Catrice LE Kaviar Gauche
Thursday, May 02, 2019
Živjo punce.
Pri Catrice so v aprilu lansirali novo omejeno kolekcijo Kaviar Gauche. V njej so vedno luštni izdelki, res lepi za pogledat in včasih jih je tudi škoda porabit. Pa poglejmo kaj sem testirala iz nove kolekcije, ki je že na poličkah drogerij...
Hi girls.
I'm back with new launches. This time in April, Catrice has released LE collection Kaviar Gauche. I think they release the same named collection each year but with different products. They're usually very pretty and sometimes I even want to just look at them and not use them. So let's see what I tested from this collection...
Hi girls.
I'm back with new launches. This time in April, Catrice has released LE collection Kaviar Gauche. I think they release the same named collection each year but with different products. They're usually very pretty and sometimes I even want to just look at them and not use them. So let's see what I tested from this collection...
Mini Lipstick Set - 01 Les Petits Bisous
Ta set mini šmink je čist lušten. Sama težko porabim normalno šminko, zato se mi takšne mini zadeve vedno dopadejo. V priročni škatlici najdeš 4 odtenke šmink: rjavo-nude, oranžkasto nude, oranžno ter rdečo. Njihova embalaža sicer ni najbolj vrhunska, ampak za v torbico bodo kar vredu. Najbolj pa mi je všeč železna posodica, saj ima ogledalo in lahko odstraniš plastično držalo, ter v škatlico daš kar želiš. Tudi kakšne druge makeup izdelke, gumice ipd. Je lahka in priročna za v torbico. Same šminke pa so zelo pigmentirane in zelo kremaste (razen oranžen odtenek je precej matt). Enostavno se nanašajo in z enim potegom je odtenek na ustnicah popoln. Sicer obstojnost ni najboljša, ker gre za precej kremne, vlažilne šminke. Raznoliki odtenki so mi tudi všeč.

This lipstick set is totally cute and handy. I usually have a hard time using up a normal lipstick, so I really appreciate these small versions. Plus they're easier to apply since the bullet is a bit more precise. The small tin contains four lipstick: beige-nude, brownish-nude, orange and red shade (cool toned). I really like the tin because it has a mirror and you can take out the plastic insert, so you can store whatever you want in it (mostly makeup or some bobby pins) and put it in your purse. Lipsticks are very creamy and pigmentation is amazing, so you only need one swipe. Only orange shade is quite matt. They're easy to apply and look very nice on the lips. Unfortunately because of the creamy texture, they're not long lasting. But still they're nice to have in your bag.
This lipstick set is totally cute and handy. I usually have a hard time using up a normal lipstick, so I really appreciate these small versions. Plus they're easier to apply since the bullet is a bit more precise. The small tin contains four lipstick: beige-nude, brownish-nude, orange and red shade (cool toned). I really like the tin because it has a mirror and you can take out the plastic insert, so you can store whatever you want in it (mostly makeup or some bobby pins) and put it in your purse. Lipsticks are very creamy and pigmentation is amazing, so you only need one swipe. Only orange shade is quite matt. They're easy to apply and look very nice on the lips. Unfortunately because of the creamy texture, they're not long lasting. But still they're nice to have in your bag.
Volumizing Lip Booster - 01 La Vie en Rose
Čeprav imam sama že dovolj velike ustnice in jih ne bi rada povečala, mi je ta volumenski glos padel v oko, ker je odtenek nežno roza (tako "mlečen"). Sicer je embalaža malce slabša, ker je tudi aplikator nerodno majhen in trd ter z njim na ustnice ne moreš nanesti veliko izdelka. Sicer pa mi je glos všeč. Ima vonj po mentolu in tudi malce "peče" na ustnicah, saj naj bi jih ta mentol tako povečal. Ta občutek kar hitro izgine, kar mi je okej.
And another interesting lip product is this lip booster. Not that my lips are not big enough, because I wouldn't make them bigger anyway. I just really liked the creamy pink shade. Packaging is a bit difficult because it's so slim and applicator is stiff and tiny, so you have to take some time to apply product onto your lips. Though I like the shade and texture of gloss because it's not sticky and makes my lips look nice. The menthol though stings a bit at first: it's supposed to enlarge your lips, which I didn't notice much. However the feeling disappears quickly, so it's fine.
And another interesting lip product is this lip booster. Not that my lips are not big enough, because I wouldn't make them bigger anyway. I just really liked the creamy pink shade. Packaging is a bit difficult because it's so slim and applicator is stiff and tiny, so you have to take some time to apply product onto your lips. Though I like the shade and texture of gloss because it's not sticky and makes my lips look nice. The menthol though stings a bit at first: it's supposed to enlarge your lips, which I didn't notice much. However the feeling disappears quickly, so it's fine.