Zoeva Rose Golden Luxury Set Vol. 2
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Živjo punce!
Že dolgo nisem govorila o čopičih za ličenje. To je zato, ker dolgo nisem posodobila svoje kolekcije. Vedno pa sem opazovala čudovite Zoeva čopiče. Ne gre le za to, da izgledajo tako čudovito in fotogenično, ampak sem slišala same pohvale glede kvalitete. Zato sem si zadala, da bom morda v prihodnosti kupila vsaj kakšen čopič za nanos pudra, saj se mi ta zdi najbolj pomemben. Vendar čopiči prihajajo iz Nemčije ter jih moreš naročiti preko spleta pri čemer plačaš še poštnino ali pa se odpraviš v sosednjo Avstrijo. Tako sem si lani za rojstni dan zaželela samo "Buffer" čopič, dobila pa cel set. In ne, nočem se hvalit, ampak želim pomagati pri nakupu oz. vam sporočiti ali so vredni denarja.
Hi girls !
It's been a long time since I've talked about brushes. It was a long time since I bought any brushes. I knew I needed some new ones and of course I spotted Zoeva brushes. They not only look gorgeous, but everyone was raving about them. So initially I really wanted a foundation brush, however you have to order them online from Germany and pay for shipping or visit neighbour country such as Austria. I made a wish for my birthday, to get a Buffer brush, however my boyfriend bought a whole set. I'm still very happy and won't forget this gift. But mostly I want to share my experience with you.
Hi girls !
It's been a long time since I've talked about brushes. It was a long time since I bought any brushes. I knew I needed some new ones and of course I spotted Zoeva brushes. They not only look gorgeous, but everyone was raving about them. So initially I really wanted a foundation brush, however you have to order them online from Germany and pay for shipping or visit neighbour country such as Austria. I made a wish for my birthday, to get a Buffer brush, however my boyfriend bought a whole set. I'm still very happy and won't forget this gift. But mostly I want to share my experience with you.
Gre za set 8 čopičev med katerimi so 4 iz sintetičnih/umetnih dlak ter 4 iz pravih/živalskih dlak. Naj omenim, da sem pred tem imela v zbirki samo sintetične čopiče. Seveda mi je malce žal, da so živalskega izvora. Pravijo pa, da se takšni čopiči na dolgi rok boljše obnesejo. Kljub ima Zoeva na voljo tudi popolnoma veganske čopiče.
Pri Zoevi vedo kako narediti čudovite čopiče na pogled, katere odlikuje tudi odlična kvaliteta. Glede tega nimam nobenih pripomb saj tudi dlake ne izpadajo. Držala pa so narejena iz lesa ter vzdržljive medenine. Razlika v primerjavi z sintetičnimi ščetinami ni tako velika po občutku. Lahko le rečem, da so mehkejši kot RT in BH Bamboo. Tako se opazi pri nanosu ličil, da je zabrisovanje enostavnejše. Kljub temu to ne pomeni, da če se ne poznaš na nanos ličil, da bo končni izdelek na obrazu izgledal brez napak. Čeprav nisem ljubiteljica roza barve, pa so mi že od začetka ti čopiči iz Rose Golden Vol. 2 kolekcije nekako padli v oči, saj jih takoj opaziš in izstopajo sedaj tudi na moji polički. Imaš pa na izbiro tudi kakšno bolj klasično barvo, tako da je za vsakogar nekaj.
Čiščenje je enostavno. Sama vedno čistim čopiče s trdim milom saj je poceni in učinkovito. Pri Zoeva čopičih pa me je skrbelo kako se bodo očistili saj so beli in včasih uporabljam tudi precej temna senčila. Kljub temu z milom odpravim vse nečistoče in izgledajo kot novi. Preden se začnejo sušiti sem opazila, da morem predvsem čopiče iz pravih dlak malce poravnati, saj dlake hitro štrlijo, če jih pustim kar na miru. Seveda pa je še bolje če so nagnjeni navzdol, da voda ne odteka po držalu navzdol, kar bi lahko vplivalo na vzdržljivost.
This is a set of 8 face and eye brushes made of 4 brushes with synthetic taklon hair and 4 real/animal hair brushes. Though some may be bothered by using animal hair, I'm pretty sure Zoeva says every product is 100% cruelty free. Before my brushes were all synthetic, however they say that brushes made with real hair are more sustainable and get damaged later. Though you can get a vegan brush set as well.
These brushes are beautiful to look at, but mostly they are high quality. As the handles are made of genuine wood with brass ferrule. To be honest, when you first feel them they don't seem that much different than any synthetic brushes. Though they are a bit softer in comparison to RT or BH Bamboo brushes. I do feel like I notice difference when applying my makeup. The softness is present and blending gets a bit easier. However if you're bad at applying makeup, these won't save you. I eyed these Rose Golden Vol. 2 brushes for a long time, even though I'm not a fan of pink, but these are just beautiful and look special on your vanity. Though you can choose from many other sets and stuff if you like something else.
Cleaning is easy, even though I was concerned with the witness of the brushes. I simply cleanse them with solid soap, which seems to be efficient and cheap. Before getting them to dry, especially with the real hair brushes, I have to fix the hairs a bit, so they stay looking nice. And a good tip is to dry them tilting downwards to avoid water in the handles and ferrule.
Čiščenje je enostavno. Sama vedno čistim čopiče s trdim milom saj je poceni in učinkovito. Pri Zoeva čopičih pa me je skrbelo kako se bodo očistili saj so beli in včasih uporabljam tudi precej temna senčila. Kljub temu z milom odpravim vse nečistoče in izgledajo kot novi. Preden se začnejo sušiti sem opazila, da morem predvsem čopiče iz pravih dlak malce poravnati, saj dlake hitro štrlijo, če jih pustim kar na miru. Seveda pa je še bolje če so nagnjeni navzdol, da voda ne odteka po držalu navzdol, kar bi lahko vplivalo na vzdržljivost.
This is a set of 8 face and eye brushes made of 4 brushes with synthetic taklon hair and 4 real/animal hair brushes. Though some may be bothered by using animal hair, I'm pretty sure Zoeva says every product is 100% cruelty free. Before my brushes were all synthetic, however they say that brushes made with real hair are more sustainable and get damaged later. Though you can get a vegan brush set as well.
These brushes are beautiful to look at, but mostly they are high quality. As the handles are made of genuine wood with brass ferrule. To be honest, when you first feel them they don't seem that much different than any synthetic brushes. Though they are a bit softer in comparison to RT or BH Bamboo brushes. I do feel like I notice difference when applying my makeup. The softness is present and blending gets a bit easier. However if you're bad at applying makeup, these won't save you. I eyed these Rose Golden Vol. 2 brushes for a long time, even though I'm not a fan of pink, but these are just beautiful and look special on your vanity. Though you can choose from many other sets and stuff if you like something else.
Cleaning is easy, even though I was concerned with the witness of the brushes. I simply cleanse them with solid soap, which seems to be efficient and cheap. Before getting them to dry, especially with the real hair brushes, I have to fix the hairs a bit, so they stay looking nice. And a good tip is to dry them tilting downwards to avoid water in the handles and ferrule.
(104 Buffer*, 109 Luxe Face Paint, 126 Luxe Cheek Finish)
104 Buffer* čopič je odličen za nanos tekoče podlage. Ne vsrka preveč podlage in nanos je brezhiben. Ker je čopič zelo velik, ne potrebuješ veliko truda za nanos podlage. Prav tako na koži ne pušča sledi ščetin in podlaga izgleda zelo lepo. Zabrisovanje je odvisno od teksture pudra. Zelo je podoben RT Buffing čopiču, vendar je mehkejši ter večji, zato je zabrisovanje pudra še enostavnejše. Pa vendar sem kasneje kupila še Silk Finish čopič, ki je še boljši za nanos podlage.
109 Luxe Face Paint čopič je popoln za konturiranje oz. senčenje obraza saj se lepo prilega v vdolbino pod ličnicami. Za zabrisovanje konture, čopič premikam gor in dol.
126 Luxe Cheek Finish je čudovit in zelo mehak čopič za nanos rdečila ali bronzerja. Sicer sem vedno bila vajena poševnega čopiča za takšen nanos, vendar mi je ta res super za rdečilo, saj ne pobere preveč izdelka in običajno ne pretiravam z intenzivnostjo rdečila. Za bronzer uporabljam kaj drugega.
104 Buffer* čopič je odličen za nanos tekoče podlage. Ne vsrka preveč podlage in nanos je brezhiben. Ker je čopič zelo velik, ne potrebuješ veliko truda za nanos podlage. Prav tako na koži ne pušča sledi ščetin in podlaga izgleda zelo lepo. Zabrisovanje je odvisno od teksture pudra. Zelo je podoben RT Buffing čopiču, vendar je mehkejši ter večji, zato je zabrisovanje pudra še enostavnejše. Pa vendar sem kasneje kupila še Silk Finish čopič, ki je še boljši za nanos podlage.
109 Luxe Face Paint čopič je popoln za konturiranje oz. senčenje obraza saj se lepo prilega v vdolbino pod ličnicami. Za zabrisovanje konture, čopič premikam gor in dol.
126 Luxe Cheek Finish je čudovit in zelo mehak čopič za nanos rdečila ali bronzerja. Sicer sem vedno bila vajena poševnega čopiča za takšen nanos, vendar mi je ta res super za rdečilo, saj ne pobere preveč izdelka in običajno ne pretiravam z intenzivnostjo rdečila. Za bronzer uporabljam kaj drugega.
104 Buffer*: Apply and blend foundation
Is a perfect foundation brush. It's flat and blends foundation easily. Because it's big it takes me less time to apply foundation and the result is perfect. Though if you have a really heavy foundation it still might take more time, as usual. It reminds me of RT Buffing brush, however it's much softer and bigger. Later I also bought Silk Finish brush which I think is even softer and better at blending some foundations.
Is a perfect foundation brush. It's flat and blends foundation easily. Because it's big it takes me less time to apply foundation and the result is perfect. Though if you have a really heavy foundation it still might take more time, as usual. It reminds me of RT Buffing brush, however it's much softer and bigger. Later I also bought Silk Finish brush which I think is even softer and better at blending some foundations.
109 Luxe Face Paint: Contour and shape with powder
This brush is perfect to get those chiselled cheeks and contouring all face. To blend, I use up and down motions.
This brush is perfect to get those chiselled cheeks and contouring all face. To blend, I use up and down motions.
126 Luxe Cheek Finish: Apply powder, blush and bronzer
I mainly use this brush for cheeks. Event though I wasn't used to that kind of shape, it's really nice and helps me not to get too much product on the cheeks.
I mainly use this brush for cheeks. Event though I wasn't used to that kind of shape, it's really nice and helps me not to get too much product on the cheeks.
(226 Smudger*, 228 Luxe Crease, 234 Luxe Smoky Shader, 317 Wing Liner*, 322 Brow Line*)
226 Smudger* je precej trd čopič saj je namenjen samo zabrisovanju črte. Pri svojih makeup izgledih ga verjetno najmanj uporabljam, ker nisem pristaš takšnega ličenja oz. nekako nisem navajena na takšen čopič.
228 Luxe Crease je čudovit, mehak čopič za zabrisovanje senčil. Za enostaven izgled lahko samo s tem čopičem nanesem rahlo plast senčila čez celotno veko. Drugače pa lepo zabriše ostre robove. Kljub temu, da je zelo mehak, ima dobro strukturo, da je nanašanje enostavno.
234 Luxe Smoky Shader je večji čopič za nanos senčila. Ni poseben vendar je super za nanos, ker je pravšnje velikosti za nanos senčila čez celotno veko..
317 Wing Liner* je čopič za nanos črtala ter popolno linijo. Je zelo precizen in omogoča res ostro linijo.
322 Brow Line* je čopič nanos izdelkov na obrvi. Je precej trd, krajši čopič, ki omogoča precizne linije. Pa vseeno ga redkeje uporabljam, ker redko uporabljam senčila za obrvi v prahu.
*sintetične dlake / synthetic taklon hair
**opisi čopičev si sledijo kot po vrsti na fotografijah / description of brushes matches to order on the picture
226 Smudger*: Softly apply and blend eyeshadow along the lash line
This brush is quite dense and would be only great for blending the eyeshadow on the lash line. It's not my favorite because I'm not into that kind of makeup.
This brush is quite dense and would be only great for blending the eyeshadow on the lash line. It's not my favorite because I'm not into that kind of makeup.
228 Luxe Crease: Blend transitions to a seamless finish
This is my favorite eyeshadow brush. It's so soft and blends eyeshadow seamlessly. Also I use it to apply an eyeshadow all over the lid.
This is my favorite eyeshadow brush. It's so soft and blends eyeshadow seamlessly. Also I use it to apply an eyeshadow all over the lid.
234 Luxe Smoky Shader: Apply and blend eyeshadow for a smoky finish
This eyeshadow brush is typical one for applying eyeshadow all over the lid. It's not that special however is just great to use.
This eyeshadow brush is typical one for applying eyeshadow all over the lid. It's not that special however is just great to use.
317 Wing Liner*: Apply eyeliner with the perfect flick
This brush applies liner perfectly as it is very thin and precise.
This brush applies liner perfectly as it is very thin and precise.
322 Brow Line*: Apply eyebrow products for perfectly shaped brows
And the last one, is for applying brow powder or pomade. Though I don't use it much because I tend to stick to only tinted eyebrow mascara. Though it's precise.
And the last one, is for applying brow powder or pomade. Though I don't use it much because I tend to stick to only tinted eyebrow mascara. Though it's precise.
*sintetične dlake / synthetic taklon hair
**opisi čopičev si sledijo kot po vrsti na fotografijah / description of brushes matches to order on the picture
Hkrati pa s setom prejmeš čudovito rose-gold torbico (24 x 18 cm), ki je super za prenašanje čopičev na potovanja ali pa jo uporabiš kot "clutch" oz. večerno torbico. Ni majhna, tako da vanjo lahko spraviš tudi veliko ličil. Na vsakem držalu posebej pa tudi piše tip čopiča, kar je zelo priročno.
Skratka če razčlenim je vsak čopič nekje 10€ kar sploh ni tako drago v primerjavi z povprečnimi RT. Vsekakor so pa zelo bolj poceni kot pa npr. MAC čopiči ter delujejo kot profesionalni.
Sama sem z kvaliteto čopičev zelo zadovoljna in upam, da mi bodo služili še mnoga leta.
Cena: 79€ (set najdete na uradni spletni strani tukaj & sedaj tudi na Beautybay.com)
With the set you also get a beautiful clutch to travel with brushes or use it even as an actual evening bag. It's quite a big one so I would also fit a lot of makeup in it. Another detail on the brushes is that each one has a handy name/type written on the handles.
I think these brushes are high quality and worth the price. If I divide the price, you pay for each brush around 10€, which is not that much in comparison to RT, which can be in the same price range. Plus, if you look at MAC brushes, they are even more expensive. Though these are not the cheapest brushes out there of course. You definitely pay for the quality as these feel professional. I'm very happy to own these and hope to use them many years ahead.
Price: 79€ (available on official website here & now on Beautybay.com)
