Moroccanoil Blonde Perfecting Purple Shampoo vs. Inebrya Ice Cream No-Yellow Shampoo

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Živjo punce.
Že dolgo se nisem oglasila. Se mi zdi, da blogi niso več tako brani. Hkrati pa pogrešam pisanje. Pa vendar vedno najdem izgovor; ali sem preveč zasedena ali pa nimam inspiracije. Upam, da vam bo današnja objava dovolj zanimiva. 
Odkar se sama barvam (ombre) kar doma, precej redno uporabljam tudi vijolične šampone za toniranje las. Inebrya vijoličen šampon sem omenila že kar nekaj časa nazaj. Pred kratkim pa sem preizkusila še nov vijoličen šampon znamke Moroccanoil. Zato sem se odločila, da napišem primerjavo. Ta objava bo prišla prav vsem blondinkam. Namen vijoličnim šamponov je seveda, da s svojimi vijoličnimi pigmenti tonirajo lase. Tako nevtralizirajo rumene ter oranžne tone in jih uravnotežijo. Rezultat je bolj hladen ali nevtralen ton las. Seveda se tonira lahko tudi profesionalno pri frizerju. Kljub temu, ob spiranju barve in drugih okoljskih vplivih pride do neželenih rumenih tonov. Tako potem toniramo lase doma kar s kakšnim vijoličnim šamponom, masko ali kakšnim balzamom. Pa poglejmo kako se obneseta ta dva šampona...

Hi girls.
It's been way too long since I made a blog post. I think blogs have lost their power, however I still read them from time to time. And I do miss writing. Though currently I find myself too busy or just not inspired enough to make a post. I hope today's post will interest some of you. Since I've been dying (ombre) my hair all by myself I've been needing to use a purple shampoo more often. I've mentioned the Inebrya one a while ago. Though recently I also tried a new one by Moroccanoil, so it inspired me to to a comparison and a little review of both of them. It might be helpful for all of you blondes out there. Of course purple shampoos are made for home use, when you want to tone your hair color. Purple pigments neutralize brassy tones. Effect is a greyish, cooler and neutral hair color. Your hairdresser can profesionally tone your hair. However, the effect wears off when you wash your hair often and also environment has an effect on it. So that's when you use any purple shampoo, mask or conditioner to tone. So let's see how these two shampoos work...

Moroccanoil Blonde Perfecting Purple Shampoo

Moroccanoil vijoličen šampon ter vsi izdelki temeljijo na arganovem olju in imajo klasičen oreškast vonj. Diši slajše kar mi je všeč, vendar je lahko malce močan v nekaterih primerih. Deluje pa luksuzno in je kot salonska nega narejena za doma. Tekstura ni prav gosta, ampak tudi ne preveč tekoča. Odtenek pa je precej temno vijoličen. Šampon naneseš na mokre (z brisačo osušene) lase ter ga pustiš 3-5 minut in nato spereš. Jaz ga pustim vsaj še dlje, da dobro opravi svoj namen. Najbolj zbeljene konice dobijo malce lila odtenek, vendar ni preveč opazno in meni je to prav všeč. Ostal del las je lepo toniran, brez rumenih tonov. Lasje pa so po uporabi zelo mehki in nahranjeni zaradi vsebujočih olj. Za moj masten tip las, je morda malce preveč hranilen. Če pa so vaši lasje zelo suhi, vam bo ta šampon deloval kot dodaten tretma. Toniran učinek postopoma izgine po 2-3 pranjih. Priporočam uporabo rokavic pri nanašanju šampona. Hkrati si jaz nadenem kapo za tuširanje, ko čakam tistih par minut, da šampon opravi svoje.

Cena: okoli 24€ (200ml)

This one is of course based on their signature Moroccanoil products in which the main ingredient is argan oil. It has the same smell as all products. I love that nutty, sweet and luxurious scent. Though it may be a bit overwhelming sometimes. The texture is not very thick nor runny. The color is dark purple. You're supposed to leave it on wet (towel dry) hair for 3-5 minutes and then wash it off. I left it for 5 and it did quite a nice job. The very white ends of my hair turned a bit purple but nothing too obvious. The rest is nicely toned with a greyish tint. The yellow tones are eliminated. It doesn't dry out the hair, but it leaves them nicely soft. Though it may be a bit too moisturising for my oily hair. But if your hair is in need of lots of moisture, this one might be it for you. The toning overlay washes off withing 2-3 washes. I recommend using gloves while applying. Plus I always use a shower cap while waiting those few minutes.

Price is around 24€ (for 200ml) which I think is quite expensive.

Prej in Potem po 1 uporabi Moroccanoil vijoličnega šampona  
Before & After one use of Moroccanoil Purple Shampoo

Inebrya Ice Cream No-Yellow Shampoo

Sama sem ta šampon preizkusila po priporočilu in sem res bila presenečena. Je zelo temno vijoličen in dobro pigmentiran šampon. Tekstura je super, ne preveč tekoč. Postopek je enak. Na laseh ga pustim 5-10 minut (preko dam kapo za "tuširanje", da ne kaplja vse okoli) in ga sperem. Potrebno ga je dobro sprati, ker se drugače vijoličen odtenek pozna predvsem na lasišču. Drugače pa imajo lasje sivkast odtenek, brez rumenih tonov. Res ga priporočam, edino tiste, ki imate popolnoma svetlo blond barvane lase pazite, ker se hitro pozna na laseh in vijoličnega odtenka ne spereš enostavno dol. Tako, da priporočam manj kot 5 minut, če vaši lasje niso res rumeni. Uporabljam ga 1krat na teden. Mojih las ne izsuši, vendar ni prav vlažilen, zato ga prvo preizkusite. 

Priporočam vam oba šampona. Najbolj se vam seveda splača Inebrya šampon. Učinek na laseh je tudi boljši. Če pa so vaši lasje bolj suhi in imate kaj viška denarja ali se preprosto želite razvajati z luksuzno kozmetiko za lase, priporočam Moroccanoil šampon saj res neguje lase. Sicer pa imam sama za mastne lase rajši Inebrya šampon. Če vam je ta premočen, ga lahko morda razredčite z navadnim šamponom za lase.

Cena: okoli 10€ (za 300ml)

I firstly tried this one because of recommendation. I was not disappointed. The smell is not particularly nice but not offensive either. Texture is just right, not too runny. I recommend you wearing gloves because it is really pigmented, dark purple so you would otherwise need to really exfoliate your hands afterwards. I apply it onto my whole hair and leave it for 5-10 minutes and use a shower cap meanwhile. Then I wash it off lightly because I like how greyish and lilac my hair looks afterwards. Though if your hair is really white bleached or very blonde, I recommend you being careful for how long you leave it on, because it can really turn your hair purple. If you don't wash it off thoroughly, it can show purple on the scalp because the color is very strong. It is very toning, so my hair looks a bit darker grey afterwards and there are no signs of yellow tones. I use it only 1 time per week. There is also a light-blue version of it which I might be interested in trying out. It doesn't dry out my hair, however you might wanna try it first.

Price: around 10€ (for 300 ml)

Prej in Potem po 1 uporabi Inebrya vijoličnega šampona  
Before & After one use of Inebrya Purple Shampoo

Vijoličen odtenek, ki ga pusti Inebrya šampon, če ga pustiš dlje na laseh
Purple effect of Inebrya Purple Shampoo if left on for longer

Glede na nižjo ceno in boljši učinek me je prepričal Inebrya šampon. Hkrati pa mi je zelo všeč vonj Moroccanoil šampona in če imate bolj suh tip las, priporočam le tega saj je bolj negovalen. Mojemu mastnemu tipu las pa bolj ustreza Inebrya šampon. Če bi vam bil kateri izmed šamponov preveč pigmentiran, ga lahko morda zmešate s svojim običajnim šamponom.

All in all I think the price and toning wise, Inebrya purple shampoo is much better. Though some say it leaves their hair very dry. In that case I would recommend Moroccanoil shampoo because it's much better for really damaged and dry hair, since it contains argan oil which nourishes the hair. However if your hair is on the oily side, I recommend Inebrya one. If you want to, you can mix those shampoos with your regular shampoo, because they're quite rich in color.

p.s. Do you girls want me to do a review of Moroccanoil Lilac Color Mask? 

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