
Bourjois Le Duo Blush & Le Petit Strober

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Živjo punce.
Bourjois preseneča z vedno več čudovitimi novostmi. V prejšnji objavi o favoritih, sem govorila o njihovih Satin Edition senčilih ter Rouge Velvet The Lipstick šminki, katere so me očarale. Tokrat pa so lansirali nekaj izdelkov za lica. Ter sem se odločila, da jim namenim kar posebno objavo.

Hi girls.
Bourjois has been on fire with many new exciting launches. In previous favorites I talked about their Satin Edition Eye Shadows & Rouge Velvet The Lipstick which are quite amazing. And now they brought out new cheek products. So I decided to dedicate them an entire review post.

Bourjois Le Duo Blush & Le Petit Strober

Le Duo Blush

Bourjois Le Duo Blush & Le Petit Strober

Duo rdečila za lica se nahajajo v podobnih embalažah kot rdečila iz njihove klasične linije. Mene spominjajo na slaščice: Macarons ter so tako šik, s pariškim pridihom. Hkrati pa se v embalaži skrivata ogledalo in majhen čopič, katerega sicer jaz ne uporabljam.
Ideja teh rdečil je, da s temnejšim odtenkom oblikujete ter licem dodate dimenzijo medtem, ko svetlejši odtenek nanesete na sredino lic, da dodate barvo. Sicer sama raje s čopičem zavihtim po obeh polovicah ter dobim mešan odtenek in tega nanesem kot klasično rdečilo, saj želim enakomeren odtenek. Rdečila so lepo pigmentirana in na licih pustijo tudi malce sijaja. Prav tako trajajo ves dan. Na voljo pa so trije odtenki ter si želim preizkusit še breskvast odtenek (02 Romeo et peachette). Odtenek 01 Inseparoses je rožnat z malce mareličnim pridihom ter ni preveč roza. Odtenek 03 Crameli Melo pa je precej bronz, oranžkast in bi bil popoln na zagoreli koži.

The packaging is the same as for their blushes from a normal range. They call them: "Little Round Pot", which look cute and a bit old school - Parisienne. With a mirror and a little brush inside.
The blushes are a combination of two colors which are supposed to give your cheeks a little bit more dimension. You're supposed to apply darker color to shape the cheeks and then with lighter color applied to centre, to give them more flush. I don't like to play with that since I don't want my cheeks to be blotchy, so I just mix the two colors together and apply it. Blushes are nicely pigmented and give the cheeks a nice color and also leave some sheen. There are three shades available but I tested two. I wish I had a third, peachy shade (02 Romeo et peachette). Shade 01 Inseparoses is rosy with a bit of peachy undertone but not too pink. Shade 03 Crameli Melo is very bronzy and peachy, so it would look perfect on tanned skin.

01 Inseparoses

Bourjois Le Duo Blush 01 Inseparoses

Bourjois Le Duo Blush 01 Inseparoses

03 Crameli Melo

Bourjois Le Duo Blush 03 Crameli Melo

Le Petit Strober

Bourjois Le Petit Strober

In še en zanimiv izdelek, je osvetljevalec v čudovitem odtenku šampanjca, ki bo izgledal lepo na vseh tonih kože. Embalaža je enaka kot pri rdečilih: z ogledalom ter čopičem. Tekstura je mehka in fina tako, da se lepo nanaša. Sicer ni najbolj pigmentiran osvetljevalec, vendar se ga zlahka sloji. Sama vzamem manjši čopič ter ga nanesem na vrh ličnic.
Vsi izdelki (tudi rdečila), so precej močno odišavljeni po vijolicah (ni moj najljubši vonj), vendar ta vonj kar hitro izgine.

Cena izdelkov: okoli 10,35€

The highlighter/strober is a nice champagne shade which is suitable for a lot of skin tones. The actual powder is baked, so it's very fine. Again in the packaging you also get a mirror and a tiny brush. I is not the most pigmented highlighter but at the same time it's easily buildable. I just use a smaller brush and apply it onto the high points of the cheeks. 

Both products are scented quite heavily and smell like violets (not my favorite scent), however the scent disappears quickly.

Bourjois Le Petit Strober

01 Inseparoses | 
03 Crameli Melo | Le Petit Strober

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  1. Osvetljevalec je noro lep! Inseparoses mi je bolj všeč kot ta drug odtenek, sem bolj za roza lička ;)

    1. Ja meni je presenetljivo tudi Inseparoses zelo všeč :)

  2. A great post with lovely photos. A nice added touch with the macaroons!

  3. Nice shades of highlighter!Keep posting dear.


