Lush Cute Easter Products 2018

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Živjo punce.
Pri Lushu ne pozabijo na noben praznik in Velika noč ni izjema. S čimer imajo trenutno na voljo luštne tematske izdelke, ki bodo v tebi prebudili otroka ali pa te bodo definitivno spravili v dobro voljo. Šampon v obliki zajčka je res nekaj najbolj prikupnega, še bolj zabavne pa so različne kroglice v obliki jajčk. Priporočam tudi kopel v obliki korenčkov, ki ima prijeten svež vonj in naredi ogromno pene - ta je bila moja najljubša pretekla leta.

Hi girls.
Lush comes out with a collection for each holiday. And this Easter is especially fun. They brought out fun and cute products which may take you back to your childhood or just boost up your mood. Shampoo in the shape of a bunny is for sure the cutest, however you can also find many different bath products shaped like Easter eggs. Though I mostly recommend Bunch of carrots reusable bubble bar, which smells fresh and makes lots of bubbles - this one was my fav. from previous years.

Lush Easter 2018

April Showers Bath Bomb

Lush Easter 2018 April Showers Bath Bomb

To je kroglica, ki bi jo sama najraje uporabila v času aprilskega dežja, saj je oblikovana kot oblaček. V njej so tudi koščki v obliki kapljic, ki vsebujejo kakavovo maslo ter ekstra deviško olivno olje in delujejo kot oljna kopel. Zato je koža po uporabi navlažena. Vonj sestavljajo: cipresovo olje, olje cedrovine, absolut listov vijolice in absolut tonke. Tako diši bolj zemeljsko in cvetlično ter zelo spominja na naravo in svežo travo.

This bath bomb makes me want to use it on a cozy, rainy day since it's shaped like a cloud. Also it has some raindrops in it with contain cocoa butter and extra virgin olive oil. Both combined work as a bath oil and will make your skin soft and hydrated. Scent comes from: Cypress oil, Cedarwood oil, Violet leaf oil and Tonka Absolut. So the smell is earthy but flowery which reminds me a lot of nature.

Cream Egg (Yellow) Bubble Bar

Lush Easter 2018 Cream Egg (Yellow) Bubble Bar

Moje najljubše kopeli so peneče. To jajce lahko uporabiš dvakrat, če ga daš na pol in vsakič polovičko razdrobiš pod vročo vodo. V bani naredi veliko mehurčkov. Sredica pa vsebuje kakavovo ter karitejevo maslo, ki poskrbita za vlaženje. Odločaš se lahko med tremi barvnimi različicami. Vse pa imajo vonj po mentolu in čokoladi. Sicer na začetku spominja na "zobno pasto", ampak ima malce sladek pridih kot After Eight čokoladice. Meta odpre dihalne poti ter poživi telo.

I do prefer bubble bars because they make lots of foam. This eggy you can break into two halves and use it twice while crumbling it under hot water. It creates many bubbles while cocoa butter and shea butter nourish your skin. It comes in three color variations. The scent is very minty but it has a chocolate undertone to it. So at first it reminds me of toothpaste, however it also has a scent of After Eight chocolates. Mint opens up your nose and refreshes your whole body.

Wash Behind Your Ears Shampoo Bar

Lush Easter 2018 Wash Behind Your Ears Shampoo Bar

Sama res obožujem Lush-eve trde šampone, ker: dolgo zdržijo (za 80-100 pranj), so brez embalaže, se lepo spenijo in so super za potovanja. Zajčkov šampon vsebuje limonino olje, korenčkovo olje, jabolčni kis ter olje limonine mirte ki skupaj poskrbijo za ravnovesje lasišča ter sijoč videz las. Ima res svež vonj po limonah, ki me spominja na Montalbano (katerega uporabljam že nekaj mesecev), vendar je tale šampon še bolj osvežilen.  Super je za lase, ki se hitro mastijo (kakor moji) saj je res čistilen, zato sem se tega šampona res razveselila. Pred uporabo pa je najboljše, da smrček odstraniš, uhlji iz riževega papirja pa se stopijo.

I'm a huge fan of Lush's shampoo bars because: they last up to 100 washes, are packaging free, foam up nicely and are travel friendly. This bunny shampoo contains Lemon oil, Carrot Oil, Cider vinegar and Organic Lemon Myrtle Oil which cleanse and detoxify your hair. Also it is balancing so if you have oily scalp, this one might be fore you. The scent is very zesty, lemony which reminds me of Montalbano (which I've been using recently) but is even fresher. It cleanses my greasy hair nicely, so I'm quite happy about it. Though before use I removed a fluffy nose. But paper ears dissolve in the water.

Raspberry Milkshake Soap

Lush Mother's Day 2018 Raspberry Milkshake Soap

To milo je sicer del linije za Materinski dan, vendar je na voljo v trgovinah ob istem času. Vonj ima seveda po malinah, s pridihom svežine limone. Res diši sadno, prijetno in prav tako izgleda čudovito - za "pojest". Vsebuje kakavovo maslo ter mandljevo olje, tako, da ne bo izsušilo vaše kože. Sama mila najraje uporabljam za umivanje rok ali čopičev.

And the last product is from their Mother's day range, however it is available at the store at the same time. It smells incredible: fresh like strawberry, with a zing of lemon. It really is fruity and nice, plus it looks very "edible". Ingredients contain also cocoa butter and almond oil which won't dry out your skin. I love using it on my hands.

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  1. Joj, Lush ima vedno tako kjut izdelke! Sem včasih prav srečna, da je trgovinica v centru, da ne morem zmeraj do nje, haha. Ne maram pa kupovati preko spletne strani, I need to smell it all =D

  2. Thanks for the information. Please suggest me the best jasmine scrub soap that can help to prevent acne and dryness.

  3. Thanks for the valuable information. Please suggest me the aloe vera glycerin soap
    that can be used by both men and women for dry skin.


