August Favorites 2018
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Hi girls.
I'm back from vacation and am motivated to get back into blogging. I love beauty and I just need to start talking more about the things I really love. Summer months for me are not much about experimenting with my makeup and I wear less of it, so I don't want to repeat myself all the time about what I wear on my face. I found that I am using a lot of my yearly favorites, which you can find here. But for now, let's see what I discovered previous month and there are also some products that I gladly took with me on vacations.
Živjo punce.
Sedaj, ko sem nazaj iz poletnega oddiha, sem motivirana, da spet bolj redno pišem na blogu, saj rada delim lepotne izdelke nad katerimi sem navdušena. Hkrati pa poleti nisem nosila kaj veliko makeupa, ker je bilo res zelo vroče in zato nisem eksperimentirala z njim. Moja trenutno najljubša ličila pa lahko najdete v objavi tukaj. V tej objavi pa vam bom opisala nekaj izdelkov, ki so me navdušili v prejšnjem mesecu in sem jih z veseljem vzela tudi s seboj na potovanje.
Živjo punce.
Sedaj, ko sem nazaj iz poletnega oddiha, sem motivirana, da spet bolj redno pišem na blogu, saj rada delim lepotne izdelke nad katerimi sem navdušena. Hkrati pa poleti nisem nosila kaj veliko makeupa, ker je bilo res zelo vroče in zato nisem eksperimentirala z njim. Moja trenutno najljubša ličila pa lahko najdete v objavi tukaj. V tej objavi pa vam bom opisala nekaj izdelkov, ki so me navdušili v prejšnjem mesecu in sem jih z veseljem vzela tudi s seboj na potovanje.
La Roche-Posay Anthelios XL Wet Skin Gel SPF 50+
I've talked about this suncare in my previous post here. So after trying it a couple of times, I also took it with me to my vacation on Hvar. I absolutely loved it. I didn't wanna get sunburned and I trusted this sun care and it worked amazing. I was quite pale at the begining so I applied it two or three times per day. I absolutely didn't get burned even when I jumped in the water and was on a floatie. Though I hid a bit in the shade too. Texture is great because it spreads so easily and is not visible at all. It leaves a bit of a layer but is not that greasy as any other sunscreens. Though you can notice it if you get it on your bikini. Plus the packaging is quite big (250ml) so I'm left with just a couple uses.
I've talked about this suncare in my previous post here. So after trying it a couple of times, I also took it with me to my vacation on Hvar. I absolutely loved it. I didn't wanna get sunburned and I trusted this sun care and it worked amazing. I was quite pale at the begining so I applied it two or three times per day. I absolutely didn't get burned even when I jumped in the water and was on a floatie. Though I hid a bit in the shade too. Texture is great because it spreads so easily and is not visible at all. It leaves a bit of a layer but is not that greasy as any other sunscreens. Though you can notice it if you get it on your bikini. Plus the packaging is quite big (250ml) so I'm left with just a couple uses.
O tej sončni kremi sem govorila v prejšnji objavi tukaj. Tako, da sem jo po preizkušanju vzela tudi s seboj na Hvar in sem jo z veseljem uporabljala. Moja koža je bila zelo svetla in verjetno bi me takoj opeklo, ampak sem se mazala s to kremo dvakrat ali trikrat na dan. Sicer sem se malo bolj zadrževala v senci ampak sem tudi nekaj časa preživela na soncu in me sploh ni opeklo. Tudi kopala sem se kar dosti in poležavala na blazini na vodi in je obdržala svojo vodoodpornost. Teksturo ima res fajn, ker se zelo hitro razporedi ter je transparentna. Na koži pusti rahel sloj, vendar ni tako mastna kot druge kreme. Še vedno pa se lahko opazi na kopalkah, če se nerodno razmažeš. Ker je embalaža precej velika (250ml) mi jo je ostalo še čisto malo.
Lush Plum Rain shower gel
Ta tuš gel sem kupila lani v Londonu. Ker je potovalna embalaža sem ga hranila za potovanje in je bil res priročen. Ima zelo lep svež vonj po marelicah, slivah ter mandarinah. Ni tipičen "kisel", saden vonj, ampak je prijetno osvežilen. Ker pa ima temno vijolično barvo, ga moreš dodobra sprati s sebe, da se kakšna pikica ne pozna na svetlih oblačilih. Dobite ga lahko tudi v slovenskih Lush trgovinah.
Lush Plum Rain shower gel
I bought this shower gel last year in London. It's a smaller packaging, so it's perfect for travel, which was perfect for my summer vacation. It's such a nice fresh scent: has tones of apricot, plum and mandarin. It's not a typical zesty scent but it definitely refreshes you. Though you have to be careful to wash it off nicely because the gel texture is quite a dark purple and it could get onto your clothes. You can also get it in stores in Slovenia.
Clinique Moisture Surge
This product is so hyped up but I never really had a chance to try it until I received this small sample. I took it with me on vacation and have loved it. It has a true gel texture which I never tried before. You can use quite a big amount of it, but it won't feel sticky or greasy. It sinks in quite quickly and skin feels hydrated right away. It's just a bit different from other moisturizers and I like it a lot. Though I will probably save it for later because I need to use up some other moisturizers.
Ta krema za obraz je kar opevana v lepotnem svetu. Sem si jo želela kar nekaj časa preizkusiti in nato sem končno dobila en manjši vzorec. Vzela sem jo na morje in me je kar očarala. Ima teksturo gela, kar je precej drugače za kremo za obraz. Lahko jo naneseš kar veliko, ampak ne pusti lepljivega ali mastnega občutka. V kožo se kar hitro vpije in takoj pusti občutek vlaženja. Nekako je drugačna od drugih krem in mi je res všeč. Sicer pa bom ta vzorec shranila še za kasneje saj morem najprej porabiti ostale kreme za obraz.
This product is so hyped up but I never really had a chance to try it until I received this small sample. I took it with me on vacation and have loved it. It has a true gel texture which I never tried before. You can use quite a big amount of it, but it won't feel sticky or greasy. It sinks in quite quickly and skin feels hydrated right away. It's just a bit different from other moisturizers and I like it a lot. Though I will probably save it for later because I need to use up some other moisturizers.
Ta krema za obraz je kar opevana v lepotnem svetu. Sem si jo želela kar nekaj časa preizkusiti in nato sem končno dobila en manjši vzorec. Vzela sem jo na morje in me je kar očarala. Ima teksturo gela, kar je precej drugače za kremo za obraz. Lahko jo naneseš kar veliko, ampak ne pusti lepljivega ali mastnega občutka. V kožo se kar hitro vpije in takoj pusti občutek vlaženja. Nekako je drugačna od drugih krem in mi je res všeč. Sicer pa bom ta vzorec shranila še za kasneje saj morem najprej porabiti ostale kreme za obraz.
Essie - Blanc
This is my favorite white nailpolish. I actually like to use it on my feet in the summer, because I'm just too lazy to put it on my hands. It lasts such a long time and it is a perfect formula. It has a nice brush which is not to thick and the formula is so opaque and not gloopy. I use two coats and my toe nails are then looking perfect. Plus, white on the toes makes you look more tanned and is a bit of a refreshment.
Tole je moj najljubši bel lak za nohte. Sicer sem za mazanje nohtov na rokah zelo lena, pa si poleti vedno mažem nohte na nogah. In skoraj vedno imam na nohtih ta lak. Res ima fajno formulo, ker ni tako gost ampak je lepo prekriven. Sama nanesem dva sloja in nanos izgleda popoln. Bel lak za nohte pa daje videz malce bolj zagorele kože in deluje tako sveže.
Blistex Lip Conditioner
I think I over-used the Labello Classic lip balm and my lips started to peel every other day. Then I remembered my old school favorite lip balm and I immediately purchased it. Though it doesn't make wonders, I think my lips really love it because it's so hydrating without being that greasy. So I definitely recommend you this one if you don't get along with Labello lip balms. Plus it's super cheap.
Že nekaj let skoz uporabljam Labello Classic balzam za ustnice in kar naenkrat so se moje ustnice začele lupiti. Zato sem si kupila balzam, ki sem ga uporabljala pred tem, da vidim ali mi je še vedno všeč. Ugotovila sem, da sicer ne dela čudežev, ampak je lepo vlažilen, brez da bi bil masten. Meni je všeč in če vam Labello balzami niso tako všeč, raje piporočam tega Blistex. In še poceni je.
Že nekaj let skoz uporabljam Labello Classic balzam za ustnice in kar naenkrat so se moje ustnice začele lupiti. Zato sem si kupila balzam, ki sem ga uporabljala pred tem, da vidim ali mi je še vedno všeč. Ugotovila sem, da sicer ne dela čudežev, ampak je lepo vlažilen, brez da bi bil masten. Meni je všeč in če vam Labello balzami niso tako všeč, raje piporočam tega Blistex. In še poceni je.

Look like a premium and effective products.
ReplyDeleteWomen loves this!
ReplyDeleteFor dry lips! Helpful product.
ReplyDeleteNice products! Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteHelpful products! Everyone love this.