Products I've been loving in: February, March & April
Saturday, May 07, 2016
Hello girls !
Of course February flew away so fast and then I had so many posts waiting at the end of the month, so I decided to extend these favorite into March. Well we're at the end of April and finally I'm posting this. Crazy, I know. However I had more time to test out these products that I've been enjoying using.
Živjo punce !
Po treh mesecih končno spet o objava o trenutno najljubših izdelkih. Ne morem verjet, da sem preskočila tako februar kot marec. Kakorkoli, to so izdelki, katere sem z veseljem uporabljala te 3 mesece in jih bom seveda imela rada še naprej.
Max Factor - Velvet Volume False Lash Effect mascara
Finally I got back to this mascara, after using up two of my mascaras from a stash of overload of mascaras. I just love the spiky brush (though be careful with it) which separates every lash. It gives just enough volume and length. It's great for every day use, however if I wanted a dramatic effect I'd use something else. Read a review here.
Končno sem porabila dve starejši maskari in sem se nato vrnila k tej. Res ima čudovito krtačko, katera loči vsako posamezno trepalnico ter podari dovolj volumna in dolžine. Lahko bi bila bolj volumenska, ampak me ne moti, ker je uporaba res enostavna. Ščetine so zelo špičaste tako, da lahko malo dražijo oko - odvisno kako nanašate maskaro. Si pa želim preizkusit še kakšno Max Factorjevo maskaro. Oceno ter več slik si lahko pogledate tukaj.
One of my favorite products from 2015 found it's way into favorites again. It was just perfect shade for cold days, when I needed some color on my face. It's a natural, not too pink shade. Also texture is just very nice and it blends easily. Review here.
To rdečilo se je znašlo tudi v mojih favoritih leta 2015. Naravnost čudovito je. In kot vidite po fotografiji, tudi ni več zaobljeno, ker ga precej rada uporabljam. Popoln, naraven odtenek, ki ni preveč roza, tekstura pa je čudovita, saj se enostavno zabriše na ličkih. Oceno najdeš tukaj.
Lush - Buffy Body Butter
One of my favorite Lush products which I probably haven't featured yet. I bought it two years ago and after using it up, it found its way again into my shower. Lately I've been enjoying it, so it definitely deserves a mention. It's a body butter which has ground rice and ground almonds in it, so it exfoliates the skin. Besides that it contains Fair Trade Organic Cocoa Butter and Fair Trade Shea Butter which leave your skin soft and moisturized, so you don't need any lotion after your get out of the shower. It's great for those difficult areas: butt and the back of thighs because it's speeds up the circulation and might help with cellulite. The scent is quite neutral with a bit of lavender and lemon oil, however I just love how my skin feels afterwards.
O tem izdelku še nisem povedala kaj veliko in ker sem ga spet začela uporabljat sem se odločila, da ga vključim tudi v to objavo. To je v bistvu maslena ploščica. Medtem, ko si z njo pod tušem naredite fajni piling s pomočjo mletega riža in mandljev, hkrati tudi vlaži kožo. V bistvu karitejevo ter kakavovo maslo ustvarita tak prijeten sloj na koži, kakor da bi se namazali z losjonom. Včasih sem glede losjonov za telo precej lena in mi je takšna zadeva super. Vonj je zelo nežen, obožujem pa mehak občutek na koži. Priporočam tudi za uporabo na "težavnih" predelih: npr. na riti in zadnji strani stegen, da spodbudite cirkulacijo in mogoče tudi pomaga proti celulitu. Imate pa tudi na voljo npr. King of Skin, ki pa ne vsebuje delcev oz. pilinga.
Po treh mesecih končno spet o objava o trenutno najljubših izdelkih. Ne morem verjet, da sem preskočila tako februar kot marec. Kakorkoli, to so izdelki, katere sem z veseljem uporabljala te 3 mesece in jih bom seveda imela rada še naprej.
Deborah Radiance Creator Concealer
When I saw these in the press release, they instantly reminded me of YSL Touche Eclat Pen Highlighter, which I own as well. So I wanted to see how these compare. Instantly, the formula of Deborah ones is a bit lighter and has less coverage. The trick with these pens is that you brush the product on a preferred area (in my case: under eyes), wait a minute and then blend in. That's how you get a nice highlighted effect but still a nice coverage. They settle in my lines just a bit. If your under eye area is quite blue/purple, I recommend using a corrector first. The only problem I have with such pens is that if you click too many times, the product sometimes spills out. Shade 01 is quite light with yellow undertone which is really highlighting. Shade 02 is more natural with a peachy undertone which suits my under eye area the best.
When I saw these in the press release, they instantly reminded me of YSL Touche Eclat Pen Highlighter, which I own as well. So I wanted to see how these compare. Instantly, the formula of Deborah ones is a bit lighter and has less coverage. The trick with these pens is that you brush the product on a preferred area (in my case: under eyes), wait a minute and then blend in. That's how you get a nice highlighted effect but still a nice coverage. They settle in my lines just a bit. If your under eye area is quite blue/purple, I recommend using a corrector first. The only problem I have with such pens is that if you click too many times, the product sometimes spills out. Shade 01 is quite light with yellow undertone which is really highlighting. Shade 02 is more natural with a peachy undertone which suits my under eye area the best.
Eden izmed izdelkov, ki spominja na YSL Touche Eclat. Ker imam tega tudi sama, me je zanimala primerjava. Tekstura je definitivno lažja in ni tako prekrivna, zato se ne more primerjat z YSL. Kljub temu so mi všeč. Čopič na koncu omogoča, da izdelek lepo razporediš pod očesi, počakaš kakšno minuto, šele nato zabrišeš izdelek in učinek je malce osvetljujoč in pa tudi podari nekaj prekrivnosti. Za večjo prekrivnost svetujem kot osnovo še kakšen korektor. Ti osvetljevalci so mi najbolj všeč zaradi embalaže ter čopiča, čeprav se kdaj zgodi, da prevečkrat klikneš in priteče preveč izdelka. Odtenek 01 je malce rumenkast in zelo svetel - super za osvetljevanje. Odtenek 02 je bolj naraven z mareličnim podtonom in se prilagaja mojemu tenu kože.
Max Factor - Velvet Volume False Lash Effect mascara
Finally I got back to this mascara, after using up two of my mascaras from a stash of overload of mascaras. I just love the spiky brush (though be careful with it) which separates every lash. It gives just enough volume and length. It's great for every day use, however if I wanted a dramatic effect I'd use something else. Read a review here.
Končno sem porabila dve starejši maskari in sem se nato vrnila k tej. Res ima čudovito krtačko, katera loči vsako posamezno trepalnico ter podari dovolj volumna in dolžine. Lahko bi bila bolj volumenska, ampak me ne moti, ker je uporaba res enostavna. Ščetine so zelo špičaste tako, da lahko malo dražijo oko - odvisno kako nanašate maskaro. Si pa želim preizkusit še kakšno Max Factorjevo maskaro. Oceno ter več slik si lahko pogledate tukaj.
Alverde Color & Care (Mix Your Make-up) - Hell (light)
I was so excited when I saw this in DM drugstore. It's a lightening primer for foundations that are too dark. I always have problem with finding the right foundation shade because I'm literaly pale as a ghost. This comes in handy: you just mix foundation and this liquid/cream on the back of your hand and apply it onto the face as usual. Though ff your foundation is three shades darker it might not work as well. It does change the consistency of the foundation, however I don't mind it. I also want to get my hands onto TBS Shade Adjusting Drops.
I was so excited when I saw this in DM drugstore. It's a lightening primer for foundations that are too dark. I always have problem with finding the right foundation shade because I'm literaly pale as a ghost. This comes in handy: you just mix foundation and this liquid/cream on the back of your hand and apply it onto the face as usual. Though ff your foundation is three shades darker it might not work as well. It does change the consistency of the foundation, however I don't mind it. I also want to get my hands onto TBS Shade Adjusting Drops.
To je bilo letošnje najboljše odkritje. Ker imam porcelanasto polt zelo težko najdem najsvetlejši odtenek pudra. Tako mi najbolj ustreza Revlon Colorstay - 150 Buff, vendar to ni podlaga "za vsak dan". Tako imam še veliko drugih, ki so kar temnejše kar je zelo moteče, saj vsakdo opazi razliko med odtenkom vratu ter obraza. To podlago pa zmešate s pudrom (sama dam razmerje 1:1, če je podlaga precej temnejša) - jaz nanesem kar na roko, ter pomešam s čopičem. Odtenek pudra pa je tako svetlejši vsaj za en odtenek. Res je, da se moreš navadit na mešanje, ampak je super zadeva. Vem, da obstajajo še npr. The Body Shop kapljice za posvetlitev pudra ampak se jih ne da dobit pri nas. Cena tega izdelka: 3,49€ (dm).
Max Factor Creme Puff Blush - Lavish MauveOne of my favorite products from 2015 found it's way into favorites again. It was just perfect shade for cold days, when I needed some color on my face. It's a natural, not too pink shade. Also texture is just very nice and it blends easily. Review here.
To rdečilo se je znašlo tudi v mojih favoritih leta 2015. Naravnost čudovito je. In kot vidite po fotografiji, tudi ni več zaobljeno, ker ga precej rada uporabljam. Popoln, naraven odtenek, ki ni preveč roza, tekstura pa je čudovita, saj se enostavno zabriše na ličkih. Oceno najdeš tukaj.
Lush - Buffy Body Butter
One of my favorite Lush products which I probably haven't featured yet. I bought it two years ago and after using it up, it found its way again into my shower. Lately I've been enjoying it, so it definitely deserves a mention. It's a body butter which has ground rice and ground almonds in it, so it exfoliates the skin. Besides that it contains Fair Trade Organic Cocoa Butter and Fair Trade Shea Butter which leave your skin soft and moisturized, so you don't need any lotion after your get out of the shower. It's great for those difficult areas: butt and the back of thighs because it's speeds up the circulation and might help with cellulite. The scent is quite neutral with a bit of lavender and lemon oil, however I just love how my skin feels afterwards.
O tem izdelku še nisem povedala kaj veliko in ker sem ga spet začela uporabljat sem se odločila, da ga vključim tudi v to objavo. To je v bistvu maslena ploščica. Medtem, ko si z njo pod tušem naredite fajni piling s pomočjo mletega riža in mandljev, hkrati tudi vlaži kožo. V bistvu karitejevo ter kakavovo maslo ustvarita tak prijeten sloj na koži, kakor da bi se namazali z losjonom. Včasih sem glede losjonov za telo precej lena in mi je takšna zadeva super. Vonj je zelo nežen, obožujem pa mehak občutek na koži. Priporočam tudi za uporabo na "težavnih" predelih: npr. na riti in zadnji strani stegen, da spodbudite cirkulacijo in mogoče tudi pomaga proti celulitu. Imate pa tudi na voljo npr. King of Skin, ki pa ne vsebuje delcev oz. pilinga.
Alessandro Veggie Carrot & Orange Nail Cream
Unfortunately these little nail cuticle creams are limited edition, however Alessandro often makes these in different scents. It's a nice, light cream which is not greasy at all, however nicely hydrating. Also the smell is really fresh, just up my alley.
Unfortunately these little nail cuticle creams are limited edition, however Alessandro often makes these in different scents. It's a nice, light cream which is not greasy at all, however nicely hydrating. Also the smell is really fresh, just up my alley.
Žal je bila ta kremica za obnohtno kožo limitirane izdaje, vendar pogosto izdajajo različne vonje. Meni je predvsem všeč, da ni preveč mastna temveč je prijetno lahka ampak se še vedno občuti vlažilno. Vonj korenček - pomaranča pa je zelo svež - njami.
Avon Cocoa Butter Hand Cream
Though I dislike the lip butter from this line, I really like this hand cream. It's nicely moisturizing, however not too greasy, so it sinks into the skin quite quickly. It doesn't leave any layer on the skin, so it moisturized the skin from within. Also the smell is yummy but not to sweet.
Though I dislike the lip butter from this line, I really like this hand cream. It's nicely moisturizing, however not too greasy, so it sinks into the skin quite quickly. It doesn't leave any layer on the skin, so it moisturized the skin from within. Also the smell is yummy but not to sweet.
Čeprav sem v eni izmed prejšnjih objav omenila, da mi iz te linije res ni všeč maslo za ustnice, pa mi je v nasprotju ta krema za roke zelo všeč. Lepo se vpije v kožo in nahrani kožo na rokah brez mastnega občutka. Tekstura ni preveč lahka in tudi ne preveč gosta. Vonj pa je odličen, sladek vendar ne preveč.
Eucerin Lip Repair Lip Balm
In the past I didn't have any good experiences with lip balms in a liquid form, however this one really surprised me. The texture is not too liquidy and it creates a nice protective layer on the lips, which dries a bit and doesn't slide off. It feels moisturizing but not to heavy. Because it contains vitamin E+C, bisabolol and dexpanthenol, it protects and calm the lips but also it's repairing. There is no added fragrance, which is really nice.
Pogosto s takšnimi tekočimi balzami za ustnice nimam pozitivnih izkušenj, vendar je ta drugačen. Moje ustnice zaščiti, na njih ustvari zaščitni sloj, ki pa ni prav tekoč, da bi kar izginil z ustnic. Predvsem pa mi lepo nahrani ustnice brez mastnega občutka. Prav tako naj bi ustnice pomirjal in imam občutek, da jih tudi lepo obnavlja za kar gre zahvala sestavinam. Vsebuje vitamin E+C, bisabolol and dexpanthenol, vendar je brez dodanih dišav, kar mi je všeč.
Garnier Neo Dry Mist antiperspirant - Fresh Blossom
One of the new weirdest looking deodorant out there, which surprisingly works amazing on me. I especially love this Fresh Blossom scent which is fresh and a bit floral but not too much. So the circle design of the actual spray is made that way to ensure that the flow is soft and gentle to the sensitive skin. It's a bit tricky to use at first but you get used to it. It's mineral based but with no alcohol. Also it contains panthenol which is supposed to be calming on the skin. It's supposed to protect you for 48 hours, which I don't really believe, however it protects me all days long, even if I'm really active. I did notice that two light scents: Shower Clean and Pure Cotton are not that long lasting, which I'd blame solely on the scents since they are not that strong and I can smell a bit if I sweat. Also so far I didn't notice any white residue on my black clothes (yaay).
Ti dezodoranti so kar super. Najbolj mi je všeč vonj Fresh Blossom, ker je zelo svež in ni preveč cvetličen. Dizajn je povsem nekaj nenavadnega, vendar super za tiste, ki imate občutljive podpazduhe, saj je iztisk zelo nežen. Krogec malce otežuje, da točno umerite špric na tisto željeno mesto, vendar pri meni vseeno to ni velik problem. Gre za antiperspirant na mineralni osnovi, ki pa ne vsebuje alkohola. Vsebuje pa tudi pantenol za pomiritev. Zaščiti me cel dan, kar mi je super saj včasih potrebujem več zaščite. Prav tako na mojih črnih oblačilih nisem zasledila, da bi puščal belih sledi. Edino kar še morem omenit je to, da nekateri vonji na meni ne zdržijo tako dolgo. Verjetno, ker niso tako intenzivni, hitreje "zavoham", da sem se spotila. To težavo imam pri vonjih: Shower Clean in Pure Cotton, ki pa sta prijetno nežna ter se ne tepeta z vonjem parfuma.

Meni osebno so Garnier Neo antiperspiranti eni boljših v zadnjem času, saj me prijeten svež vonj sprelja čez cel dan in tudi znojenje ni tako intenzivno, vseeno pa je moj favorit še vedno Borotalco. Prav tako že dolgo razmišljam o nakupu Creme Puff Blusha od Max Factorja, izgleda naravnost čudovito. xx
ReplyDeleteMeni tudi, sploh zato ker sem pristašica Rexone in se mi zdi, da se redko kateri lahko približa njihovi kvaliteti :) Borotalco pa mi očitno ne ustreza tako morala edino različico v roll-onu probat.
DeleteJa, če se ti kateri odtenek res dopade, ga kar kupi...jaz tega redno uporabljam, kar je presenetljivo glede na to, da sem vedno bila obsedena z mareličnimi odtenki :)
Tudi mene so Garnier antiperspiranti pozitivno presenetili, in se mi zelo dopadejo. Imam pa z mojo embalažo problem, in sicer po občutku se mi zdi da sem prišla nekje do polovice, in se je očitno pršilka zamašila al nekaj, ker nič več ne pride ven. Nisem pa pri nobeni videla, da bi poročala o čem takem. :/ Res škoda.
ReplyDeleteEj meni se je isto zgodilo !!! Včeraj sem ga hotela uporabit in nič ne pride ven. In ko pretresem pločevinko je prazna, kot da bi izpuhtel izdelek ven :S
DeletePri tej embalaži se mi zdi kot, da se dela norca iz mene. 2 tedna nazaj sem na hotela nazadnje uporabiti, in ker pršilka ni delala sem ga odložila na polici, in ga nisem več uporabljala. Se mi je pa zdelo, da mora biti še približno polovica izdelka notri. Danes sem ga pa za foro probala je pa pršilka normalno delala, ampak je pa vsebine občutno manj notri. Nič jasno. :/ Vsake 3 tedne pa res ne mislim kupovat novega deodoranta.