Fall Makeup Trends I Want To Wear
Friday, October 05, 2018
Hi girls.
Today I thought I'd do a different post to ease into fall makeup vibes. I've fallen out of routine of wearing much makeup in summer because it was so hot, which means that I stuck to a perfected skin and mascara vibes (post here). But then I have so much makeup that I don't use. So I want to kick myself in the butt and use everything I used to love. So today I'll talk you through some of makeup looks and trends I want to reintroduce into my routine. This could also be an inspiration for you...
Živjo punce.
Danes pa končno ena jesenska objava, da se končno zavemo, da je konec poletja. Sama sem poleti kar opustila uporabo veliko ličil, ker je bilo tako vroče, da so se ličila kar takoj stopila z obraza. Tako sem uporabljala ličila s katerimi sem dosegla popoln videz kože in dodala malo maskare (objava tukaj). Hkrati pa imam ogromno ličil, ki jih ne uporabljam in je ta objava nekakšna "brca v rit", da znova začnem oboževati ličila, ki jih že imam. Trendi so lahko tudi inspiracija za vas...
Bold lips
Fall is all about dark lips and also Halloween is approaching so it's time to dig out those dark lippies. My favorite dark lipstick which lasts a long time is shade Mauritius Dahlia by The Body Shop. Perfect berry but not too dark shade. Plus because it's matt you don't have to worry about transferring.
Jesen kar kriči po temnih odtenkih šmink, saj tudi prihaja noč čarovnic, tako, da je čas, da poiščem pravi jesenski odtenek. Moj najljubši temen odtenek šminke je Mauritius Dahlia od The Body Shop. Je popoln bordo odtenek, ki pa ni pretemen. Hkrati pa ker je matt šminka, ostane dolgo časa na ustnicah. Imam pa še kar nekaj drugih temnih odtenkov.
Blue eyeliner
This is where my Lancôme Grandiôse Liner comes into play again. Blue eyeliner just adds brightness to the eyes and as much as I'm lazy with eyeliner, the final look is totally worth it (on me here). Plus I need to use up this liner since I've had it for a while. It's the best blue eyeliner I've seen so far. The actual tip is very easy to use and the shade is very opaque, bright and just a perfect shade of blue. With this look I like to wear simple face makeup and just some nude lip.
Modro črtalo lepo osvetli oči ter samostojno zaključi makeup videz. Lancôme Grandiôse Liner je moje najljubše modro črtalo, ker ima tako lep moder odtenek, ki ni preveč živ, vendar je zelo dobro opazen ter odlično pigmentiran. Konica pa je enostavna za uporabo. K modremu črtalu dodam bolj preprost makeup na obrazu ter "nude" šminko. In čeprav sem pri črtalu kar lena, vendar je končen videz vreden (več tukaj).
Metallic Eyes
I am so lazy with eye looks lately, but when I do some makeup, I absolutely adore a bit of shimmer. My favorite eyeshadows for metallic looks are La Couleur Infallible by L'Oreal because they're so metallic and glittery. They're actually like pressed pigments and have the most beautiful reflect. Also sometimes I love using a bit of any highlighter (like Fenty Beauty - Hustla Baby) on top of eye makeup look.
Oči si ne rada ličim tako pogosto, vendar ko si, imam zelo rada nekaj sijaja na vekah. Moja najljubša senčila za bleščeč videz so La Couleur Infallible od L'Oreala, ker so zelo sijoča in bleščeča. So kot stisnjeni pigmenti. Včasih pa na vrh senčil rada dodam tudi kakšen osvetljevalec (kot je Fenty Beauty - Hustla Baby).
Smokey Brown Eye
I love it when I see someone with a very dark brown shade all over their eyes. Also underlined. It just feels a bit more grungy and interesting. Though I feel like this look really suits brown haired girls.
So for my complexion and blonde hair I love using MAC Satin Taupe, which is a purply brown shade. And for a darker look, I'll use browns from Lotique Dramatic Look palette.
Na drugih mi je zelo všeč tak temen, rjav, zadimljen videz na očeh. Prav tako na spodnji veki. Izgleda malce robustno in precej zanimivo, čeprav se mi zdi, da to paše večinoma samo rjavolaskam. Tako, da za svoj ten kože in svetle lase rada uporabim MAC Satin Taupe senčilo, ki je rjavo z vijoličnim podtonom. Za temnejši videz pa bom uporabila kakšen rjav odtenek iz Lotique Dramatic Look palete.
Mauritius Dahlia Matte Lip | Lancôme Grandiôse Liner - Saphir Mirifique 03 | L'Oreal La Couleur Infallible - Sahara Treasure | Fenty Beauty - Hustla Baby | MAC Satin Taupe | Lotique Dramatic Look (brown)
Mauritius Dahlia Matte Lip | Lancôme Grandiôse Liner - Saphir Mirifique 03 | L'Oreal La Couleur Infallible - Sahara Treasure | Fenty Beauty - Hustla Baby | MAC Satin Taupe | Lotique Dramatic Look (brown)

I didn't expect the eyeliner to be so pigmented, it is a very beautiful electric blue shade, thank you for the swatch! I love the pictures :)
ReplyDeleteLots of love ♥ Janury Girl
Great collections!
ReplyDeleteInner beauty is great, but a little make up makes you prettier. Thanks for sharing!