Skincare: Uriage - Eau Thermale line
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Živjo punce.
Zadnjih nekaj tednov na blogu ni bilo toliko govora o kozmetiki za obraz. Namreč testirala sem novo linijo Eau Thermale, znamke Uriage, ki je v večji meri dostopna le v lekarnah. Za testiranje sem se odločila tudi zato, ker mi običajno lekarniška nega za obraz zelo ustreza saj ima preverjene, nežne sestavine in če imate probleme z reakcijami na sestavine, so ti izdelki tudi hipoalergeni ter dermatološko testirani. Sama se testiranju res rada posvetim v celoti in danes Vam končno lahko opišem izsledke.
Eau Thermale linija je namenjena negi izsušene oz. dehidrirane kože. Sama imam sicer mešan tip kože vendar dehidrirano povrhnjico, zato so se izdelki zdeli primerni zame. V vednost: izsušena koža je stanje kože, suha koža pa je tip kože, kateri se običajno ne spreminja.
Osnova celotne linije je eau thermale oz. termalna voda. Zakaj je le ta dobra za kožo na obrazu ?
Sama termalna voda je znana po vlaženju (zaradi velikega koncentrata mineralnih soli), pomirjanju (ker vsebuje veliko kalcija in magnezijevih soli) ter zaščiti kože (silikon učvrsti, mineralni soli pa prav tako obnovijo kožno bariero). Termalna voga v Uriage izdelkih pa izvira iz Francoskih Alp - Vir.
Uriage pravi: Linija Eau Thermale vsebuje aktivno sestavino „H20 obliž“, ki obnavlja površinski sloj kože, kadar je delovanje hidro-lipidnega sloja neustrezno. „H20 obliž“ postopoma sprošča vlažilne delce glede na potrebe kože. Celotna linija je osnovana na Uriage termalni vodi, ki obnavlja kožno bariero tako, da poveča sintezo filagrina (NMF) in klaudinov ter vsebuje tudi patentirano sestavino „Aquaxyl“, ki je sestavljena iz različnih sladkorjev. „Aquaxyl“ obnavlja medcelični cement, izboljšuje delovanje H20 „obliža“: poveča NMF zalogo, prehaja skozi površino stratum corneum-a in izboljšuje strukturo kože ter dopolnjuje učinek Uriage termalne vode (okrepi povezave med kožnimi celicami).
It's been quite a few weeks since I've talked about skincare. That's because I've been busy trying whole skincare line from Uriage. I decided to try it because I usually really like these type of brands which are available only to pharmacies. Their ingredients seem to be very gentle and products are dermatologically tested and hypoallergenic, even though I don't suffer from any reactions. And finally I can write more words about products.
Eau Thermale line is intented for dehydrated, dried out skin. My skin is usually mixed/oily, however I suffer from dehydrated epidermis, so these products seemed great for me. Also you can use it on sensitive skin.
Whole line is infused and based on thermal water. But what is actually thermal water ?
The Uriage Thermal Water comes from French Alps. It is full of mineral salts. Basically it is known to strengthen the skin barrier while being moisturising (due to mineral salts) and very soothing thanks to calcium and magnesium salts. - Source.
Prvi korak k dobro negovani koži je seveda čiščenje. Dobro očiščena koža bo boljše sprejela aktivne ter hranljive sestavine, kar pa pripomore tudi k lepi podlagi za ličenje. Kadar nosim ličila, jih sama vedno najprej odstranim z micelarno vodo. Pri čemer mi je bila Uriage micelarna voda všeč saj je lepo odstranila ličila. Nekatere trmaste maskare je sicer težje odstranila, načeloma pa je bila nežna do kože ter kar dobra. Ker sem imela majhno embalažo, sem jo seveda že porabila.
First step to good looking skin is cleansing. You need to always make sure to deep cleanse the pores, so the active ingredients from creams can really work and do their job. My preferred type of product for removing makeup is with micellar waters. In this case Uriage micellar water did the job fine, while not removing some of my stubborn mascaras. It was gentle to me. And of course I've already used up this smaller version.
Naslednji korak je drugo, globinsko čiščenje. Pri čemer trenutno uporabljam Uriage peno za čiščenje. To pa uporabim v kombinaciji plastične gobice ali ščetke za čiščenje obraza, da odstranim še odvečna ličila ter res globinsko očistim pore. Ob iztisku je pena precej gosta, kremasta ter koži daje prijeten občutek in je ne izsuši. Uporabljam jo zvečer in zjutraj, ter mi daje osvežilen občutek.
Second step is second cleansing. In which case you can use a gel, foam or creamy cleanser to remove all the remaining makeup and deeply cleanse the skin. Currently I use this Uriage foaming cleanser in combination with a plastic sponge or actual electric brush to really deeply cleanse the pores. It makes such a difference. The foam is nicely creamy and thick, plus it makes your skin feel nice and not dried out. I use it at night and in the morning and it leaves skin refreshed.
Second step is second cleansing. In which case you can use a gel, foam or creamy cleanser to remove all the remaining makeup and deeply cleanse the skin. Currently I use this Uriage foaming cleanser in combination with a plastic sponge or actual electric brush to really deeply cleanse the pores. It makes such a difference. The foam is nicely creamy and thick, plus it makes your skin feel nice and not dried out. I use it at night and in the morning and it leaves skin refreshed.
Sama linija sicer ne vsebuje tonika, vendar lahko tudi termalna voda v spreju deluje kot priprava kože na nadaljno nego. Pri čemer takšno vodo popršim na obraz ali gobico. Še najraje pa jo uporabljam tudi po uporabi različnih mask za obraz ali pilinga, saj kožo lepo pomiri ter daje občutek vlage. Super je tudi za osvežitev poleti.
Normally after all this cleansing I would use a toner, however this line doesn't have one. In this case it can be replaced with an actual thermal water in spray. I spray it onto the face or cotton pad. It soothes the skin and feels refreshing. I also love using it after a face mask or a scrub to sooth my skin and re-hydrate. Also it is lovely to use in hot summer days.
Normally after all this cleansing I would use a toner, however this line doesn't have one. In this case it can be replaced with an actual thermal water in spray. I spray it onto the face or cotton pad. It soothes the skin and feels refreshing. I also love using it after a face mask or a scrub to sooth my skin and re-hydrate. Also it is lovely to use in hot summer days.
Sledi serum za obraz kateri me je najbolj navdušil. Je zelo lahkoten, skoraj prosojen in se takoj vpije v kožo. Takšni serumi so moji najljubši ter jih sama rada uporabljam tudi kot dnevno nego. Ta serum ima sicer kot osnovno sestavino tudi hialuronsko kislino, pri čemer je dobro, da nato uporabimo še drugo nego, da se vlaga "zaklene" v kožo. Skratka serum pusti zelo prijeten, vlažilen občutek brez mastnega občutka ali sijaja ter pusti takojšen občutek hidracije. Serum je dobra rešitev, če je koža precej suha, saj lahko tako slojimo kreme. Prav tako pa prodre globlje v kožo in vsebuje več aktivnih sestavin.
Next up is serum which amazed me immediately. Drugstore serums sometimes can be still on thicker side, however this one is so liquidy, it feels like putting water and lots of moisture into the skin. I love that it sinks into my skin immediately without leaving any greasy feeling or residue. Also it doesn't makes my face shiny, which I love and that's why I would also use it on daily basis. Because it contains hyaluronic acid, a good thing would be to put a cream on top to lock in the moisture. If you have drier skin I would also recommend layering your daily cream with serums as you can get more moisture, plus serums have more active ingredients and are really good for your skin.
Next up is serum which amazed me immediately. Drugstore serums sometimes can be still on thicker side, however this one is so liquidy, it feels like putting water and lots of moisture into the skin. I love that it sinks into my skin immediately without leaving any greasy feeling or residue. Also it doesn't makes my face shiny, which I love and that's why I would also use it on daily basis. Because it contains hyaluronic acid, a good thing would be to put a cream on top to lock in the moisture. If you have drier skin I would also recommend layering your daily cream with serums as you can get more moisture, plus serums have more active ingredients and are really good for your skin.
Kot končni korak pa uporabim še Uriage lahko kremo za obraz, katera vsebuje SPF20. Tudi ta je zelo lahke teksture, vendar malce težja kot serum. Primerna je tudi za mešano kožo, ker je ne zmasti in doda dovolj hidracije. Za nočno nego pa bi verjetno potrebovala bogato kremo za obraz iz Eau Thermale linije, ker se sliši bolj hranilno.
The final product is always a face cream. Uriage offers two creams: this one and rich water cream. I opted for light one because I have oilier skin and of course it sinks into my skin quicker without leaving any greasy feeling. However for night time I would maybe need a richer cream to provide more moisture.
The final product is always a face cream. Uriage offers two creams: this one and rich water cream. I opted for light one because I have oilier skin and of course it sinks into my skin quicker without leaving any greasy feeling. However for night time I would maybe need a richer cream to provide more moisture.
Vsi izdelki imajo prijeten svež vonj, ki sicer ni naraven vendar ni premočen. Ne vsebujejo parabenov ter so nežni do kože. Produkti se mi zdijo dobri za dehidrirano kožo, vendar sem za povrnitev vlage morala slojiti serum in kremico. Nego priporočam tako dehidrirani kot mešani do mastni koži saj so izdelki lahkotnih tekstur. Prav tako so primerni za občutljivo kožo.
Hkrati pa imam občutek, da izdelki niso za zelo suho kožo saj takšna koža morda potrebuje več masl ali hranljivih olj, ki jih v tej lahkotni liniji ni. Najbolj pa se veselim uporabe seruma tudi poleti, ko ne maram težkih krem.
Hkrati pa imam občutek, da izdelki niso za zelo suho kožo saj takšna koža morda potrebuje več masl ali hranljivih olj, ki jih v tej lahkotni liniji ni. Najbolj pa se veselim uporabe seruma tudi poleti, ko ne maram težkih krem.
Vse izdelke najdete v lekarnah in tudi drogerijah Müller ter na
All of the products have the same gentle but fresh smell which is not natural but not overpowering. The products don't contain parabens and are gentle to the skin. To me they seem good for dehydrated skin, however to restore hydration I needed to layer serum and cream. I recommend the line for dehydrated or mixed/oily skin because all of the products are really light-weight. However a dry type of skin needs more good oils and butter for moisturization.
All in all, I liked the products. I especially enjoy the serum.

Fino zgleda tale linija. :)