The Body Shop Christmas Products & Scents 2020
Friday, December 04, 2020Hello.
It's time for festive posts. I get always excited about Christmas collections, because this is for a lot of brands, the most important time of the year and they usually put in a lot of effort, so the collections always look amazing. Plus everything looks so nice. If you're interested, you can find last year's post here. So in this year's collection, again they offer 3 scents: Winter Jasmine, Festive Berry and Warm Vanilla. In these scents you can find shower gel, body butter, body yoghurt, hand cream, bath bomb, soap, body scrub, body mist and a novelty: sugar lip scrub. This one I'll have to buy in a Festive Berry scent/flavour. Though some scents don't have some type of products. So let's see what I received and tested...
Winter Jasmine
Gre za prvi praznični zimski cvetlični vonj znamke The Body Shop. Res je unikaten za zimski čas. Vonj je svež, oster ter cvetličen. Pri TBS pravijo, da diši po zimskem jutru z notami jasmina, vrtnic, bele breskve in pomarančnih cvetov. Nekako se note poklopijo in je res zimsko obarvan cvetličen von. Tudi meni ni slab vonj, ampak ni moja prva izbira. Če pa imate radi cvetlične vonje skozi celo leto, vam priporočam, da preizkusite to kolekcijo. Prejela pa sem jogurt za telo ter gel za prhanje v vonju Winter Jasmine.
Jogurt za telo bom sicer shranila, saj imam zdaj že odprte 3, ker se mi ne ljubi mazati telesa vsak dan. Kot tip izdelka, ga pa priporočam tistim, ki ne marate lepljivih, preveč mastnih losjonov. Tako se ta balzam res hitro vpije v kožo ter se lahko takoj oblečete. Ker je tekstura res lahkotna, ti jogurti niso tako hranilni. So pa vredu za vsak dan in za nezahtevno (ne preveč suho) kožo. Trenutno bi raje izbrala kakšno maslo za telo.
First scent is Winter Jasmine, which is festive, refreshingly crisp and floral scent. Made with jasmine extract from India. I don't think TBS ever did such christmassy scent, so it's very unique for festive season. But somehow it totally fits in. I think it does smell like winter and is very hard to describe, however if you like more floral scents, this one might be for you. Though I wouldn't pick it myself. In this scent I got shower gel and body yogurt.
Shower gel has a very light, jelly texture which foams up well. The scent is more complex, but to me it smells wintery, like pine needles. It's very crisp, refreshing but also flowery. It's not a strong scent, but is nice. I would skip it myself, though.
Then I have a body yogurt, which I didn't try, because I have 3 of those opened in different scents. I'm don't moisturize every day, so you could say I'm a bit lazy. But this is a very handy product for those who don't like greasy, sticky body lotions. It's like a gel/yogurt with a very light texture, so it immediately absorbs in. You can put on clothes right away. Though it might not be as hydrating for very dry skin.
Festive Berry
Moj naj naj prazničen TBS vonj je že nekaj let vonj po jagodičevju. Lani ga žal ni bilo v kolekciji, vendar sem si naredila zalogo iz prejšnje zime (2018), ko se je ta kolekcija imenovala Berry Bon Bon. Vedno so seveda note po jagodičevju (maline, ribez, in podobno). Letos ima ta vonj note malin, pomaranče, brinovih jagod, ribeza in sandalovine. Vonj tako ni prekisel ali sladek, ampak ravno pravšnji. Malce me spomni na kuhano vino in res diši po praznikih.
Prejela sem gel za prhanje ter kremo za roke. Tuš gela sem se res razveselila, ker se res rada tuširam s tem vonjem. Zdi se mi, da je tako lepo poživljajoč ter me res spravi v boljšo voljo. Hkrati pa po tuširanju kopalnica tako dobro diši. Tekstura je sicer tekoča, gelasta, ampak se zelo dobro speni. Pod tušem se vonja tako bonbončkasto, po limonah in pomaranči. Hkrati se mi zdi, da vonjam poprovo meto ali nekaj tako zelo osvežilnega. Vonj se nekako na začetku res razlikuje od prejšnjih različic, a koža po tuširanju diši le po malinah in jagodičevju.
Krema za roke ima lahko, gelasto teksturo, ki se hitro vpije v kožo. Za seboj pusti svilnat, mehak občutek. Takšne kreme zelo rada nosim s seboj v torbici, saj so super za hitro navlažitev. Na koži se vonj malce drugače razvije in diši predvsem po brusnici in pomaranči, s svežim "zelenim" pridihom. Mi je pa ljubše kako se razvije vonj pri tuš gelu. Sicer pa je kremica tako za hitro uporabo in ni primerna za najbolj izsušene roke.
I love TBS berry festive scent they make almost each year. Though they didn't have it last year, but I had stocked up in previous (2018) winter, where the scent was called: Berry Bon Bon. Of course the scent is always based on berries (raspberries, black currant and such). This year the main note of Festive Berry is raspberries, cranberries, orange, juniper berries and sandalwood. It's a juicy, and a bit sweet scent, but well balanced. It reminds me a bit of mulled wine and it definitely smells like holidays.
Firstly I tried the shower gel. The scent is uplifting and it really brings you into the holiday, cheery mood. Also the whole bathroom smells nice afterwards. Texture is thinner, gel-like, but foams up well. Under the shower you can definitely smell the raspberry and orange. Also to me it smells a bit like mint, which is very refreshing. I definitely feels like the scent is quite different from the years before. Though after showering, the skin actually smells like raspberries, fruity but gentle.
Then also I tried the hand cream. The texture is quite light for such product, so it absorbs quickly. It leaves a silky, soft feeling behind. These type of creams I love carrying in my hand bag, because you don't get sticky hands and when in need, it is the right choice. The scent evolves on the hands. It smells like cranberry and refreshing "green" scent. I prefer the shower gel scent though.
Warm Vanilla
Praznične kolekcije pa ni brez kakšnega sladkega vonja, saj se prazniki vrtijo okoli sladic, piškotov ter ostalih dobrot. Ta vonj vanilije je večna klasika in ostaja v kolekciji že od lani. Pri TBS pravijo, da je topla, sladka in omamna ter popolna za zimsko razvajanje. Res diši kot sveže pečeni piškoti. In tudi, če niste tak sladkosned (kot jaz) in niste ljubitelj preveč sladkih vonjev, vam bo ta vonj po moje vseeno všeč. Včasih pa se mi vseeno "zlušta" nekaj sladkega, toplega. Meni je ta vonj prijeten, saj ni preveč sladek in je popoln za praznike. Iz te linije sem testirala Body Butter (maslo za telo) ter kremo za roke.
Krema za roke ima enako lahkotno teksturo kot Festive Berry vonj. Vendar je vonj vanilije močnejši. Je prijetno sladek, z malce cvetličnim pridihom. Po nanosu diši še kar nekaj časa, kar je meni všeč. Spet ni najbolj hranljiva krema za roke. So pa te kremice super tudi za manjša praznična darila.
There cannot be Christmas collection without a sweet scent. Of course holidays remind us of cookies, sweets and every baked goodie which smells sweet. So Warm Vanilla scent is perfect picture of holidays. It's a classic vanilla and it's in the collection from the previous year. TBS says it's a warm, addictively sweet and festive scent. And yes, it smells like fresh baked cookies. It's not just a plain vanilla. Even if you don't like sweet scents that much (like me), you might enjoy this one. Might not be for every day, but here and there everybody loves a warming sweet scent.
I tested a body butter which is iconic to The Body Shop. It's a thicker, very nourishing texture, which melts into your skin. Because texture is richer, it doesn't absorb right away, so I mainly use it before going to bed or before putting on pyjamas. Though it still absorbs after a while. This body butter is made with vanilla extract from Madagascar, handcrafted Community Fair Trade shea butter from Ghana and Community Fair Trade sesame seed oil from Nicaragua.
Hand cream has the same lovely vanillary scent. Though the texture is thinner, like with a Festive Berry one. But if you would compare these two, the Warm Vanilla hand cream has a much more potent scent. It's nicely sweet, with a bit floral undertone. And it definitely stays on the skin for a while.
- What is your favorite scent?

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