- Friday, February 27, 2015
Hello again!
I'm sorry that this giveaway is again only for Slovenian citizens but shipping is really expensive over here.
Torej danes vas čaka nov giveaway za zahvalo, ker berete moj blog in nasplošno, ker prejmem več izdelkov se morem nekako oddolžit ter zahvalit tudi mojim bralcem - torej vam ! :)
Nagrajenka bo prejela: Flori Roberts vihalec trepalnic, Catrice senčilo in lak za nohte, Max Factor Colour Elixir šminko za ustnice, Real Techniques fine liner čopič ter elastiko za lase.
Za sodelovanje moraš izpolnit Rafflecopter obrazec. Obvezno je:
1. Mi slediš preko GFC ali Bloglovin',
2. Lajkaš mojo fb stran
3. Mi poveš kaj bi želela še videti na blogu ali kaj bi mogoče spremenila :)
4. Pustiš svoj e-naslov, da te lahko kontaktiram v primeru zmage
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Love and Lemons, Simona
1. Mi slediš preko GFC ali Bloglovin',
2. Lajkaš mojo fb stran
3. Mi poveš kaj bi želela še videti na blogu ali kaj bi mogoče spremenila :)
4. Pustiš svoj e-naslov, da te lahko kontaktiram v primeru zmage
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Love and Lemons, Simona
- Thursday, February 26, 2015
Živjo punce !
Tokrat bo govora o kozmetiki, ki vam je verjetno že poznana, ampak je sama še nisem dobro sprobala (razen šmink). Prijazna punca, ki se tudi ukvarja s prodajo Avon kozmetike mi je ponudila, da predlagam nekaj izdelkov ter jih tudi dobro sprobam. Dobila sem kar nekaj izdelkov, zato bom razdelila to objavo v dva dela. Nekateri so me navdušili, drugi pa so bili bolj povprečni.
Hello !
Today I'm going to talk about a brand which you can only get through representatives who are selling their products: Avon. You can become one and get some benefits through it. I've only tried their lipsticks before so it was nice to try other products. A lovely girl who sells Avon cosmetics contacted me and we decided on which products I could try. Some wowed me, others were average.
Tokrat bo govora o kozmetiki, ki vam je verjetno že poznana, ampak je sama še nisem dobro sprobala (razen šmink). Prijazna punca, ki se tudi ukvarja s prodajo Avon kozmetike mi je ponudila, da predlagam nekaj izdelkov ter jih tudi dobro sprobam. Dobila sem kar nekaj izdelkov, zato bom razdelila to objavo v dva dela. Nekateri so me navdušili, drugi pa so bili bolj povprečni.
Hello !
Today I'm going to talk about a brand which you can only get through representatives who are selling their products: Avon. You can become one and get some benefits through it. I've only tried their lipsticks before so it was nice to try other products. A lovely girl who sells Avon cosmetics contacted me and we decided on which products I could try. Some wowed me, others were average.
To so izdelki, ki vam jih danes predstavljam:
And these are the products I'm reviewing today:
- Monday, February 23, 2015
ker ste si nekatere zaželele, da ocenim tole "škatlo" bom tudi to danes storila. Sicer sem objavo poimenovala "first impressions" oz. prvi vtisi, ker sem izdelke uporabljala samo 1 teden, pa vendar sem jih uporabljala vsak dan, razen masko za obraz (3x)
Če še ne veste je Dashbox način preizkušanja in nakupovanja kozmetike. Vsak mesec na dom prejmete 4-5 kozmetičnih izdelkov. Trenutna cena škatle je 18€ (+ poštnina). Morem pa omenit, da si škatle prej nisem hotela kupit, ker so za 10€ ponujali večino vzorcev in običajno po 1 "full-size" izdelek. Mene osebno je to motilo, ker lahko za vzorčke vsak prosi podjetja ter jih velikokrat tudi dobi. Super je, da so poslušali stranke in so tokrat raje prenovili škatlo ter ponujajo samo "full-size" izdelke. Cena je sicer večja, ampak raje več plačam in dobim nekaj bolj uporabnega kot pa same testerje, ki se mi nabirajo v predalu.
Torej naprej k oceni...
ker ste si nekatere zaželele, da ocenim tole "škatlo" bom tudi to danes storila. Sicer sem objavo poimenovala "first impressions" oz. prvi vtisi, ker sem izdelke uporabljala samo 1 teden, pa vendar sem jih uporabljala vsak dan, razen masko za obraz (3x)
Če še ne veste je Dashbox način preizkušanja in nakupovanja kozmetike. Vsak mesec na dom prejmete 4-5 kozmetičnih izdelkov. Trenutna cena škatle je 18€ (+ poštnina). Morem pa omenit, da si škatle prej nisem hotela kupit, ker so za 10€ ponujali večino vzorcev in običajno po 1 "full-size" izdelek. Mene osebno je to motilo, ker lahko za vzorčke vsak prosi podjetja ter jih velikokrat tudi dobi. Super je, da so poslušali stranke in so tokrat raje prenovili škatlo ter ponujajo samo "full-size" izdelke. Cena je sicer večja, ampak raje več plačam in dobim nekaj bolj uporabnega kot pa same testerje, ki se mi nabirajo v predalu.
Torej naprej k oceni...
- Thursday, February 19, 2015
Mislim, da sploh ne rabim omenjat, da sem zadnje čase postala res ljubiteljica Lush kozmetike (mogoče tudi obsedena) saj sem si tudi nakupila veliko njihovih izdelkov. Nikoli me še niso razočarali in to je verjetno moj razlog za navdušenost. Mogoče vam še nisem omenila, da so znani po tem, da ne testirajo na živalih ter uporabljajo izključno naravne sestavine.
Tokrat vam bom predstavila njihov piling za telo. Sama sem že na splošno ljubiteljica pilingov za telo, verjetno zato, ker ne uporabljam "lufe" oziroma tiste gobice za tuširanje in mi pilingi dajo občutek, da sem kožo res "zdrgnila", odstranila odmrle celice, jo omehčala ter je občutek bolj čist in svež. Pa poglejmo kako se ta piling razlikuje od drugih...
Hello !
I don't even have to mention that I became a bit obsessed with Lush cosmetics as I've been bought a lot of their products in the last month or so. Their products never disappoint, so maybe that's the reason I love them so much. I know I haven't mentioned that they don't test anything on animals and use only natural ingredients.
Today I'm writing about their body scrub. In general I love any body scrub. The reason may be hidden in the fact that I don't like to use Body Loofah or whatever you call it. So that way the body scrubs still gives me a nice clean feeling while scrubbing away all the dead skin and leaving it soft. So let's see how is this particular body scrub different...
Mislim, da sploh ne rabim omenjat, da sem zadnje čase postala res ljubiteljica Lush kozmetike (mogoče tudi obsedena) saj sem si tudi nakupila veliko njihovih izdelkov. Nikoli me še niso razočarali in to je verjetno moj razlog za navdušenost. Mogoče vam še nisem omenila, da so znani po tem, da ne testirajo na živalih ter uporabljajo izključno naravne sestavine.
Tokrat vam bom predstavila njihov piling za telo. Sama sem že na splošno ljubiteljica pilingov za telo, verjetno zato, ker ne uporabljam "lufe" oziroma tiste gobice za tuširanje in mi pilingi dajo občutek, da sem kožo res "zdrgnila", odstranila odmrle celice, jo omehčala ter je občutek bolj čist in svež. Pa poglejmo kako se ta piling razlikuje od drugih...
Hello !
I don't even have to mention that I became a bit obsessed with Lush cosmetics as I've been bought a lot of their products in the last month or so. Their products never disappoint, so maybe that's the reason I love them so much. I know I haven't mentioned that they don't test anything on animals and use only natural ingredients.
Today I'm writing about their body scrub. In general I love any body scrub. The reason may be hidden in the fact that I don't like to use Body Loofah or whatever you call it. So that way the body scrubs still gives me a nice clean feeling while scrubbing away all the dead skin and leaving it soft. So let's see how is this particular body scrub different...
- Tuesday, February 17, 2015
I thought I'd do something different on my blog. In the end, beauty isn't only concentrated on products which beautify your appearance. Beauty is in everything you do, the air you breathe, the nature you enjoy in and to me it is also in the music. As I'm obsessed with it, I listen to it probably at least 5 hours per day. I wouldn't say I have a great taste, I just like what I listen to, whether it is a certain beat or a melody that is stuck in my head. Beware I do mostly listen to electronic music and stuff like that.
These are 5 songs I've been constantly playing last few days and I'll probably get sick of them, but whatever. Also random order !
This song I've discovered recently and fell in love just because it's so nice and "summery".
I thought I'd do something different on my blog. In the end, beauty isn't only concentrated on products which beautify your appearance. Beauty is in everything you do, the air you breathe, the nature you enjoy in and to me it is also in the music. As I'm obsessed with it, I listen to it probably at least 5 hours per day. I wouldn't say I have a great taste, I just like what I listen to, whether it is a certain beat or a melody that is stuck in my head. Beware I do mostly listen to electronic music and stuff like that.
These are 5 songs I've been constantly playing last few days and I'll probably get sick of them, but whatever. Also random order !
This song I've discovered recently and fell in love just because it's so nice and "summery".
- Monday, February 16, 2015
Hello girls !
Because I've accumulated quite a nice collection of concealers I decided to kind of compare their shades, textures and tell you how they work on my skin. Again, my skin is mixed to oily.
Some I use only for under my eyes and some just to cover imperfections which I'll explain.Another reason for this post is that I like buying concealers because in the end I'll probably use them all up.
Živjo punce !
Ker imam trenutno precejšnjo zbirko korektorjev sem se odločila, da jih malce primerjam ter vam opišem kako delujejo na moji koži oziroma kakšne so moje izkušnje. Morda vam bo tudi to pomagalo. Moja koža je mešanega do mastnega tipa. Nekatere korektorje izključno uporabljam samo na podočnjakih, druge pa za prekrivanje nepravilnosti. En razlog za to objavo je tudi to, da sama rada kupujem korektorje ter jih čimveč sprobam saj vem, da bom vseeno vsakega porabila do konca (tudi če mi ni kaj preveč všeč).
Because I've accumulated quite a nice collection of concealers I decided to kind of compare their shades, textures and tell you how they work on my skin. Again, my skin is mixed to oily.
Some I use only for under my eyes and some just to cover imperfections which I'll explain.Another reason for this post is that I like buying concealers because in the end I'll probably use them all up.
Živjo punce !
Ker imam trenutno precejšnjo zbirko korektorjev sem se odločila, da jih malce primerjam ter vam opišem kako delujejo na moji koži oziroma kakšne so moje izkušnje. Morda vam bo tudi to pomagalo. Moja koža je mešanega do mastnega tipa. Nekatere korektorje izključno uporabljam samo na podočnjakih, druge pa za prekrivanje nepravilnosti. En razlog za to objavo je tudi to, da sama rada kupujem korektorje ter jih čimveč sprobam saj vem, da bom vseeno vsakega porabila do konca (tudi če mi ni kaj preveč všeč).
- Sunday, February 15, 2015
Hello girls !
Today I have finally one makeup item for you :)
I know I've been writing a lot about skincare, so here's something different again. I've seen this product on blogs and in drugstore and couldn't justify the price for another "cream"eyeshadow. I really liked this burgundy shade, so when I saw it in one of our drugstore and it was half priced I had to have it even though I was on a spending ban. They also have an olive shade, but that's not what I'd wear. I really like purple shades on my eyes, however they usually don't last long and kind of disappear. This is an amazing eyeshadow base even for those purple colors and I have been loving it. Let's get into details...
Živjo !
Ker vem, da sem zadnje čase veliko pisala o izdelkih za nego kože, imam za vas tokrat spet eno ličilo. Ta izdelek sem že prej opazovala na blogih ter v drogerijah, ampak se mi je zdelo malo preveč denarja za še eno kremasto senčilo. Ta bordo odtenek me je zelo pritegnil, zato sem ga takoj kupila, ko sem ga zagledala v drogeriji za polovično ceno, čeprav naj ne bi takrat nič kupovala :P. Na voljo so imeli samo še oliven odtenek, ampak trenutno takšnih odtenkov ne nosim. V kombinaciji z mojimi zelenimi očmi zelo rada nosim bolj vijolične odtenke, čeprav običajno ne najdem dovolj dobre teksture in obstojnosti. To senčilo pa je lahko tudi dobra baza za druga senčila in tiste vijolične odtenke.
Today I have finally one makeup item for you :)
I know I've been writing a lot about skincare, so here's something different again. I've seen this product on blogs and in drugstore and couldn't justify the price for another "cream"eyeshadow. I really liked this burgundy shade, so when I saw it in one of our drugstore and it was half priced I had to have it even though I was on a spending ban. They also have an olive shade, but that's not what I'd wear. I really like purple shades on my eyes, however they usually don't last long and kind of disappear. This is an amazing eyeshadow base even for those purple colors and I have been loving it. Let's get into details...
Živjo !
Ker vem, da sem zadnje čase veliko pisala o izdelkih za nego kože, imam za vas tokrat spet eno ličilo. Ta izdelek sem že prej opazovala na blogih ter v drogerijah, ampak se mi je zdelo malo preveč denarja za še eno kremasto senčilo. Ta bordo odtenek me je zelo pritegnil, zato sem ga takoj kupila, ko sem ga zagledala v drogeriji za polovično ceno, čeprav naj ne bi takrat nič kupovala :P. Na voljo so imeli samo še oliven odtenek, ampak trenutno takšnih odtenkov ne nosim. V kombinaciji z mojimi zelenimi očmi zelo rada nosim bolj vijolične odtenke, čeprav običajno ne najdem dovolj dobre teksture in obstojnosti. To senčilo pa je lahko tudi dobra baza za druga senčila in tiste vijolične odtenke.
- Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Winter is almost over and this post was waiting for you for a month, I'm sorry. I decided to finally bring out some of the hand creams to compare them and see what they're about. I do have other hand creams but these ones were interesting to me and I used them regularly.
Vem, da gre zima že skoraj proti koncu in ta objava je na vas čakala več kot 1 mesec - se opravičujem. Ker sem v zadnjem času nabrala precej krem za roke sem se odločila, da jih tako malce primerjam in bolje sprobam. Izbrala sem tiste, ki so se mi zdele zanimive in sem jih dodobra sprobala.
Winter is almost over and this post was waiting for you for a month, I'm sorry. I decided to finally bring out some of the hand creams to compare them and see what they're about. I do have other hand creams but these ones were interesting to me and I used them regularly.
Vem, da gre zima že skoraj proti koncu in ta objava je na vas čakala več kot 1 mesec - se opravičujem. Ker sem v zadnjem času nabrala precej krem za roke sem se odločila, da jih tako malce primerjam in bolje sprobam. Izbrala sem tiste, ki so se mi zdele zanimive in sem jih dodobra sprobala.
- Sunday, February 08, 2015
I know I should have something beauty-related scheduled, however lately I've been so down...There are some posts finished but not published yet....I know it's none of your business and you don't want to read about it but everyone faces an obstacle in their life which keeps them from moving on. I know a lot of people suffer from depression, which isn't my real state of mind, but I do feel like that way from time to time. It's not healthy and most people don't want to deal with it or even say out loud that their life is no that great (as we portrait our lives as perfect on the outside), And I might not be sober, however I do feel like I should talk about it. I started this blog because I felt like I needed to share a lot of things with people out there and couldn't hold it to myself anymore. There comes a time in everyone's life when everything is shifting and turning around and you don't know which path to chose. I know I've been struggling if I should even keep my blog all out there and public with you. Why is that ? ...I love writing about products, however sometimes I dont't feel like I have support from anymore and I know many bloggers have experienced that, Blogging is a hobby not a job ! You might be wondering why this Slovenian girl likes to write in English...I figured out I feel more comfortable and less vulnerable writing in English - this language might be in my life for only 10 or more years but it has been my safe place and everything I do - I do it mainly in English. Off to the subject I talked about...Nobody really wants to show their emotions to all the people, especially not the ones you don't know personally - I've learned that and didn't even want to discuss about it ... I know this post might be useless, but I know there are a lot of people (even the ones close to me) who suffer from depression or are feeling bad/sad about their life, so I wanted to start this topic again. Sometimes I do keep my thoughts positive, but in this world, nowadays it is really hard.
I might delete this post in the morning, but it's your choice if you've read it or not. To be honest It's been hard to even write this. I have to confess that I'm not the most soothing person when it comes to comforting other people, just because sometimes I don't know what to do to make them feel better. I do feel sympathy for all the people who are struggling with their life, just because I know it feels like to be torn apart.
So, here's my story...what is yours ? .. it continues,,,,
Love, Simona.
I might delete this post in the morning, but it's your choice if you've read it or not. To be honest It's been hard to even write this. I have to confess that I'm not the most soothing person when it comes to comforting other people, just because sometimes I don't know what to do to make them feel better. I do feel sympathy for all the people who are struggling with their life, just because I know it feels like to be torn apart.
So, here's my story...what is yours ? .. it continues,,,,
Love, Simona.
- Saturday, February 07, 2015
Hello girls.
I've previously talked about Bubblegum and Santa's lip scrub, however this year specially for Valentine's day Lush prepared another Lip Scrub, which is exciting. I had to have it especially because I'm going to run out of all my lip scrubs.
Vem, da sem že govorila o Lush pilingih za ustnice: Bubblegum in Santa's. Tokrat pa so za valentinovo pri Lushu pripravili novega in sem ga morala imet, ker mi bo vseh pilingov kmalu zmanjkalo.
I've previously talked about Bubblegum and Santa's lip scrub, however this year specially for Valentine's day Lush prepared another Lip Scrub, which is exciting. I had to have it especially because I'm going to run out of all my lip scrubs.
Vem, da sem že govorila o Lush pilingih za ustnice: Bubblegum in Santa's. Tokrat pa so za valentinovo pri Lushu pripravili novega in sem ga morala imet, ker mi bo vseh pilingov kmalu zmanjkalo.
- Tuesday, February 03, 2015
In December I went on a spending ban which was totally my decision, so this month I decided to spend some money on products on sale which I'm totally happy about because I got some really nice products.
1. Chanel Le Crayon Yeux - No. 58 Berry (eye pencil)
A drugstore in my town was closing off so they had almost everything half off. Because they were out of lipsticks I chose this eye pencil. I should've bought a lip liner as well, but oh well.
In December I went on a spending ban which was totally my decision, so this month I decided to spend some money on products on sale which I'm totally happy about because I got some really nice products.
1. Chanel Le Crayon Yeux - No. 58 Berry (eye pencil)
A drugstore in my town was closing off so they had almost everything half off. Because they were out of lipsticks I chose this eye pencil. I should've bought a lip liner as well, but oh well.
- Sunday, February 01, 2015