Lush New Skincare & Bath Bombs
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Živjo punce.
Danes bom govorila o novih zanimivih Lush izdelkih. Lansirali so veliko izdelkov za nego obraza brez embalaže in tudi sama sem preizkusila tri. Sama obožujem njihov šampon za lase brez embalaže ter trda mila. Seveda me je zato tudi zanimalo kako se obnese nega obraza brez embalaže. Včasih se zdi, da je vizija takšnih izdelkov še veliko pred nami, vendar Lushu uspeva narediti vse izdelke v trdi obliki, ki res delujejo. Žal se izdelki za obraz pri višji temperaturi topijo, zato žal ne bodo šli z menoj na potovanja. Doma pa jih lahko v vročih mesecih hranite tudi v hladilniku. Prav tako je na voljo ogromno novih kopalnih bombic s čudovitimi dizajni in lepimi barvami...
Hi girls.
I've been testing out new Lush products for a while and it's time to share some thoughts with you. They launched naked skincare products, such as cleansers and oils. I've loved their solid shampoo bars and soaps for years now so this new launch was quite exciting for me. I tried two cleansers and one oil. Also they launched some cool new bath bombs, which I got two to try out. So let's see what I think...
Tea Totaler Naked Cleansing Balm
Enostavno si nisem mogla predstavljati kako bi uporabljala čistilec za obraz brez embalaže. Ima teksturo balzama, vendar s čistilnim učinkom. Ta balzam podrgneš po koži ter ga malce vtreš, nato pa vzameš vlažno krpo in obrišeš obraz. Jaz ga najraje uporabljam spet zvečer, po tem ko si z micelarno vodo odstranim ličila, saj še vedno ostanejo na obrazu ostanki make-upa. Tako se takoj na krpi vidijo odtisi pudra ipd., saj balzam dobro stopi ličila. Po uporabi je občutek na koži prijeten, saj je ne zateguje. Hkrati pa deluje čistilec osvežilno in koža na otip sploh ni mastna. Žal mi zjutraj takšen čistilec ne paše, saj imam rada peneče gele, ki odstranijo zaspančke in res dobro osvežijo in "operejo" kožo. Enostavno občutek ni enak. Ima pa prijeten osvežilen vonj po čajevcu, čeprav meni diši po limonah.
Cena: €5,95 / 15g (več tukaj)
I could not imagine how a naked cleanser would perform and how would i used it. Lush explains it well, so I got the hang of it quite quickly. I simply rub it onto my skin and rub it in. Afterwards I take a damp cloth and wipe my face nicely. I use this cleanser mainly at night time, after removing my makeup with micellar water since I always double cleanse because there's always some makeup left on the skin. So the second time I cleanse, I do it with cleansing balm. The balm works very well because it melts the remaining makeup. I can always see lots of makeup left on the cloth and skin is not greasy afterwards at all. Unfortunately I don't use these cleansers in the morning because I still enjoy the feeling of foam and water splashing my face much more at that time. I feel that gel cleansers remove all the dry skin and stuff that accumulated over night. I love that Tea Totaler smells refreshingly of tea tree, which to me smells a bit like lemons.
Jade Roller Naked Cleansing Balm
Še en čistilec za obraz brez embalaže. Ta ima na eni strani mung fižolčke, ki delujejo kot nekakšna masaža. Vsebuje murumuru in karitejevo maslo, ki po uporabi pustita res mehak občutek na koži. Prav tako je koža po čiščenju pomirjena (rožna vodica) ter sijoča. Vonj je prijeten ter pomirjajoč. V primerjavi s Tea Totaler je tekstura bolj hranilna. Všeč pa mi je, da četudi čistilec pride v stik z očmi, jih ne draži. Sicer pa se čistilci porabljajo počasi.
Cena: €5,95 / 15g (več tukaj)
Cena: €5,95 / 15g (več tukaj)
Jade Roller cleanser is similar but a bit different. On top there are mung beans, which make a good massage and stimulate the skin. It also contains murumuru and shea butter which really leave a soft feeling on the skin. That's why this one is a bit more hydrating. After cleansing the skin is also a bit calmer (rose water) and glowy. And the scent is calming and very spa like. I like that these cleansers can get a bit onto my eyes and they don't get irritated. Also it lasts longer than you'd expect since these cleansers are quite small.
Light Touch Naked Facial Oil
Za vlaženje obraza sem izbrala Light Touch olje brez embalaže. Ta je primeren za nečisto in mastno kožo saj naj bi kožo uravnovesil. Moja koža potrebuje kar nekaj časa, da vpije olja. Tako sem ugotovila, da mi to olje najbolj ustreza zvečer, saj se počasi lepo vpije in zjutraj povrhnjica ni mastna. Če pa sem ga nanesla zjutraj, se olje nekako ni vpilo in ko sem si želela nanest ličila, so olja prodrla skozi tekoči puder ter je koža takoj izgledala mastno. Sicer pa mi je všeč koncept, da je olje v trdi obliki ter lahko ploščico preprosto podrgneš po koži ter nato olje vtreš. Sama hranim takšne izdelke na podstavku za milo ali leseni polički na bani. Sicer ga spet lahko v vročih mesecih hranite v hladilniku, čeprav jaz nimam problemov s tem, da bi se olje trenutno pri 24 stopinjah v stanovanju topilo. Za mastno kožo je ravno dovolj hranilno. Vsebuje jojobino olje, ilipe maslo, karitejevo maslo, ki so med lažjimi. Porabi pa se ga zelo malo.
Cena: €15,95 / 20g (več tukaj)
As a moisturiser I chose Light Touch naked facial oil because it's made for clear, balanced skin. My skin needs quite a lot of time to absorb oils, so I found out that this product is best for using in the evening, because through the night it absorbs and in the morning my skin is not oily at all. When I tried using it in the morning, it just would not sink in, so when I applied my makeup, the oils came through and my skin was looking very greasy right away. Though I like the concept that it's a solid bar which you can rub directly onto the skin and then rub in and perform a massage if you'd like. I store these solid skincare products on the soap stand or wooden bath rack. Again in the summer you might wanna store it in the fridge, even though at the moment I don't have problem with melting. I think it's hydrating enough for oily skin. It contains jojoba oil, ilipe and shea butter and much more... But the texture of the oils is lighter. Also I think this little bar will last me a long time.
Melusine Bath Bomb
Čeprav je poletje že tukaj in je precej vroče, sem pred vročinskim valom preizkusila tudi dve kopalni bombici. Melusine bombica ima izgled "lusk" kar ji daje morski pridih. Vonj je popolnoma svež, po limonah in morski soli, tako da je bila izkušnja kopanja popolnoma osvežilna. Bombica se zelo dobro topi, peni ter šumi in se obrača v bani. Voda je prav tako zelo bleščeča. Meni je bilo kopanje res prijetno. Edino na koncu je kar veliko bleščic ostalo na dnu bane, kar zna bit nadležno za čiščenje.
Cena: €7,50 / 200g (več tukaj)
Cena: €7,50 / 200g (več tukaj)
Even though summer is here, I managed to test out two new bath bombs before heatwave. Melusine bath bombs looks like mermaid with all the colors, scales and lots of glitter. Scent is gorgeously fresh as it smells of lemons and sea salt. So this one is quite uplifting. Also it's fun to use since it melts nicely, while foaming up and fizzing all around the bath tub. It leaves a green water with lots of glitter in it. I really like this one. Though it leaves a lot of glitter at the bottom of the tub, which can be annoying to clean up afterwards.
Hulder Bath Bomb
Tudi ta bombica je osvežilna, vendar ima zemeljski pridih. Na vrhu izgleda zelo bleščeče in lepo, vendar se ta vijolična barva hitro stopi in je voda samo zelena ter v vodi ni nobenega igranja barv. Če si želite bolj barvito bombico, izberite katero drugo. Sicer pa je ta super za sproščanje saj očisti misli in sprošča.
Another refreshing, but a bit more earthy bath bomb. It has a glittery purple top and green bottom. When you throw it into the water, the purple disappears quickly and green takes over. To me it looks a bit spooky in the bath tub and it takes quite some time to melt away. Though the scent makes it very relaxing, spa like and cleansing for the mind.

Great post darling,I reallyy want to try this! :) Have a nice day xx
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