Say goodbye to itchy & irritated skin with Eucerin ph5 ♥
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Živjo punce !
V oktobru sem od podjetja Eucerin prejela sledeči izdelek: ph5 losjon za telo. Sprva sem pomislila: oh joj še en losjon, ki ga bom morala dodati k svoji ogromni zbirki "losjonov, ki jih nikoli ne porabim do konca". Sama sem glede negovanja kože na telesu precej lena, saj se mi ne da ubadati z losjoni, vendar pa vedno poskrbim, da je moja koža na nogah dobro navlažena z Lush Dream Cream losjonom (katerega mi je ravnokar zmanjkalo :( )
Kaj pravi Eucerin?
Vzrokov za občutljivo kožo je veliko, skupaj z temperaturami, pada tudi naša odpornost telesa in najbolj izpostavljen organ je prav koža.
V oktobru sem od podjetja Eucerin prejela sledeči izdelek: ph5 losjon za telo. Sprva sem pomislila: oh joj še en losjon, ki ga bom morala dodati k svoji ogromni zbirki "losjonov, ki jih nikoli ne porabim do konca". Sama sem glede negovanja kože na telesu precej lena, saj se mi ne da ubadati z losjoni, vendar pa vedno poskrbim, da je moja koža na nogah dobro navlažena z Lush Dream Cream losjonom (katerega mi je ravnokar zmanjkalo :( )
Kaj pravi Eucerin?
Vzrokov za občutljivo kožo je veliko, skupaj z temperaturami, pada tudi naša odpornost telesa in najbolj izpostavljen organ je prav koža.
Eucerin pH5 losjon kožo ščiti pred zunanjimi vplivi ter pomaga vzpodbujati naravni ščit kože. Bil je razvit posebej za potrebe občutljive kože na telesu.
Vsebuje pH5 encimsko zaščito, ki aktivira koži lastne encime zaščite. Od znotraj pomaga obnoviti pH raven ter vzpodbuja obnavljanje kože, prav tako pa napolni koži lastne zaloge vlage za do 24 ur. Prepreči 90% prodiranje cvetnega prahu v kožo. Deksapantenol pa spodbuja celjenje ran. Losjon je primeren je za vsakodnevno uporabo.
Znotraj linije lahko najdete izdelke: losjon, krema, negovalno olje, losjon za umivanje, fluid za intimno zaščito, stik ter balzam za nego ustnic, krema za roke, olje za prhanje, trdo milo ter gel za prhanje.
Več o občutljivi koži ter negi lahko najdete tukaj.
Eucerin says:
Eucerin pH5 Skin-Protection Lotion is a gentle yet effective body lotion developed specifically for the needs of sensitive body skin. The formula contains 5% Dexpanthenol, an active ingredient that stimulates skin regeneration and strengthens skin's natural defences. It protects skin from irritation, has wound healing properties, and boosts skin’s natural moisture production with every use. Use daily for long-lasting protection and soft, smooth skin.
More about sensitive skin and products: here.
Eucerin says:
Eucerin pH5 Skin-Protection Lotion is a gentle yet effective body lotion developed specifically for the needs of sensitive body skin. The formula contains 5% Dexpanthenol, an active ingredient that stimulates skin regeneration and strengthens skin's natural defences. It protects skin from irritation, has wound healing properties, and boosts skin’s natural moisture production with every use. Use daily for long-lasting protection and soft, smooth skin.
More about sensitive skin and products: here.
Moja izkušnja:
Tekstura je na začetku malce gosta pa vendar je zelo lahkotna. Zelo enostavno se razmaže ter se res hitro vpije. Za seboj pusti svilnat, mehak ter popolnoma nemasten občutek. Vonj pa je precej nevtralen in meni tudi pomirjajoč. Super za ljudi, katerim so močni vonji odveč.
Mojo kožo lepo navlaži, vendar ne morem reči, da je najbolj hranilen losjon saj ne pušča mastnega sloja. Pa vendar ni namenjen suhi temveč pa občutljivi koži: torej, da jo predvsem pomirja. Za izredno izsušeno kožo bi bila bolj primerna linija Urea. Najbolje pa je, da ta losjon res pomirja kožo, še posebej na nogah, kadar je razdražena zaradi britja ali depiliranja. Prav tako tudi na rokah kadar me zaradi prekomernega umivanja srbi koža, vendar mi običajno še tako "mastne" in hranljive kreme ne pomagajo. Torej, sama bom ta losjon uporabljala po potrebi, vmes pa bom posegla po bolj hranljivemu izdelku. Sama imam z kozmetiko iz "lekarne" dobre izkušnje, saj običajno deluje. In pa tudi verjamem, da če ima kdo težave z alergijami, se tam najprej najdejo izdelki, ki ne dražijo kože, saj je kozmetika dobro testirana. Cena tega losjona se mi tudi ne zdi pretirana.
Priporočena MP cena: 10,09€
My experience:
When you squeeze out the product. it seems quite thick, however the texture is nicely light. Application is easy and it absorbs into the skin almost immediately while leaving behind a nice silky, soft feeling which is not greasy to the touch. Is has a calming, neutral scent which could be prefered by anyone.
My skin on the body is quite dry, especially on the legs, where it looks a bit like "snake-skin" if I don't moisturize it properly. Other than that, when it becomes cold outside, my hands get itchy because they are so dry and same goes for legs. Also when I get out of the shower, my legs can get itchy. I do tend to moisturize those parts mostly, however sometimes even the thickest creams don't help. What I like about this lotion is that it really calms my skin without leaving a greasy layer. It is not the most moisturizing lotion but sometimes that's all you need to prevent yourself from scratching and harming the outer layer of skin. If you suffer from really dry skin then Urea line might be more appropriate for you.
My experience:
When you squeeze out the product. it seems quite thick, however the texture is nicely light. Application is easy and it absorbs into the skin almost immediately while leaving behind a nice silky, soft feeling which is not greasy to the touch. Is has a calming, neutral scent which could be prefered by anyone.
My skin on the body is quite dry, especially on the legs, where it looks a bit like "snake-skin" if I don't moisturize it properly. Other than that, when it becomes cold outside, my hands get itchy because they are so dry and same goes for legs. Also when I get out of the shower, my legs can get itchy. I do tend to moisturize those parts mostly, however sometimes even the thickest creams don't help. What I like about this lotion is that it really calms my skin without leaving a greasy layer. It is not the most moisturizing lotion but sometimes that's all you need to prevent yourself from scratching and harming the outer layer of skin. If you suffer from really dry skin then Urea line might be more appropriate for you.
Zanimiv tale losjon, ampak jaz sem tudi kar lena, kar se tiče uporabe losjonov (se mi sploh ne zdi, da bi imela po telesu suho kožo) :) Bolj me ponavadi podplati pa roke matrajo :D Bi pa očitno ta losjon bil definitivno primeren za koga, ki ima občutljivo kožo :)
ReplyDeleteJaz pa imam fuuul suho kožo na nogah (pod koleni navzdol), tako da če je ne negujem, izgleda luskasto :/ Drugač pa zdaj pozimi me tudi po rokah srbi koža :)
DeleteUuuuf .. celo srbi? Zveni res nadležno.. ti pa res drugo ne preostane, kot da neguješ ;)
ReplyDeleteJa ! trudim, ampak je meni tak nadležno to mazanje losjonov, ampak jih imam tolikoo :O
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