My Foundation Collection (combination/oily skin)
Monday, December 04, 2017
Živjo punce.
Odločila sem se, da Vam pokažem mojo zbirko tekočih pudrov katera se je v zadnjih dveh letih občutno povečala. Z Vami bom delila kateri tekoči pudri so moji najljubši in kateri mi niso priljubljeni (seznam si sledi po tem vrstnem redu). Ta objava bo najbolj v pomoč tistim, ki imate mešano do mastno kožo (kakor jaz), saj večinoma uporabljam pudre, ki so primerni samo za moj tip kože. Tu in tam pa testiram tudi kakšnega drugačnega. Veliko pudrov žal morem mešati s posvetlitvenimi kapljicami (sploh pozimi), ker imam zelo svetlo/porcelanasto polt. V moji zbirki je še nekaj BB in CC krem, vendar teh ne bom omenjala danes. Začela bom kar z mojimi štirimi najljubšimi pudri. Prijetno branje ;)...
Hi girls !
Finally I decided to show you my whole foundation collection. It has grown quite frankly in last two years. This post goes in order from my most used/loved foundations to the least favorite ones. It will be mostly helpful to the girls with combination/oily skin (which I have), though I test a few different foundations from time to time. A lot of them I also need to lighten up with TBS lightening drops because my skin is very pale/porcelain. I do own a few BB & CC creams which I won't mention today. So, have a nice read ;)
Finally I decided to show you my whole foundation collection. It has grown quite frankly in last two years. This post goes in order from my most used/loved foundations to the least favorite ones. It will be mostly helpful to the girls with combination/oily skin (which I have), though I test a few different foundations from time to time. A lot of them I also need to lighten up with TBS lightening drops because my skin is very pale/porcelain. I do own a few BB & CC creams which I won't mention today. So, have a nice read ;)
Revlon Colorstay Combination/Oily - 150 Buff
Na vrhu seznama je seveda ta puder. Uporabljam ga verjetno že 8 let. Pred tem nisem vedela kakšen puder sploh morem jaz uporabljati, saj imam bolj mastno kožo. In takrat sem imela še izbruhe mozoljčkov, tako da je ta postal moj najljubši. To pa zato, ker je dobro prekriven. Čeprav so ga z leti razredčili in zdaj ni več tako prekriven. Hkrati pa ne zdrsi z obraza in se ne svetim hitro. Včasih maši pore, ampak si na koncu dneva res dobro globinsko očistim kožo, da ne ostane v porah. Odtenek Buff je super zame, saj imam rumen podton, vendar bi lahko bil še svetlejši. Obstaja tudi različica za suho kožo.
This has been my all time favorite foundation and I don't know what I'll do if one day they discontinue it. I've been using it for about 8 years. I am glad I discovered it when I had no idea what foundation I was supposed to be using on my oily skin. Plus at that time I had some pimples. I love it because it has a nice coverage (it used to really be full coverage, though it has been reformulated) and it has long staying power. Plus I don't get greasy quickly. It could clog your pores, however I make sure, I deeply cleanse my pores.
This has been my all time favorite foundation and I don't know what I'll do if one day they discontinue it. I've been using it for about 8 years. I am glad I discovered it when I had no idea what foundation I was supposed to be using on my oily skin. Plus at that time I had some pimples. I love it because it has a nice coverage (it used to really be full coverage, though it has been reformulated) and it has long staying power. Plus I don't get greasy quickly. It could clog your pores, however I make sure, I deeply cleanse my pores.
MAC Studio Fix Fluid - NW13
Za ta puder sem najprej mislila, da mi je dekle v trgovini prodalo napačen odtenek, vendar sem ugotovila, da so očitno pri MAC-u zmedeni glede tonov. Sama sem zelo svetla in bi pričakovala da mi bo ponudila najmanjšo številko: 10, vendar pri liniji NW, 10-ka izgleda zelo roza, medtem ko je NW13 zelo bež in super za nevtralen podton (takšni so tudi opisi na spletu). Hkrati pa mi je zato žal malce pretemen. To rešujem s posvetlitvenimi kapljicami. Ima dobro prekrivnost (se da nagraditi do visoke prekrivnosti), vendar se po njem svetim hitreje kot po Revlon Colorstayu. Sicer pa mi je všeč kako izgleda na koži. Hranim ga predvsem za posebne priložnosti, saj je dražji. Vem, morala bi ga večkrat uporabiti. Oceno pudra si lahko ogledate tukaj. MAC izdelke pa lahko sedaj kupite tudi v Sloveniji (Citypark, Ljubljana).
At first i was confused because I thought this foundation has been matched to me wrongly. Though after searching on official website I realized they are so weird with shades. NW10 is a bit pink toned, while NW13 is very neutral beige. That's why I have a bit darker shade, which I still have to lighten, however undertone is perfect for me. Coverage is medium to full and it has a nice liquid texture. I really like the way it looks on my skin. Though I get shiny quicker than with Revlon Colorstay. Because I'm a hoarder, I store this one for special ocasions. I know, I need to use it more. You can find a full review here.
At first i was confused because I thought this foundation has been matched to me wrongly. Though after searching on official website I realized they are so weird with shades. NW10 is a bit pink toned, while NW13 is very neutral beige. That's why I have a bit darker shade, which I still have to lighten, however undertone is perfect for me. Coverage is medium to full and it has a nice liquid texture. I really like the way it looks on my skin. Though I get shiny quicker than with Revlon Colorstay. Because I'm a hoarder, I store this one for special ocasions. I know, I need to use it more. You can find a full review here.
Dior DiorSkin Forever - 010
Tole je verjetno najdražji puder v moji zbirki in tudi manj uporabljen, ker ga spet kot nekatere druge - preveč "šparam". Pa vendar ga morem porabiti, ker je že nekaj časa v moji zbirki. Že sama embalaža je res čudovita, v matiranem steklu. Podlaga je do srednje prekrivna in izgleda zelo lepo naravno na koži. Res jo olepša ter je na pol matt in sploh ne daje pudrastega izgleda. Prav tako lepo diši. Najsvetlejši odtenek je čisto malo pretemen za mojo kožo, vendar je kar vredu.
And the most expensive foundation is this Dior one. Again, I use it a bit less than I should, however I really like it. Even the packaging with frosted glass is amazing. It has medium coverage and looks very natural, not powdery at all. It is semi-matt so it won't stay on as long, however it is still great for oily skin. The lightest shade is tiny bit too dark for me, however I can manage it.
And the most expensive foundation is this Dior one. Again, I use it a bit less than I should, however I really like it. Even the packaging with frosted glass is amazing. It has medium coverage and looks very natural, not powdery at all. It is semi-matt so it won't stay on as long, however it is still great for oily skin. The lightest shade is tiny bit too dark for me, however I can manage it.
Max Factor Lasting Performance - 101 Ivory Beige
Ta puder zadnje čase zelo veliko uporabljam. Je zelo dobro prekriven in super tudi za mastno kožo, saj ostane na koži dlje časa. Odtenek je pretemen zame, zato ga osvetlim. Obstaja že kar dolgo, vendar so ga pred kratkim na novo formulirali. Skratka super najdba iz drogerije.
This has been my second most used foundation lately (after Revlon). It has a nice coverage and seems to be really long lasting on my oilier skin. The shade is a bit too dark, however I mix it with lightening drops. It has been in the drugstores for a long time, however they changed a packaging and formulation a bit. It's a great drugstore find.
This has been my second most used foundation lately (after Revlon). It has a nice coverage and seems to be really long lasting on my oilier skin. The shade is a bit too dark, however I mix it with lightening drops. It has been in the drugstores for a long time, however they changed a packaging and formulation a bit. It's a great drugstore find.
Catrice HD Liquid Coverage - 010 Light Beige
In od najboljših k v redu, ampak ne navdušujočim pudrom. Izbor Catrice odtenkov je precej slab (ta puder je na voljo samo v štirih), pa vendar mi je najsvetlejši vredu, če ga malo posvetlim s kapljicami. Je zelo tekoč in se lepo zabriše. Če ga naneseš preveč, pa lahko izgleda koža zelo napudrana. Drugače mi je všeč videz podlage in ima tudi zelo dobro obstojnost. Žal pa včasih precej oksidira.
And from my favorite, to not that exciting but still okay foundations. Catrice has a very limited selection of shades and this foundation comes only in four. The lightest one is okay for me if I lighten it. Texture is very liquid, however it blends easily. Though if applied heavier, it can look powdery. I do really like the finished result, even though it sometimes oxidizes.
And from my favorite, to not that exciting but still okay foundations. Catrice has a very limited selection of shades and this foundation comes only in four. The lightest one is okay for me if I lighten it. Texture is very liquid, however it blends easily. Though if applied heavier, it can look powdery. I do really like the finished result, even though it sometimes oxidizes.
L'Oreal Infallible 24H Matte - 11 Vanilla
Tudi ta puder ni slab za mastno kožo. Daje popolnoma matiran videz ter se res ne svetiš hitro. Tekstura je ravno dovolj tekoča, čeprav ga moreš hitro razmazati saj se takoj posuši. Žal pa je odtenek malce zgrešen saj lahko izgleda oranžen na koži (tudi tega posvetlim). Ni moj najljubši, saj imam z njim nekaj dela, vendar je zelo dober drogerijski puder za mastno kožo.
Another oily skin appropriate foundation. This one gives you a really matt finish and really helps you from getting shiny quickly. Texture is liquid enough, however it dries quickly so you have to work fast. The shade Vanilla is a bit orangey, however again I can lighten it. I used to use it a lot, however these days I have many other ones that impress me.
Another oily skin appropriate foundation. This one gives you a really matt finish and really helps you from getting shiny quickly. Texture is liquid enough, however it dries quickly so you have to work fast. The shade Vanilla is a bit orangey, however again I can lighten it. I used to use it a lot, however these days I have many other ones that impress me.
The Ordinary Coverage Foundation - 1.0N
Ta tekoča podlaga mi je všeč že zaradi zelo svetlega odtenka. Verjetno svetlejšega pudra še nisem imela v zbirki. Ima tudi rumen podton. Prekrivnost je srednja, vendar daje naraven izgled. Žal pa ne zdrži ves dan. Super je za vsakodnevno rabo.
This is the lightest foundation in my collection. It's super pale and has a yellow undertone, which suits me. Coverage is medium, however it looks natural. Sadly it is not very long lasting, however I like it for every day use.
This is the lightest foundation in my collection. It's super pale and has a yellow undertone, which suits me. Coverage is medium, however it looks natural. Sadly it is not very long lasting, however I like it for every day use.
Maybelline Fit me Matte & Poreless - 105 Natural Ivory
Ta je zelo tekoč in lahek na koži. Sicer ima prekrivnost, vendar ni najboljša. Super je za dneve, ko ne potrebuješ veliko prekrivnosti ali želiš poenotenost samo za nekaj ur saj ni dolgo obstojen. Odtenek je precej rumen, kar mi je všeč saj ustreza moji polti. Morem reči, da zadnje čase redko posežem po njem.
This one is very liquidy and light on the skin, so the coverage is not amazing. It's great for days when you just want to even out your skin tone and imperfections. The longevity is not great, but is still good enough. This shade is very yellow which suits me.
This one is very liquidy and light on the skin, so the coverage is not amazing. It's great for days when you just want to even out your skin tone and imperfections. The longevity is not great, but is still good enough. This shade is very yellow which suits me.
Deborah 24 Ore Care Perfection - 00
Ta puder me je pritegnil, saj naj bi bil v zelo svetlem odtenku, ter je vlažilen, vendar z mat učinkom. Tekstura je gostejša in so mi zato druge podlage ljubše. Pa vendar, je odtenek kar vredu. Prekrivnost pa srednja in zadovoljiva. Super je za vsakodnevno rabo, drugače pa na meni ni obstojen ves dan.
I was very interested in this foundation since it's supposed to be in a very light shade. Plus, while it promises the matt effect, it stays hydrating. The texture is a bit thicker, which is why I like other foundations more. Though the shade has yellow undertone which I like. It could be great for every day use, however it is not as long lasting on me.
I was very interested in this foundation since it's supposed to be in a very light shade. Plus, while it promises the matt effect, it stays hydrating. The texture is a bit thicker, which is why I like other foundations more. Though the shade has yellow undertone which I like. It could be great for every day use, however it is not as long lasting on me.
Shiseido Synchro Skin Glow - Neutral 2
Ta puder ni ravno primeren za mojo mastno kožo, vendar sem ga z veseljem nekajkrat testirala. Naprej mi je všeč to, da so na voljo nevtralni odtenki, saj ustreza moji polti, čeprav je malce temnejši. Tekstura pa je tekoča in se najboljše zabriše kar s prsti. Tako dobite naraven, zdrav, sijoč videz, ki pa ne izgleda mastno. Meni je začetni izgled res zelo všeč. Žal pa se kljub fiksiranju kar hitro svetim. Priporočam ga tistim s suho kožo, saj se verjetno ne bo oprijel suhih predelov.
This foundation is certainly not for oilier skin, however I've tested it a few times and really like it. First of all, I like the neutral shade, which suits my skin, even though it could be lighter. Texture is liquid and is best used with fingers to warm it up. The finish is very natural and glowy but not greasy. I love how healthy it makes my skin look. Though sadly even with powder and fixing, I get shiny quickly. I definitely recommend it to the ones with drier skin since it doesn't seem to cling on dry patches.
This foundation is certainly not for oilier skin, however I've tested it a few times and really like it. First of all, I like the neutral shade, which suits my skin, even though it could be lighter. Texture is liquid and is best used with fingers to warm it up. The finish is very natural and glowy but not greasy. I love how healthy it makes my skin look. Though sadly even with powder and fixing, I get shiny quickly. I definitely recommend it to the ones with drier skin since it doesn't seem to cling on dry patches.
Rimmel Stay Matte - 100 Ivory
Ta puder ima puhasto, "mousse" teksturo, ki zna kožo precej obtežiti. Zato priporočam bolj rahel nanos. Žal ima tudi ta odtenek bolj oranžen videz in ga že nekaj časa nisem uporabila. In ga tudi verjetno ne bi, če bi imela pravi odtenek saj mi ni všeč tekstura. Če imate kakšne suhe predele, se jih bo ta puder zelo oprijel.
This foundation has a mousse texture which can be really heavy on your skin. So a light application is recommended, however it still isn't my favorite. Plus the shades is quite orangey, and I would not use it anymore.
This foundation has a mousse texture which can be really heavy on your skin. So a light application is recommended, however it still isn't my favorite. Plus the shades is quite orangey, and I would not use it anymore.
Paese Liquid Powder Double Skin - 20A
Še ena tekoča podlaga, ki daje bolj svež videz in je za suho kožo. Ponuja srednjo prekrivnost in naj bi bila celo vodoodporna. Vendar se meni ne zdi dovolj prekriven. Ima pa zanimiv aplikator - podoben tistemu za korektor, vendar je ogromen. To zna biti sicer malce nehigienično ampak obenem praktično.
Another foundation with fresher finish, for dry skin. It is supposed to have medium coverage while being waterproof. I don't think it has that much coverage. Though I really like the applicator, which looks like the one for concealer, however quite big. It can be very useful, however a bit unhygenic.
Another foundation with fresher finish, for dry skin. It is supposed to have medium coverage while being waterproof. I don't think it has that much coverage. Though I really like the applicator, which looks like the one for concealer, however quite big. It can be very useful, however a bit unhygenic.
Rimmel Fresher Skin - 100 Ivory
Tega pa verjetno ne uporabljam veliko zaradi tega, ker se nahaja v lončku, ki ni najbolj priročen. Podlaga daje res svež videz, ter se ne občuti mastno. Pa vendar, se jaz na koncu delavnega dneva precej svetim. Odtenek pa je temnejši. Če najdete ustrezen odtenek, ga priporočam tistim z bolj suho kožo.
What puts me off using this foundations is that it comes in a pot which is not really handy. On the skin it looks very fresh and not greasy. Though I get quite shiny after a few hours. Plus the shade selection is weird. I do recommend it for more drier skin.
What puts me off using this foundations is that it comes in a pot which is not really handy. On the skin it looks very fresh and not greasy. Though I get quite shiny after a few hours. Plus the shade selection is weird. I do recommend it for more drier skin.

L'oreal Infallible 24h matte je meni po teksturi in obstojnosti super, ampak podtoni so pa čisto mimo za mene, zato ga kar krepko zanemarjam. Glede Catrice HD podlage se popolnoma strinjam, če je nanešen z težko roko, definitivno zgledaš pudrast. Maybelline Matte & Poreless pa po mojem mnenju tudi ni najboljši za mastno kožo. Že na meni nima neke pretirane obstojnosti pa imam normalno kožo z mastno t-cono. Mi je pa sčasoma ratal všeč, čeprav mi je na začetku bil obupen.
ReplyDeleteDrugače pa super objava, mislim, da bo marsikateri z mastno kožo prišla v poštev :)
Ja, pri tem Infallible je res škoda, da ni dobre izbire odtenkov, ker zato tud pri meni ne pride velikokrat na vrsto. Se kar strinjama :)
DeleteIn hvala !
Pri meni je enako na vrhu še vedno Revlon Colorstay. Imam pa trenutno tudi L'Oréal Infallible pa tudi pride bolj redko na vrsto, enako mi odtenek ne ustreza ravno, tudi vedno svetlim s Catrice kapljicami. ��
ReplyDeleteJaz res ne vem kaj bom, če en dan ne bo več Colorstaya hehe :) Meni je tak škoda, ko mi potem ne ustrezajo podlage, ko jih težko potem porabiš vse...
DeleteRevlon je tudi moj favorit. Najboljša prekrivnost in se mi zdi, da tudi najboljši podton za rahlo olivno kožo. Čeprav bi lahko imeli še kak svetlejši odtenek. Catrice HD je prav tako med mojimi favoriti, ker je res lahek na koži. Čeprav tudi njim manjka še kakšen svetel odtenek, jaz ga moram pozimi tudi mešat :).
ReplyDeleteL'Oreal sploh več ne kupujem, ker imajo katastrofalne oranžne podtone. The Ordinary pa meni sploh ni všeč. Jaz se začnem ful mastit po njem.
Colorstay je res edini drogerijski puder, ki je super :) Imajo še sicer en svetlejši odtenek, ampak je malo bolj na pink.
DeleteJaz sem pa druge poslušala, da je ta L'Orealov odtenek kul, pa tud luči so bile kar obetavne v drogeriji :D
Aja, meni Ordinary zdrži nekaj ur s fiksirnim pudrom.
Very nice post ;)
ReplyDeleteSuper objava <3
ReplyDeleteTale Dior me ful mika!
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ReplyDeleteHey, i have a question for you :) Is Shiseido neutral 2 darker than Catrice 010, and in general, can you tell me the difference between that two shades ? Thank you very much !
ReplyDeleteYes, Shiseido on me looks quite darker.. However, Catrice also oxidizes after a few hours.
DeleteNice shades. Great post!