- Saturday, September 28, 2013
Sooooo ... here are long awaited Baby Lips lip balms (at least in Slovenia, we've been waiting for these for a really long time).
I was so excited when I found out that these are in my country. So I totally went to all Müller stores and tried to find them. Luckily they had them in one store (Maribor, center). I only bought the colored ones: Peach Kiss & Cherry Me. They cost 2,49€ (currently only in Müller, in Slovenia).
Tukaj so dolgo čakani balzami za ustnice: Baby Lips (vsaj v Sloveniji smo jih čakali zelo dolgo)
Zelo sem bila navdušena, ko sem izvedela, da smo v Slovenijo dobili te balzame. Takoj sem jih šla iskat v vse Müller drogerije, da bi jih našla. Na srečo sem jih našla v eni drogeriji (Maribor, center). Kupila sem samo barvaste: Peach Kiss & Cherry Me. Cena: 2,49€ (trenutno se jih dobi samo v Müller drogerijah vsaj v Sloveniji)
I was so excited when I found out that these are in my country. So I totally went to all Müller stores and tried to find them. Luckily they had them in one store (Maribor, center). I only bought the colored ones: Peach Kiss & Cherry Me. They cost 2,49€ (currently only in Müller, in Slovenia).
Tukaj so dolgo čakani balzami za ustnice: Baby Lips (vsaj v Sloveniji smo jih čakali zelo dolgo)
Zelo sem bila navdušena, ko sem izvedela, da smo v Slovenijo dobili te balzame. Takoj sem jih šla iskat v vse Müller drogerije, da bi jih našla. Na srečo sem jih našla v eni drogeriji (Maribor, center). Kupila sem samo barvaste: Peach Kiss & Cherry Me. Cena: 2,49€ (trenutno se jih dobi samo v Müller drogerijah vsaj v Sloveniji)
- Tuesday, September 24, 2013
I've already a lot of shopping this month, but still I want some other stuff. This is my current wishlist.
1. Knuckle rings (ebay.com - already ordered)
2. Geometric necklace (ebay.com - already ordered)
3. Baby lips (peach kiss or any other color that would caught my attention)
4. Ballerinas (mylook.si)
5. Studded bow bag (mylook.si)
6. Misslyn lipstick 106 (müller - looked everywhere for it, still searching)
Love and Lemons, Simona.
- Sunday, September 22, 2013
I bought this product yesterday and I really wanted to share my opinion with you.
Včeraj sem kupila tale izdelek in sem si zelo želela deliti moje mnenje z vami.
This Lip Butter has been so raved about but because of the packaging I was refusing to buy it. So yesterday my friend told me she really liked those and I was like ok, let's see what's the big deal :)
O tem maslu za ustnice se je zelo govorilo naokoli, ampak ga nisem hotela kupiti zaradi embalaže. Včeraj pa mi je prijateljica omenila, da so ji zelo všeč in sem želela pogledati kaj takega na tem izdelku.
Price in Slovenia: 2,55 € (bought in DM)
The price is really good for the amount of product you get (16,7g/19 ml) comparing to the normal labello in the tube which contains approximately 4,8g/5,5 ml (checked on Labello repair&beauty tube).
Cena v Sloveniji: 2,55 € (imajo ga v drogeriji DM)
Cena je zelo dobra glede na to koliko izdelka dobiš (16,7g/19ml) v primerjavi z balzami za ustnice Labello v navadni embalaži, ki vsebuje približno 4,8g/5,5ml (prepisano iz embalaže Labello repair&beauty).
The packaging is really not hygenic and that is what I don't like in any lip product, but i buy them sometimes anyways :P
Let me tell you, the smell is really sweet and nice, and it smells of vanilla and macademia, just like it says.
I was surprised when i opened it and tried it. I started melting it with my finger and then put it on my lips. It really wasn't as buttery as I thought it would be. I tried Lip Butter a couple more times and it wasn't so buttery and moisturizing as other lip butters on the market. I know other people love it, but I don't know why mine is not as buttery or my expectations were bigger. I compared it even to other lip balms and it doesn't have the same effect. Also, it is just a tiny bit sticky, so it stays on your lips for a quite while (which is good)
Embalaža tega masla za ustnice res ni higienična (vse se nabere v posodici in potem to težko sčistiš, ter mazanje s prstom), in zato mi niso všeč takšni izdelki ampak vseeno tu pa tam še kakšnega kupim.
Vonj je res zelo sladek in fajn, diši po vaniliji in makademiji, tako kot piše na embalaži. Bila sem presenečena, ko sem ga odprla in sprobala. Takoj sem ga začela talit s prstom in potem sem ga nanesla na ustnice. Ni bil tako masten, kot sem mislila, da bo, navezadnje je maslo za ustnice. Poskusila sem ga še parkrat in še vedno ni bil masten in vlažilen kot druga masla za ustnice, ki se prodajajo. Vem, da je drugim ljudm zelo všeč, ampak ne vem zakaj moj ni tako fajn ali pa so bila moja pričakovanja prevelika. Primerjala sem ga tudi za drugimi balzami za ustnice in nima takšnega efekta. Je tudi čisto malce lepljiv, ampak to pomeni da ostane malce dlje na tvojih ustnicah (kar je dobro).
I would give this product 4/5 (just because it smells really nice, otherwise it's not that good)
Temu izdelku bi dala 4/5 (samo zato, ker zelo lepo diši, drugače ni tako dober).
Love and Lemons, Simona
- Friday, September 20, 2013
Today I'm going to review this lovely product by lush cosmetics: Dream Cream.
Danes bom ocenila ta čudovit Lushev izdelek, ki se imenuje: Dream Cream
So what is that? Lush says it's:
" Incredibly soothing body lotion for troubled skin. Dream Cream is Lush’s best-selling product because it makes sore skin feel good again. Chamomile and lavender calm irritations, reduce redness and banish blotches. We also use oat milk, too, which has traditionally been used on troubled skin for centuries. It contains everything nature makes for soothing your skin. "
In kaj je ta izdelek? Lush pravi:
" Sanje za suho in občutljivo kožo.
Vsakdo, ki pravi, da je njegova koža preobčutljiva za losjone, bo spremenil mnenje po uporabi Dream Creama. Losjon s sivko in ovsenim mlekom je primeren za vse tipe kože. Idealen za vsak letni čas in odrešilna bilka, kadar imamo opravka s suho kožo, ki je nagnjena k rdečici in srbečici. "
Oat Milk (Avena sativa), Rose Water (Rosa damascena), Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Olea europea), Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Glycerine (Glycerine), Stearic Acid (Stearic Acid), Triethanolamine (Triethanolamine), Tincture of Benzoin (Styrax benzoin), Rose Absolute (Rosa damascena), Chamomile Blue Oil (Matricaria chamomilla), Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia), Lavender Oil ((Lavandula angustifolia)), Cetearyl Alcohol (Cetearyl Alcohol), Geraniol (Geraniol), *Limonene (*Limonene), *Linalool (*Linalool), Perfume (Perfume), Propylparaben (Propylparaben)
ovseno mleko (Avena sativa), rožna voda (Rosa damascena), organsko ekstra deviško olivno olje (Olea europea), kakavovo maslo (Theobroma cacao), glicerin (Glycerine), stearinska kislina (Stearic Acid), trietanolamin (Triethanolamine),benzojeva tinktura (Styrax benzoin), absolut vrtnice (Rosa damascena), olje prave kamilice (Matricaria chamomilla), olje čajevca (Melaleuca alternifolia), sivkino olje ((Lavandula angustifolia)), cetearilni alkohol (Cetearyl Alcohol), geraniol (Geraniol),*limonene (*Limonene), *linalool (*Linalool), parfum (Perfume), propilparaben (Propylparaben), metilparaben (Methylparaben), *naravno v eteričnih oljih
Price (in Slovenia): 18,90 € for 240g
Cena v Sloveniji: 18,90 € za 240 gramov
Danes bom ocenila ta čudovit Lushev izdelek, ki se imenuje: Dream Cream
So what is that? Lush says it's:
" Incredibly soothing body lotion for troubled skin. Dream Cream is Lush’s best-selling product because it makes sore skin feel good again. Chamomile and lavender calm irritations, reduce redness and banish blotches. We also use oat milk, too, which has traditionally been used on troubled skin for centuries. It contains everything nature makes for soothing your skin. "
In kaj je ta izdelek? Lush pravi:
" Sanje za suho in občutljivo kožo.
Vsakdo, ki pravi, da je njegova koža preobčutljiva za losjone, bo spremenil mnenje po uporabi Dream Creama. Losjon s sivko in ovsenim mlekom je primeren za vse tipe kože. Idealen za vsak letni čas in odrešilna bilka, kadar imamo opravka s suho kožo, ki je nagnjena k rdečici in srbečici. "
Oat Milk (Avena sativa), Rose Water (Rosa damascena), Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Olea europea), Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Glycerine (Glycerine), Stearic Acid (Stearic Acid), Triethanolamine (Triethanolamine), Tincture of Benzoin (Styrax benzoin), Rose Absolute (Rosa damascena), Chamomile Blue Oil (Matricaria chamomilla), Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia), Lavender Oil ((Lavandula angustifolia)), Cetearyl Alcohol (Cetearyl Alcohol), Geraniol (Geraniol), *Limonene (*Limonene), *Linalool (*Linalool), Perfume (Perfume), Propylparaben (Propylparaben)
ovseno mleko (Avena sativa), rožna voda (Rosa damascena), organsko ekstra deviško olivno olje (Olea europea), kakavovo maslo (Theobroma cacao), glicerin (Glycerine), stearinska kislina (Stearic Acid), trietanolamin (Triethanolamine),benzojeva tinktura (Styrax benzoin), absolut vrtnice (Rosa damascena), olje prave kamilice (Matricaria chamomilla), olje čajevca (Melaleuca alternifolia), sivkino olje ((Lavandula angustifolia)), cetearilni alkohol (Cetearyl Alcohol), geraniol (Geraniol),*limonene (*Limonene), *linalool (*Linalool), parfum (Perfume), propilparaben (Propylparaben), metilparaben (Methylparaben), *naravno v eteričnih oljih
Price (in Slovenia): 18,90 € for 240g
Cena v Sloveniji: 18,90 € za 240 gramov
- Wednesday, September 18, 2013
So, today was a gloomy day and because on Monday I'm getting my nails done with gelish, I decided that I should paint my nails :)
This is what I came up with, I really love this pariwinkle blue color (especially on your toes it looks amazing). I put a little bit of sparkle on too :)
This is what I came up with, I really love this pariwinkle blue color (especially on your toes it looks amazing). I put a little bit of sparkle on too :)
- Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Today I'm going to show you my favorite so called lipstick for summer 2013.
Summer is all about beautiful colors and minimal makeup, so this lipstick was pefect.
Maybelline color whisper in Orange Attitude 440.
- Monday, September 16, 2013
Hello, so this is where my story starts. First post <3
I bought this perfume this week because I was thinking about it for a long time ( I had a small tester ). Because it's a unisex scent and it's very musky it made me totally question my buying. Actually it's eau de toilette and i got 100 ml. I was really sceptic about it, but then you know what: gotta follow your instincts. It's from the line called: Anthology and fragrances were named by Tarot cards: Le Bateleur 1, L’Imperatrice 3, L’Amoureaux 6, La Roue de la Fortune 10 and La Lune 18. They came up with some others after a while too. I haven't smelled other fragrances from this line recently, but i remember i smelled them when they came out and everything was very weird to me, however people change and so do our preferences.
L'Amoureaux means: Lovers.
I bought this perfume this week because I was thinking about it for a long time ( I had a small tester ). Because it's a unisex scent and it's very musky it made me totally question my buying. Actually it's eau de toilette and i got 100 ml. I was really sceptic about it, but then you know what: gotta follow your instincts. It's from the line called: Anthology and fragrances were named by Tarot cards: Le Bateleur 1, L’Imperatrice 3, L’Amoureaux 6, La Roue de la Fortune 10 and La Lune 18. They came up with some others after a while too. I haven't smelled other fragrances from this line recently, but i remember i smelled them when they came out and everything was very weird to me, however people change and so do our preferences.
L'Amoureaux means: Lovers.
- Monday, September 16, 2013