Favorite Mini Makeup Products

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Živjo punce.
Opazila sem, da res z veseljem kupujem mini oziroma majhne različice ličil. Verjetno se strinjamo, da izgledajo takšne embalaže res luštno. Hkrati pa če želim preizkusiti malce dražje izdelke, se mi zdi ful fajn, da le tega preizkusim, da se izognem katastrofalnemu nakupu. Seveda če preračunamo, je nakupovanje takšnih izdelkov morda dražje, vendar jih jaz raje kupim, ker ne vem ali mi bodo všeč. Takšne mini oziroma potovalne izdelke lahko po večini kupite v Sephori in podobnih trgovinah z ličili. Kakšne negovalne izdelke in produkte za kožo pa dobite tudi v klasičnih drogerijah. Hkrati pa če radi letite in ste omejeni na ročno prtljago, se morate tudi držati pravil koliko tekočin lahko vzamete s seboj in je takrat takšna opcija res fajn. Sicer pa kakšne šampone itd. je fajn samo prelit v majhne embalaže.

Hi girls.
I noticed that I'm quite obsessed with buying mini sized products. First of all they look so cute but then again if I want to try an expensive makeup product, sometimes I'd rather just test it firstly to see how it performs on me. If you calculate it, buying mini sized products might be a bit more expensive but in my opinion if you can sometimes avoid a disastrous purchase, it's worth it. Mostly you can find mini/travel options for makeup in Sephora and such. But for skincare and other, you can get it even in drugstores or sometimes it's a gift with purchase. Plus if you always travel with hand luggage, you're limited to how much liquid you can take with you, so these come in handy. Though I'd advise you to sometimes use up one packaging and then fill it up with what you have at home.

Benefit Hoola Bronzer & Galifornia Blush

Benefit Hoola Bronzer 

Ne spomnim se, da bi kdaj sploh porabila rdečilo za lička ali bronzer. Zato se mi takšna ideja majhnega bronzerja zdi super odločitev. Le tega sama vzamem s seboj res povsod kamor grem in še vedno se mi ni uspelo prebiti do dna. Odtenek je super, ker ni topel in izgleda precej naravno na koži.  Velikost embalaže pa je res pravšnja. Čopič, ki sem ga dobila zraven pa sicer ni najbolj uporaben, kar me ne moti.

I can't remember that I'd ever used up a blush or a bronzer. So purchasing a smaller bronzer was a perfect decision. I literally take it everywhere I go and I still haven't hit the pan. I think the shade is great as it's not too orangey and it looks very nice on the skin, not patchy at all. The brush might be useless but the actual size of packaging is just great.

Benefit Galifornia Blush

Še en Benefit potovalen izdelek za lička. V embalaži izgleda zelo oranžno, vendar, če so vam všeč marelični odtenki, je ta res lep. Z rahlim nanosom, daje licem pravšnjo barvo. Izgleda lepo in lička delujejo živa. Odtenek je tudi super za poletja in festivalsko sezono. Kvaliteta pa je prav tako kot pri bronzerju odlična, tako da mi je res všeč.

Another great mini cheek product by Benefit. It might looks scarily orange in the pan, however if you love peachy blushes, this one is just beautiful. With a light swipe, it gives you right amount of color. Plus the color is great for summer time and festival season. The quality is great and I just love it.

Urban Decay All Nighter Setting Spray & Makeup Forever Ultra HD Microfinishing Loose Powder

Urban Decay All Nighter Setting Spray

Tole je eden izmed mojih "must have" izdelkov, ko potujem. Je verjetno eden izmed najboljših sprejev za fiksiranje ličil. Tega majhnega hranim za potovanja ali dolge dneve. Všeč mi je, ker mojega obraza ne matira popolnoma in ga ne "zategne". Hkrati pa dobro osveži obraz, odstrani pudrast videz ter ličilom podaljša obstojnost. Iz spreja pa se razprši zelo fina meglica, kar redko opazim pri drugih sprejih.

This is a must when travelling. It might really be one of the best setting sprays. I've used up a big bottle and have been keeping small one for when travelling. I like that it doesn't completely mattify my skin, so it doesn't give you a tight feeling. But mainly it's great because it makes your makeup a bit more long lasting and it definitely eliminates a powdery look. The spray on these is great: it's very fine and covers the whole face quickly. 

Makeup Forever Ultra HD Microfinishing Loose Powder

Tudi puder v prahu kar težko porabiš, ker ga za eno uporabo potrebuješ precej malo. Tako se mi ta potovalna velikost zdi popolna. Embalaža pa je super, saj je oblikovana tako, da prah ne uide iz sita in ne leti povsod. Tekstura pudra je zelo fina in lahkotna ter se lepo zlije s kožo. Sam izdelek se mi za takšno ceno ne zdi tako poseben, vendar deluje.

Again, loose powders go a long way and if you don't use them regularly, this kind of "travel" size is just perfect. I love this packaging because it has a stopper, so the powder doesn't fly up everywhere. But the actual powder is very light and blends into the skin easily. I don't think it's that amazing for the price, but it's nice.

Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector Liquid - Opal

Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector Liquid - Opal

V Parizu sem kupila Becca set z osvetljevalcema v prahu ter tekoči obliki, v odtenku Opal. Sicer sem mislila, da mi bo najbolj všeč kompaktni osvetljevalec, vendar me je tekoči popolnoma presenetil. Kompaktni izgleda precej bleščeče, medtem, ko se tekoč precej lepše zabriše in zlije s kožo, tako da izgleda bolj naravno. Enostavno ga je uporabljati in končen učinek je res lep. Sama ga zabrišem kar s prsti in včasih na vrh nanesem transparenten puder, da odstranim lepljivost, ki pa ni tako moteča.

I bought a Becca set with Powder & Liquid highlighter in the shade Opal in Paris (see the haul here). I thought I would prefer the pressed powder, however I was stunned by the liquid highlighter. The powder looks a bit too glittery while the liquid blends in nicely and leaves such a natural nice sheen on the skin. It's so easy to use and the effect is just perfect. I mostly blend it in with my fingers and sometimes set it with translucent powder even though the texture is not really sticky.

Estée Lauder Little Black Primer

Estée Lauder Little Black Primer

Čeprav sem v setu prejela maskaro, ki mi res ni bila všeč (več tukaj), pa mi je ta primer za trepalnice kar všeč. Najbolj mi je kul, da je odtenek črn in ne tako kot pri ostalih primerjih, ki so običajno beli. Najraje ga uporabljam, kadar imam "no makeup" dan in želim, da imajo trepalnice samo malo barve, saj so drugače zelo svetle. Tekstura ni trda ter ne zlepi trepalnic. Če ga uporabljate z maskaro, pa doda ekstra volumen.

As much as I hated a mascara from this set (post here), I kinda really like this lash primer. Firstly, it's black so it won't give you a white primer effect. Plus on no makeup days I don't like any mascara but just a bit color on them, so this is when this primer comes in handy. The texture is nice and doesn't give you a dry effect. Plus it is nicely voluminous. It complements any mascara you have at home. 

Clarins Instant Light Natural Lip Perfector - 01 & The Balm Meet Matt(e) Hughes Liquid Lipstick

Clarins Instant Light Natural Lip Perfector - 01

Clarins še posebej ponuja precej dobre potovalne sete, ki lahko vključujejo izdelke za obraz in telo ter ličila. Nekaj posebnih setov najdete posebej na letališčih. O tem izdelku (v drugem odtenku) sem že govorila in mi je zelo všeč (več tukaj). Ni samo glos z malce barve, temveč se občuti bolj kot balzam in polepša videz ustnic. Ta mini različica pa izgleda res luštno. 

Clarins also does very nice travel sets in which you can get skincare, makeup and such. Some exclusives you can also get at the airport. I've talked about this lip perfector in a different shade (here) as I really like it. It's not just a gloss with slight color because it feels more balmy and it can really make your lips look more perfected and juicy. This mini looks so cute though.

The Balm Meet Matt(e) Hughes Liquid Lipstick 

In od tekstura balzama, k bolj matt, obstojni šminki. V The Balm setu je bilo 6 takšnih mini šmink, od nude do rdečih odtenkov. Zdi se mi super ideja, ker je tudi šminka na mojem seznamu manj uporabljenih izdelkov. Včasih pa potrebujem kakšen odtenek. Kvaliteta teh tekočih šmink je super, ker so odlično pigmentirane in dolgo obstojne. Hkrati pa ti miniji izgledajo luštno. Celotno oceno si lahko ogledate tukaj.

And from a balmy texture, to a more long lasting, matt lipstick. This one by The Balm came in a set of six from nude to red shades. It is a clever idea as lipsticks are again on my least used product list, however sometimes I need a shade here and there. And the quality of these is great as they're very pigmented and long lasting. Plus I couldn't resist how small and pretty these are. You can find a full review here.

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