Živjo punce !
V juniju so nas (blogerke) presenetili iz Kozmetike Afrodita. Namreč poslali so nam paket čudovitih izdelkov za poletje. Tako sem priskrbljena za poletne dni in mislim, da mi sploh nič ne manjka. Prav tako sem se takoj razveselila njihovih izdelkov, saj imam veliko dobrih izkušenj in zelo rada sodelujem z eno izmed najboljših slovenskih znamk. Ja, tudi slovenska kozmetika je lahko odlična ! Prejela sem še anti celulitni gel, vendar se stežka motiviram uporabljat takšne izdelke in še tuš gel za britje, katerega morda vključim v kakšno drugo objavo.
Hi girls !
In june I got sent a massive package full of summer appropriate products from Afrodita Cosmetics. They made sure I got everything for summer vacations. Also this brand is close to my heart and I just love it that everything is made in Slovenia. Hopefully this post will still be useful to some of you that don't live in Slovenia. Also there was anti-cellulite gel and shower gel for shaving included but I'll leave those for another time or post.
Hi girls !
In june I got sent a massive package full of summer appropriate products from Afrodita Cosmetics. They made sure I got everything for summer vacations. Also this brand is close to my heart and I just love it that everything is made in Slovenia. Hopefully this post will still be useful to some of you that don't live in Slovenia. Also there was anti-cellulite gel and shower gel for shaving included but I'll leave those for another time or post.
Sicer Afroditine sončne nege pred tem še nisem preizkušala, vendar sem slišala odlične pohvale. Ta krema ima blag vonj. Tekstura pa je na žalost za mojo že tako mastno kožo, preveč bogata in se zato hitro svetim. Nudi zelo dobro zaščito in sem s tem bila zadovoljna, saj me ni opeklo.
Sensitive Sun Face Cream SPF30
This is a good sunscreen with quite a high SPF and it works great on my skin. It protected my face from getting sun burned very well. However, I dislike that it's quite a rich texture and it makes my skin shine really fast.
Sensitive Sun Face Cream SPF30
This is a good sunscreen with quite a high SPF and it works great on my skin. It protected my face from getting sun burned very well. However, I dislike that it's quite a rich texture and it makes my skin shine really fast.
Tole sem preizkušala že lansko poletje. Ta marmelada je bila pravi hit že lani in punce so jo v nekaterih drogerijah dobesedno razgrabile. Mene pa je pustila ravnodušno. Ker sem zelo blede polti (praktično transparentna), mora moja zaščita za sonce biti kar visoka in kljub temu me velikokrat opeče. Tako sem marmelado preizkušala v okviru 20 minut samo na nogah. Ker sem enkrat pozabila na zaščito me je tudi malce opeklo, kljub temu, da sem se soncu nastavljala res par minut. Tekstura pa je precej lepljiva ampak sam izdelek tako omamno diši. Definitivno je ne priporočam za svetlopolta dekleta. Če jo uporabljajte, pa ne pozabite na zaščitni faktor preden nanesete marmelado. Pri ostalih polteh pa sem opazila odlične rezultate zagorelosti. Drugače pa nisem zagovornica pretiranega sončenja, zato morda nisem tako navdušena nad takimi izdelki.
Fast Tanning Jam
This one I've tried last year already. Because I'm really pale I kind of can't use products like this. I tried it on my legs and got sun burned quite quickly. Yes, it does work and makes you tan quicker, but be careful since it doesn't contain any SPF - yes, put a good SPF product underneath it ! Other than that, it smells so nice and sweet but it's a bit sticky.
Fast Tanning Jam
This one I've tried last year already. Because I'm really pale I kind of can't use products like this. I tried it on my legs and got sun burned quite quickly. Yes, it does work and makes you tan quicker, but be careful since it doesn't contain any SPF - yes, put a good SPF product underneath it ! Other than that, it smells so nice and sweet but it's a bit sticky.
Marmelada DRY OIL
Po marmeladi v trdnem stanju, so letos izdali še suho olje. V primerjavi z marmelado je to olje lažje za uporabo in ni tako lepljivo ter vsebuje še bleščice. Sama bi ga uporabila za izhode po mestu, da pridobim še malce barve in zato, da koža izgleda čudovito, zdravo saj je že samo olje po sebi obarvano in koža izgleda takoj sijoče. Bleščice pa niso preveč opazne, temveč koži dajejo sijaj.. Seveda spet ne pozabiti na SPF, saj ga ta izdelek ne vsebuje. Tako se tu in tam uležem na ležalnik in malo noge nastavim soncu. Pri tem uporabim SPF20 in šele nato na vrh to olje. Koža postane hitreje zagorela, vendar na moji porcelanasti polti ni takšnega hitrega učinka. Prav tako gre za vlažilen, negovalen izdelek saj vsebuje oljni kompleks korenčka, oliv in orehov. In tudi ta noro dobro diši !
Fast Tanning Jam DRY OIL
This is quite the same product as marmelade but in a form of dry oil. This makes is easier to apply as it is not sticky, plus it contains shimmer which makes your skin instantly glow. I'd use it only to beautify my skin or catch a bit of sun when going to the city, which is 5 minutes away and to make my skin look pretty. Also it is nicely moisturizing due to oil complex. Again, SPF needed ! And please don't eat is because it smells so yummy.
Fast Tanning Jam DRY OIL
This is quite the same product as marmelade but in a form of dry oil. This makes is easier to apply as it is not sticky, plus it contains shimmer which makes your skin instantly glow. I'd use it only to beautify my skin or catch a bit of sun when going to the city, which is 5 minutes away and to make my skin look pretty. Also it is nicely moisturizing due to oil complex. Again, SPF needed ! And please don't eat is because it smells so yummy.
SOS Losjon proti komarjem
Ker imam vsako leto precejšne težave s piki nadležnih komarjev, sem se te novosti zelo razveselila. Letos pa jim mogoče kri ne diši ali pa jih preprosto ne najdem, zato tega spreja nisem preveč potrebovala. Lahko pa vam samo omenim, da diši nekako zeliščno (evkaliptus, rožmarin) ampak vseeno osvežilno (limonska trava, citronela), tako da vonj ni tako neprijeten kot pri običajni zaščiti proti mrčesu ipd. Tekstura pa je lahkotna in se na koži ne občuti.
SOS Tropical spray
Every year I get quite a lot of nasty mosquito bites so you know I was happy to receive this product. However, this year there seems to be lack of mosquitos and I didn't need this spray as much. Still, I can tell you that it smells a bit herbal but fresh and it actually doesn't smell as bad as usual bug repelents. The texture is very light and you cannot feel it on the skin.
SOS Tropical spray
Every year I get quite a lot of nasty mosquito bites so you know I was happy to receive this product. However, this year there seems to be lack of mosquitos and I didn't need this spray as much. Still, I can tell you that it smells a bit herbal but fresh and it actually doesn't smell as bad as usual bug repelents. The texture is very light and you cannot feel it on the skin.
SOS Prva pomoč pri pikih
Tudi ta izdelek sem preizkusila že lani, ko sem ga dobila kar v Rogaški Slatini. Letos so etiketo sicer malce prenovili, sestavine pa so skoraj identične. Gre za zelo tekoči gel, ki vsebuje sivko ter aloe vero in zelo pomirja srbečico in razdraženo kožo. Meni je najbolj pomagal proti opeklinah, ki jih lani ni bilo malo. Ker je zelo tekoč, se hitro vpije in niti malo ne draži kože. Pomaga pa tudi pri pomirjanju pikov insektov ter opeklinah meduz. Tudi mama si ga je prilastila, saj tudi njej pomaga in ji je zelo všeč.
SOS Calming gel
Let me tell you that this gel product is quite amazing. I got it last year in Rogaška Slatina and since then they changed a packaging a bit. It is a very liquid gel, so it's light-weight and sinks into the skin instantly. It works great with any sunburns as it calms the skin and doesn't leave an itchy or irritating feeling. Also it's for any bug bites or medusa burns. My mom loves it as well as it helps her as an after sun care.SOS Calming gel
- Thursday, July 28, 2016