Current Skincare Routine
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Kakšen mesec nazaj sem na Instagramu objavila fotografijo z izdelki, katere trenutno uporabljam za nego obraza. Ta tema še vedno ni stara, ker sem zvesta tem izdelkom (vsaj dokler jih ne porabim), vendar bom počasi vključila še kaj drugega. Odločila sem se, da z vami delim malce daljši zapis, zakaj so mi ti izdelki všeč. Naj omenim, da poleg teh izdelkov še uporabljam micelarno vodo, katero pa precej redno menjujem. Sedaj uporabljam Garnier Micellar Water, pred tem pa sem imela tudi La Roche Posay Ultra Micellar Water.
A month ago I uploaded a photo of my current skincare routine on my Instagram profile. I've been using only these products for a few months now, so I wanted to share with you, why I love them. When I use up some of them, I might try something new, since I'm a blogger and test products all the time. Besides the products you see on the picture, I also use micellar water to remove my makeup at first. Currently I use Garnier Micellar Water, but before that I used La Roche Posay Ultra Micellar Water.
A month ago I uploaded a photo of my current skincare routine on my Instagram profile. I've been using only these products for a few months now, so I wanted to share with you, why I love them. When I use up some of them, I might try something new, since I'm a blogger and test products all the time. Besides the products you see on the picture, I also use micellar water to remove my makeup at first. Currently I use Garnier Micellar Water, but before that I used La Roche Posay Ultra Micellar Water.
La Roche Posay Effaclar Purifying Foaming Gel
Effaclar linija je posebej namenjena mastni in tudi težavni koži. Izdelki so tudi prilagojeni občutljivemu tipu kože. Ta gel sem uporabljala že pred leti, vendar se mi je takrat zdelo, da je preveč agresiven. Ta nova embalaža čistilnega gela pa mi ne povzroča nobenih težav. Prav všeč mi je. Prozoren gel se nežno speni in ima tudi nežen vonj. Po uporabi je koža dobro očiščena ter odstrani tudi ostanke ličil. Kože mi ne zateguje, vendar bi rekla, da vseeno ni primeren za suh tip kože, saj ni vlažilen (raje uporabite čistilno mleko). Skratka meni je ta gel super, ker se mi zdi enostaven, a res zelo dobro opravi svoje delo.
Effaclar line is specially made for troubled and oily skin. The products are also suitable for sensitive skin. I've used this foaming gel in the past but thought it was too drying. However, there seems to be a new formula or my skin changed. A clear gel foams up and has a gentle scent. It's gentle on the skin, however it even helps remove remaining makeup. It doesn't dry out my skin or give me a tightening feeling. Although if you have a drier skin, I would recommend something more hydrating (such as a cleansing milk). But I really do like this product because it's simple and works perfectly.
Effaclar line is specially made for troubled and oily skin. The products are also suitable for sensitive skin. I've used this foaming gel in the past but thought it was too drying. However, there seems to be a new formula or my skin changed. A clear gel foams up and has a gentle scent. It's gentle on the skin, however it even helps remove remaining makeup. It doesn't dry out my skin or give me a tightening feeling. Although if you have a drier skin, I would recommend something more hydrating (such as a cleansing milk). But I really do like this product because it's simple and works perfectly.
Lush Tea Tree Water
Lushevim tonikom sem zvesta že več let. Preprosto ustrezajo moji koži ter imajo preproste, minimalne sestavine. Ob uporabi drugih tonikov mi ni tako prijetno kot ob Lushevih. Tea Tree tonik s čajevcem uporabljam, ko opazim mozoljčke na koži. Kar hitro mi pomaga in je hkrati tudi nežen.
I've been using Lush toners for years now. They suit my skin and are quite simple when it comes to the ingredients. Tea Tree toner of course contains tea tree which is great for any imperfections. That's why I use it when my skin is troubled and I feel like it does really help me. Plus it adds that freshness.
I've been using Lush toners for years now. They suit my skin and are quite simple when it comes to the ingredients. Tea Tree toner of course contains tea tree which is great for any imperfections. That's why I use it when my skin is troubled and I feel like it does really help me. Plus it adds that freshness.
Lush Eau Roma Water
Ta tonik pa je namenjen suhi ter občutljivi koži. Sama ga rada uporabljam tudi pred nanosom dnevne kreme. Se mi zdi, da mi lepo pomiri kožo ter daje občutek svežine.
And this toner is suitable more for dry and sensitive skin. I apply it before daily cream or when my skin is a bit stressed since it calms it down and gives you a fresh feeling.
And this toner is suitable more for dry and sensitive skin. I apply it before daily cream or when my skin is a bit stressed since it calms it down and gives you a fresh feeling.
La Roche Posay Effaclar Mat
O tej matirni kremi sem se razpisala tukaj na blogu. Kot vidite trenutno uporabljam kar nekaj Effaclar izdelkov. Verjetno sem že milijon krat omenila, da mi lekarniška kozmetika res ustreza, še najbolj pa ti LRP izdelki saj ob njihovi uporabi res opazim razlike na koži. Effaclar Mat krema mi je všeč, ker zgladi kožo ter jo matira brez zategovanja. Sicer vsebuje silikone (Dimethicone), kar morda komu maši pore, vendar jaz z njimi v tej kremi nimam težav.
There's a post about this cream already on my blog here. As you can see I use a lot of Effaclar products. That's because my skin seems to really like pharmacy cosmetics. And with LRP products I really notice a difference. I really like Effaclar Matt because it smooths the skin and gives you a matt look without tightening feeling. It does contain silicons (Dimethicone), which can block your pores, however I don't have trouble with it.
There's a post about this cream already on my blog here. As you can see I use a lot of Effaclar products. That's because my skin seems to really like pharmacy cosmetics. And with LRP products I really notice a difference. I really like Effaclar Matt because it smooths the skin and gives you a matt look without tightening feeling. It does contain silicons (Dimethicone), which can block your pores, however I don't have trouble with it.
La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo [+]
To kremico pa uporabljam, ko se mi naredijo izbruhi ali pa vidim neke spremembe na koži; včasih imam tudi kakšne pikice na koži in ni gladka. Se mi zdi, da mi ta krema kar hitro pomaga saj vsebuje salicilno kislino. Tekstura je lahkotna in se hitro vpije. Hkrati pa uravnava izločanje sebuma.
Another cream which comes in handy when my skin gets breakouts. This one helps diminish imperfections and make them disappear quicker. Plus it helps with any weird bumps on the skin which aren't pimples but are still somewhere under the skin. The main ingredient that helps is Salicylic Acid. Texture is very light and absorbs quickly. Plus it helps regulate the oils.
Another cream which comes in handy when my skin gets breakouts. This one helps diminish imperfections and make them disappear quicker. Plus it helps with any weird bumps on the skin which aren't pimples but are still somewhere under the skin. The main ingredient that helps is Salicylic Acid. Texture is very light and absorbs quickly. Plus it helps regulate the oils.
L'Occitane Aqua Réotier Ultra Thirst-Quenching Cream
In še nazadnje krema, katera najbolj vlaži mojo kožo. Čeprav gre za gosto kremo, se res lepo vpije in ni mastna. Res je vlažilna in moja koža zgleda lepo sijoča. Verjetno jo bom precej pogrešala, saj jo bo kmalu zmanjkalo. Več tukaj.
And lastly, this is my night time cream which I love for really hydrating my skin. At first it seems thick, however it absorbs nicely and isn't greasy. I feel like it's nicely rich and it really does hydrate my skin. My skin looks plump and healthy afterwards. I will probably really miss it after using it up soon. Read a whole post here.
And lastly, this is my night time cream which I love for really hydrating my skin. At first it seems thick, however it absorbs nicely and isn't greasy. I feel like it's nicely rich and it really does hydrate my skin. My skin looks plump and healthy afterwards. I will probably really miss it after using it up soon. Read a whole post here.

I didn't use these produscts♥