June Favorites 2020

Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Živjo punce.
Odločila sem se, da spet z vami delim mesečne favorite. Sledeče izdelke sem uporabljala res cel mesec in še kar me navdušujejo. So izdelki, ki ne smejo manjkati v moji rutini.

Hi girls. 
I decided to share my latest favorites with you again. Haven't done this in a while. But I figured I've been loving and using the same products for the past month. They're a part of my everyday routine...

Essence Brush Holder

Tega držala sem se zelo razveselila. Potem pa sem ga pozabila omeniti v objavi z Essence novosti (preberi tukaj). Ko operem čopiče jih običajno položim na ravno površino. To držalo pa lahko pripneš na ploščice v kopalnici ter čopiče zatakneš nanj in jih pustiš da se sušijo. Izgleda luštno in zelo uporabno ter se čopiči res hitreje posušijo. Sicer ni primerno za ozke čopiče, saj hitro padejo skozi luknje. Za ostale čopiče pa je to držalo res fajn. Edino preden ga pripneš na ploščice, moreš nastavke zmočit, drugače držalo pade dol. Sicer pa drži en do dveh dni. Ko so čopiči mokri, priporočam, da jih obrnete s ščetinami navzdol, da se hitreje sušijo.

I got so excited of this brush holder. I forgot to mention it in a post with new bits from Essence (more here). Usually when I wash my brushes, I leave them drying off on a towel. But this is a smart invention. You stick it onto the bathroom tiles and put on the brushes upside down and brushes actually dry off faster. It looks great but unfortunately smaller brushes just slip through. But for other brushes it's great. Though you have to wet it before sticking it onto the tiles, otherwise it would fall off. It lasts a day and then it likes to fall off.

Essence Bye Bye Panda Eyes Mascara

Ta maskara me je res očarala. Super je, ker se ne paca na mastnih vekah. Gre za "tubing" maskaro, tako, da se načeloma odstrani tudi kar z vodo. Jaz sicer uporabim micelarno vodo in se res takoj odstrani. Še posebej se je obnesla zdaj, ko sem nazaj na delu in je včasih bilo prav vroče (tudi zaradi nošenja mask) in so ličila bila res na preizkušnji. Hkrati pa mojim trepalnicam doda lep volumen. Več fotografij najdeš tukaj.

I really like this mascara. It's great for oily eyelids and it doesn't smudge on the eyelids. It's a "tubing" mascara, so you can remove it with water, so it crumbles off. I still use a micellar water to remove it. It's great if your mascara likes to smudge. Also it performs amazing in the summer heat. It is not the most volumizing, but it still gives my lashes a nice look. More photos here.

The Body Shop Coconut Bronze Glistening Glow Powder

Ta bronzer/osvetljevalec duo se mi je res hitro prikupil. Zelo enostavno se nanaša, saj ni preveč odvečnega prahu ter se tudi lepo enakomerno zabriše brez kakšnih lis. Odtenek bronzerja je super, ker ni oranžen, ampak vseeno doda zagorelost. Tudi osvetljevalec je odličnega odtenka: bež, nevtralen in z lepim naravnim sijajem. Najbolj se razveselim nanašanja, ker ima tako lep vonj po kokosu in poletju. Meni je trenutno to "must have" izdelek za poletje. Več fotografij in objavo lahko najdeš tukaj.

I love this bronzer/highlighter. It's easy to apply, doesn't have much fall-out and it doesn't look splotchy on the skin. The shade is great because it's not orangey. Still, it gives a nice bronzey look. Also the highlighter is a nice universal beige color with a natural sheen. I also enjoy applying it because it smells so lovely of coconuty and summer. It's my "must have" product for summer. You can find the whole review and more photos here

Bocassy Anti-age Serum

Tale serum sem prejela že nekaj časa nazaj, ampak enostavno ni prišel na vrsto. Pred leti sem uporabljala klasično različico, ki ni anti-age in se mi je zelo dopadel. In tudi ta me ni razočaral. Sicer še vedno nisem navajena vonja, ki je tako specifičen. Ima nekako mlečen vonj. Hkrati vonjam tudi olivno olje. Res je tako naraven vonj, ki meni osebno ni najbolj prijeten, ker nimam rada mlečnih vonjev. Pa vendar, ker je tako prijeten na koži, vsakič, ko ga nanesem to poizkušam odmisliti. Zelo je lahkoten, ampak mojo kožo prijetno navlaži.

I used this serum (but in a classic, non-anti age version) years ago and I loved it. Also this one is really nice. I still don't enjoy the scent because it smells very creamy and of olive oil. It's really a natural scent. Though I mostly love it for how light weight it is and it still provides me a lot of hydration. 

La Roche Posay Effaclar Micro-Peeling Purifying Gel

Ta gel za umivanje obraza me je res navdušil. Sicer sem mnenja, da čistilo za obraz odstrani le čistoče in le redko pomaga k izboljšanju kože. Klasičen Effaclar čistilni gel sicer uporabljam že nekaj let, vendar je njegova vloga predvsem, da globinsko očisti kožo. Ta nov gel pa je drugačen. Gre za nežen piling (brez delcev), ki deluje na osnovi čistilnih snovi (2% salicilne kisline), ki površinsko nežno luščijo kožo. In res deluje. Že po 2 tednih uporabe sem opazila, da je moja koža precej bolj mehka in tekstura je zelo enakomerna. Gel uporabljam zjutraj in včasih tudi zvečer.  Potrebna je majhna količina, ki se lepo speni. Meni je zelo nežen, vendar, če imate res občutljivo kožo, raje prvo preizkusite samo na enem predelu kože saj vsebuje veliko penilcev (SLES, ki sicer ni tako agresiven kot SLS) kateri bi lahko razdražili kožo.

I really enjoy this face wash. I usually don't think face washes make any difference on the skin. However with this one I noticed the effects. I've been using the classic Effaclar face wash for years, but this is a newer version. It's a very gentle peeling (without any particles), based on active ingredients (2% salicylic acid) which gently performs scrubbing just on the surface of the skin. After two weeks of using it, I noticed that my skin is much softer. I use it in the morning and sometimes before bed. You only need a small amount which foams up nicely. I like how gentle it is, however it you have a really sensitive skin, you might wanna try it on a smaller patch of the skin first because it contains foam ingredients (SLES which is not as agressive as SLS), which could agitate the skin.

The Body Shop Zesty Lemon Shower Gel

Moj novi najljubši poletni vonj. Tekstura ni nič kaj posebna, ampak me je vonj limone res očaral.  Ni prekisel vonj, saj bolj spominja na bonbone z limono. Sicer ga malo šparam in vmes uporabljam še druge tuš gele. Vsekakor pa priporočam, da preizkusite ta lep poleten vonj.

This is my new favorite summer scent. The texture is not anything special, however I just love this lemon scent. It's not a sour one, it just reminds me of lemons candy. I am really saving it and using it here and then. But I really recommend you trying this scent.

Balea Water Spray - Green Tea & Jasmin

To vodico za obraz in telo sem uporabljala predvsem proti koncu junija, ko se je začela vročina. Res je fajn za osvežitev. Pršica pa je zelo fina. Vonj je nežno cvetličen in niti malo invaziven.

I've been loving this refreshing water mist especially at the ending of June and beginning of July when it was really hot. It's great for freshening up when my skin is too hot. Also the smell is quite nicely floral but very gentle and none invasive. 

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