
March HAUL - 2014

Hello again with a quite big haul :P Short and simple: I shopped again :D & got some goodies :) WHAT I BOUGHT: Essence Bloom me up -  TOOLS (blush brush, small & big eyeshadow brush, double ended eyebrow brush)  & Essence Bloom me up Lipstick - 02 Chaising lacy Essence new goodies: 6in1 nail file Xxxl longlasting lipgloss mirror shine effect -...

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Review: Afrodita cosmetics - Clean Phase line

Torej kot že veste sem se prejšnji teden udeležila dogodka, ki ga je priredila Afrodita kozmetika oziroma predstavitve nove/prenovljene linije Clean Phase. Vsi smo prejeli torbo z izdelki, bila sem pa presenečena, da smo prejeli celotno linijo ^^. Odločila sem se, da ocenim 6 od 8 izdelkov, ker so ti primerni za mojo mastno kožo, drugi, ki pa jih nisem vključila pa so...

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Preview: Afrodita cosmetics Clean Phase

Torej,  pozdravljeni spet :) Tokrat sem vas želela informirat o novi liniji Afrodite, ki se imenuje: Clean Phase saj sem bila prejšnji teden na predstavitvi te nove oziroma prenovljene linije. Moj namen te predstavitve je, da vas seznanim z izdelki saj bom kmalu objavila tudi oceno in nočem, da je moja ocena ogromna (in dolgočasna), tako, da sem to dvoje ločila. V tej...

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OOTD: Afrodita cosmetics event & Fun day in Ljubljana

So, yesterday I went to an event of Afrodita Cosmetics. They launched new & renewed line Clean Phase. And after that me and my boyfriend went to the city for couple of drinks with friends & lunch & so on :D I took my DSLR with me just for the outfit purpose haha :D...Unfortunately my blouse was wrinkled at the back from the...

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My Perfume collection

Hello again :3 This week I really didn't have any energy or idea what to post, but I already have some blog titles prepared, so it was time to post this one :) It's my perfume collection (eventough some of these are only EDT). First, let me say that my collection is rather small & that's because I don't like buying perfumes a...

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Empties #3 - samples edition

Soo, again this time around I have some trash to talk about with you :D I decided to split my empties or "what I used up" into 2 parts, first here are samples, just because I think I used up quite a lot of them :) And soon there's coming another empties post, so keep an eye on my blog :) Here it...

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AVON lipstick swatches !

Today I'm here because I've accumulated lots of lipstick testers from Avon, thanks to my schoolmate who also sells this cosmetics :) So I wanted to put them to better use and swatch them for you & also that's how I found out which are my favorite colors. There are always swatches in catalogue, but for me, I always like to see lipsticks...

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