when trying out new products, so not many wow me these days. Plus I've been minimizing my collection and using up old things, so some new products are still waiting for me to test. All in all, these are the products I've been really enjoying lately.
L'Oreal Elseve Extraordinary Clay Dry Shampoo
Sama obožujem tole linijo z tremi glinami za nego las. Ker imam mastne lase, mi maska in šampon zelo dobro očistita lase (več v objavi tukaj) in za seboj pustita prijeten svež vonj. Sicer na L'Orealovi slovenski strani ne oglašujejo ta suh šampon, pa sem ga vseeno našla v drogeriji Müller. Od njega nisem pričakovala kaj veliko, vendar me je precej navdušil. Prvo: diši kot celotna linija, kar mi je noro fajn, ker moji lasje potem dišijo še zelo dolgo časa. In drugo: popolnoma nič se ne pozna na laseh. Tako si ga lahko na zelo veliko našpricam. Moje lase osveži in jih naredi manj mastne. Vseeno ni tako močen kot Batiste, kateri pusti učinek kot bi bili lasje sveže oprani.
I love this clay line from L'Oreal and am very happy that I found a great drugstore shampoo for my very oily hair (more here). Firstly I feel in love with the smell of the whole line and because I love dry shampoos I had to try that one as well. It's not promoted here in Slovenia, however I found it in drugstore Müller. Of course it has the sam scent and it makes your hair smell so nice. It refreshes the hair and absorbs some of the oil. Plus it's great if your hair smells funky because of smoke or anything, so you can combat it. Unfortunately it is not as heavy duty as Batiste which makes your hair look as if it was freshly washed. Still I love it to freshen up my hair.
Mirati Face Wash
Ponovno sem se vrnila k Mirati gelu za umivanje obraza, po tem ko sem enega že porabila ter preizkušala drugi produkte. Gre za izdelek z veliko naravnimi sestavinami in unikatno teksturo, ki je popolnoma gelasta, podobna želeju. Ker ne vsebuje SLS-a pa se na koži speni v kremasto emulzijo, brez mehurčkov, vendar mene ne moti, ker se pod prsti to ne čuti. Lepo očisti kožo, ter je ne izsuši. Vsebuje aloe vero, ki pomirja kožo, zato je ekstra nežen do kože. Vonj je svež, po limonah, čeprav me včasih spominja na kakšno čistilo za dom. Zjutraj pa te preprosto prebudi in pripravi na dan.
I returned back to Mirati face wash after using up the first bottle and testing some different products. It's a very natural face wash with a jelly-like texture. It's thick, however you use only a small amount. Because it's SLS free, it doesn't bubble up, but creates a milky emulsion while mixing it with water. Still it feels like washing your face with a normal face gel. It cleanses the skin nicely, without any dryness. Also it contains aloe very, so it's very gentle and suitable even for sensitive skin. The smell is fresh, like lemons, even though sometimes it reminds me of some kind of house cleaner. And in the morning it totally helps me to wake up.
Catrice Aquafresh Highlighting Eyeshadow - 020 Luminous Sensation
Ta senčka je čudovita in zelo zanimiva saj ima "vodno" teksturo ter je na otip "bouncy". Zato jo je najboljše nanašati s prstom na celotno veko, ter rob zabrisati s čopičem. Zelo mi je všeč, ker se popolnoma posuši in ima na otip teksturo običajne senčke ter se ne odtisne in ne razpaca na mastnih vekah. Super je za vsakodneven videz, ali pa za dodajanje malce sijaja.
This is quite an unique eyeshadow as it has a water-like texture and feel very bouncy on the touch. I apply it with my finger and blend with a brush. It instantly dries up to a powder formula, however you cannot move it around so it has a longlasting power on my eyelids. It's great for everyday look or to add some shine to your existing eye look.
Max Factor Crème Bronzer - Light Gold
Tole je še vedno eden izmed mojih najljubših bronzerjev. Odličen je za svetlo polt saj je odtenek svetel in se zelo lepo zlije ter zabriše. Prav tako izgleda zelo naravno. Čeprav ima svetleč izgled, se bleščice na koži ne opazijo, ampak daje koži res lep, naraven sijaj. Za temnejšo polt, imajo tudi temnejši odtenek.
This is still my favorite bronzer and I have been using it since the end of summer (take a look here). Because the shade is very light, it looks very natural and suits my pale skin. In the pan it might look a bit shiny, however on the skin it just gives you a glowy, healthy look. If you're darker than me, you can get a deeper shade.
The Ordinary Coverage Foundation (1.0N)
Po tem, ko je ta podlaga dolgo bila razprodana, sem jo končno dobila v moje roke. Gre za tekoči puder, ki naj bi zagotavljal visoko prekrivnost z enostavnim nanosom. Hkrati Ordinary ponuja ogromno odtenkov z različnimi podtoni, čeprav je svoj popoln odtenek zelo težko izbrati preko spleta, saj včasih nekatere podlage vsaj malo oksidirajo. Ker pa je moja polt zelo svetla, sem se odločila za najsvetlejši odtenek z nevtralnim podtonom, saj imam sama veliko rumenega podtona.
Odtenek je zame popoln, saj izgleda malce rumenkasto in se zelo lepo zlije z mojo kožo. Mislim, da je to prvi tekoči puder, ki popolnoma ustreza moji polti (niti Buff od Revlon Colorstay-a ni tako svetel). Tekstura je zelo tekoča in mazljiva. Žal pa se pri nekaterih čopičih poznajo potegi ščetin. Najboljši čopič za nanos pa je: ovalni, ki ima zelo goste ščetine.
Prekrivnost je minimalna do srednja, ter na koži izgleda naravno, pri čemer potrebujem več korektorja na mozoljčkih in nepravilnostih. Finiš pa je naraven in ne preveč sijoč. Sama ga fiksiram s pudrom v kamnu. Obstojnost ni dolga, vendar na obrazu s fiksiranjem ostane vsaj 5 ur brez razmazanja. Všeč mi je, ker je lahek in bo super tudi za bolj suho kožo pozimi. Najbolj pa mi je všeč svetel odtenek, ki na meni minimalno oksidira. Skratka, za čase, ko ne rabim nosit pudra po 10 ur. Cena pa je zelo prijazna denarnici ! (6,90€/30ml - tukaj). Je tudi v fajni, potovalni embalaži.
This hyped up product was sold out for such a long time and I finally got my hands on it. It's a foundation which promises high coverage in a light-weight formula, with a semi-matt finish. The best thing about it, is that you can choose from 21 shades which includes different undertones. Of course it's a bit hard to pick foundation online, however I am so pale that I simply chose the lightest shade with a neutral undertone. My skin has a lot of yellow undertone, so the shade 1.0 looks a little yellow as it should. It's the perfect match - even Revlon Colorstay Buff is not that pale. Texture is easily spreadable and quite liquid. Though there can be some brush strokes visible, so I recommend a dense brush like oval ones.
Coverage is minimal to medium and it looks very natural on the skin. That's why i really need concealer on problem areas (pimples, dark circles, redness...). And finished look is semi-matt which is fine for my oily skin, however I always top it with translucent powder to get the matt look. Longevity is not amazing, as it lasts on me for about 5 hours without creasing or smudging. I do like the light finish and it would be great for drier skin in the winter time. But mostly I love the super pale shade which suits me perfectly and does not oxidise. So I use it on the day when I know I won't have to wear foundation for 10 hours or so. Plus it's quite cheap (6,90€/30ml -here). And also the packaging is very useful and travel friendly.
This hyped up product was sold out for such a long time and I finally got my hands on it. It's a foundation which promises high coverage in a light-weight formula, with a semi-matt finish. The best thing about it, is that you can choose from 21 shades which includes different undertones. Of course it's a bit hard to pick foundation online, however I am so pale that I simply chose the lightest shade with a neutral undertone. My skin has a lot of yellow undertone, so the shade 1.0 looks a little yellow as it should. It's the perfect match - even Revlon Colorstay Buff is not that pale. Texture is easily spreadable and quite liquid. Though there can be some brush strokes visible, so I recommend a dense brush like oval ones.
Coverage is minimal to medium and it looks very natural on the skin. That's why i really need concealer on problem areas (pimples, dark circles, redness...). And finished look is semi-matt which is fine for my oily skin, however I always top it with translucent powder to get the matt look. Longevity is not amazing, as it lasts on me for about 5 hours without creasing or smudging. I do like the light finish and it would be great for drier skin in the winter time. But mostly I love the super pale shade which suits me perfectly and does not oxidise. So I use it on the day when I know I won't have to wear foundation for 10 hours or so. Plus it's quite cheap (6,90€/30ml -here). And also the packaging is very useful and travel friendly.
Labellino Raspberry & Red Apple
Labello ima mojo najljubši teksturo balzamov za ustnice. To pa zato, ker mi res dobro navlažijo ustnice, četudi so včasih malce bolj mastni. Moja najljubša različica je Original in zaenkrat se moje ustnice še niso preveč razvadile. Kakor običajni Labello balzami, ima tudi Labellino prijetno, kremasto teksturo, ki je vlažilna in nikakor suha. Vsebujejo pa karitejevo maslo. Sicer me ta luštna embalaža ne pritegne toliko, vendar vem, da mnogim všeč. Na začetku so lansirali dva vonja: meta in malina/rdeče jabolko. Meni je najbolj všeč vonj malina, ker je zelo saden in njami. Meta pa me preveč spominja na vonj zobne paste. Spet, to je čist osebno mnenje. Sicer so pa dražji kot običajni Labello balzami (5,49€).
When it comes to lip balm, Labello has my favorite formula/texture. The best one is of course the Original one. It is super hydrating, even though sometimes it looks quite oily. And fortunately my lips still like them. Also I'm happy that Labellino lip balms are as nice and have that nice texture, which is very moisturizing. They're enriched with shea butter. I'm not a fan of the packaging, however many people will love it. On their launch they brought out two scents: mint and raspberry/red apple. Of course I prefer the raspberry one since it's so fruity and yummy. The mint one reminds me too much of tooth paste. But it's all a personal opinion. Though they're quite pricey comparing to Original Labello (5,49€).

Wow, I love that highlighting eyeshadow, looks so soft and sparkly! Also the labellino as well.
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