June Favorites
Thursday, July 04, 2019
Živjo punce.
Tokrat se oglašam s svojimi junijskimi favoriti. Večinoma trenutno uporabljam ista ličila, ker vem kaj mi je res všeč in se mi ne da eksperimentirati. Vseeno pa imam v rutini nekaj novih in ponovno odkritih izdelkov za nego obraza, telesa ipd. Pa poglejmo kateri so me pred kratkim navdušili...
Hi girls.
Long time no "see". I've been a bit lazy, but still wanted to share my latest beauty discoveries which I've been enjoying in June and also now in July. Let's see which are those products...
La Roche Posay Eau Thermale
Najprej naj omenim, da vem, da so te termalne vode precej drage. Za 150ml LRP termalne vode boste odštele okoli 8€. Obstajajo še druge, bolj poceni znamke (Balea), ampak jaz imam trenutno doma samo tole. Sicer naj bi ta vodica pomirila kožo, jaz pa jo uporabljam predvsem za osvežitev ter hlajenje. Našpricam jo po obrazu, kakor tudi po celotnem telesu, ko mi je res vroče. Mikrokapljice hitro osvežijo in občutek je noro prijeten.
First of all, I know these Thermal waters are so expensive. This 150ml bottle of LRP thermal water costs around 8€. However there are alternatives in the store, such as Balea, which is very cheap. But I'm trying to use this one up. It's supposed to be calming for skin, however in hot summer days I use it to refresh myself and for cooling down my whole body. I simply spray it wherever an whenever I'm hot. Microdrops quickly refreshen your skin. Plus if you turn on the fan, you can have this water spray you even better.
Bocassy Clean & Tone Micellar Water
Tole micelarno vodo sem preizkušala že nekaj let nazaj (objava tukaj). Pred kakšnim letom pa sem spet prejela novo flaško in ker sem vse druge micelarne porabila, sem se odločila, da se spet spoznam s tole. Običajno so micelarne vode brez vonja, ta pa je odišavljena (kar meni ni moteče, morda pa vam ne bi ustrezalo). Vonj je tako specifičen, da ga ne pozabiš: je nežen, malce po vrtnicah. Najbolj mi je všeč kakšen prijeten občutek pusti na koži. Verjetno je ravno zaradi dodane hialuronske kisline bolj vlažilna in je moja koža po uporabi res mehka. Sicer si obraz nato še sperem, ampak je ta micelarna res drugačna in moji koži je zelo všeč. Tudi očesni makeup dobro odstrani, vendar, če pride v oči, lahko malo zapeče. Vsebuje rožno vodico, kamilico, ognjič ter hialuronsko kislino.
This product is not knew to me. I've written about it few years back (here). Then a year ago I received another bottle and because I used up all of my other micellar waters, it was this ones turn. Micellar waters are usually scent free, however this one has a distinct scent of roses which to me is quite ok. But mainly I love how it performs on the skin. Because of hyaluronic acid, it is very hydrating and my skin afterwards feels very smooth. I do wash my face afterwards, however I do notice a difference. It is good at removing eye makeup, however sometimes if it gets right into my eye, it stings. It contains rose water, chamomile, marigold and hyaluronic acid.
La Roche Posay Anthelios XL Clean Touch Anti-Shine SPF 50+
Letos sem spet iskala sončno kremo za obraz, ki ne bi bila mastna. Preizkušala sem testerčke, ampak so mi bile vse pretežke. Potem pa sem v predalu našla spet tole sončno kremo. In takoj sem se spomnila, zakaj mi je bila že lani všeč. Letos pa jo porabim do konca. Super je, ker je proti sijaju. Torej kljub temu, da pusti naraven sijaj, nimam občutka, da bi bila koža ekstra mastna. Proti vsem drugim kremam je zakon, ker ne stoji na vrhu kože ampak se precej vpije. Če imate še kakšen drug predlog za "matirno" sončno kremo, ga pustite prosim v komentarjih.
This year again I've been on the hunt for a sunscreen which would not be so greasy. I've tested a few, however each one seemed to be too heavy. Then I found this one in my drawer. I totally forgot that I had it an when I started using it, I knew why I loved it last year. This summer I'm using it up. It's anti-shine which is great. It still gives you a natural look, not totally matt, however it is greasy comparing to other sunscreens. My skin absorbs it quite well and it doesn't feel oily to the touch. If you know about any other mattifying creams, leave the suggestions below.
The Body Shop Ginger Shower Gel
TBS je lansiral dve omejeni liniji za poletje: ena je z vonjem po bananah druga pa z ingverjem. Gre za koncept uporabe hrane, ki ne ustreza trgovinskim standardom, ker ne izgleda popolno. Takšno običajno zavržejo, TBS pa se je odločil uporabiti to sadje in zelenjavo v svojih izdelkih. Eden izmed teh je nepopoln ingver. Sama ne rada uživam ingver, ampak ko sem povonjala ta izdelek, mi je takoj postal všeč. Obožujem citrusne, sveže vonje in tudi ta tuš gel je presenetljivo osvežilen. Čeprav ima še vedno precej naraven pridih, me spominja na limone s pridihom začimb. Meni se zdi vonj res super za poletje. Sicer pa ga malce "šparam", ker ga je škoda in je samo omejena izdaja.
The Body Shop launched limited edition products for body: one is with bananas and one is with ginger. It is based on using the food which is not up to store standards and looks imperfect. This food is usually thrown away, however TBS is using it in their skincare and such. One of them is imperfect ginger. I am not a fan of ginger, however when I smelled this line I changed my mind. The scent is actually very fresh. I am obsessed with fresh, fruity and zesty scents, so this one is very much to my liking. It has a zesty touch to it, with a bit of a natural but spicy scent. However to me it mostly smells like lemon ice tea. I love it, but because it's limited edition I've been kind of saving it a bit.
Dr. PAWPAW Peach Pink Balm
O teh večnamenskih balzamih sem slišala same pohvale in čeprav nisem potrebovala novih izdelkov, sem si v TkMaxx kupila trio balzamov (neobarvan, roza oranžen odtenek ter rdečkast odtenek). Glavna sestavina je PAWPAW - izvleček iz papaje, ki je zdravilna. Prav tako vsebuje aloe vero, olivno olje ter vazelin. Je goste teksture in res spominja na klasičen vazelin. Zelo lepo se razmaže ter ustnicam daje sijoč videz brez oljnega občutka. Odtenek je popoln za poletje saj je nežno roza breskvast. Balzam pa je brez vonja, kar morda ni tako zanimivo. Lahko ga naneseš tudi na lička. Brezbarven balzam pa je praktično za vse: tudi za pete, komolce; skratka povsod kjer imaš suho kožo.
I've read many good things about these lip balms before. I wasn't looking to buy it, however I got a trio in TkMaxx just to try out because it was extra cheap (colorless one, peachy and a red color). Main ingredient of these balms is PAWPAW which is an extract from papaya and is supposed to be very healing. Also there is aloe vera, olive oil and vaseline inside. The texture is thick and reminds me of a regular vaseline. It spreads very nicely and gives a shiny look to lips without feeling greasy. This shade is perfect for summer because the color is light peach. It doesn't have a scent, so it might not me so intriguing. You can also use it on the cheeks. The colorless one can also be used for heels, elbows and wherever your skin is very dry.
Labello Labellino Grapefruit & Maracuja
V nasprotju z PAWPAW balzamom, me je Labellino očaral, ker noro dobro diši po grenivki. Ima prav kisel vonj, zato bi ga kar pojedla. Labellino ima sicer lažjo teksturo in ni tako hranilen kot klasičen Labello, vendar te pač pakiranje očara.
In contrast to the PawPaw balm, Labellino impressed me with an amazing grapefruit scent. It actually smells a bit sour and makes me want to eat it. Though Labellino has a lighter texture than classic Labello balm, however the packaging is cute.
