Swatches & Review: Catrice LE Rock-o-co Lipstick - Apricoco
Tuesday, January 27, 2015Hello girls,
since I bought another lippie from a LE and it's really pretty I wanted to share my swatches with you.
I hope you can still get it somewhere !
Živjo punce,
danes vam predstavljam še eno šminko, tokrat iz omejene kolekcije znamke Catrice. Želela sem vam pokazat kako izgleda. Upam, da jo še kje najdete.
(a really dark photo to show you how pretty is the design on the packaging)
(prelepa embalaža)
Left / Levo: Catrice Apricoco
Left / Levo: Catrice Apricoco
Right / Desno: Essence Coral Calling
This lipstick has a matt formula, so it's quite drying, however the first two hours I don't even feel like I put on lipstick and it doesn't dry out my lips as fast. When it becomes drying I just put on lip balm or something to cope with it. You do have to have perfect lips for this kind of formula, because it shows off every crack on your lips, so a lip scrub is highly recommended. Other than that it is nicely opaque. Because it's not creamy it stays on my lips for a really long time, which is ofcourse good.
I really like this shade because it's a coral color with an orange undertone. You could find a similiar color as I've shown you above with Essence swatch, however this one has such a nice packaging + it's a limited edition.
I really like this shade because it's a coral color with an orange undertone. You could find a similiar color as I've shown you above with Essence swatch, however this one has such a nice packaging + it's a limited edition.
Tekstura šminke je bolj matirajoča, pa vendar dve uri po nanosu nisem sploh imela občutka, da imam na ustnicah šminko ter ne izsušuje ustnic tako hitro. Ko se začne bolj sušit na ustnicah pa sama nanesem kakšen balzam za ustnice, da je nošenje šminke bolj udobno. Za takšno teksturo so potrebne popolne, nesuhe ustnice, saj šminka poudari vse gubice in nepravilnosti na ustnicah. Zato priporočam piling za ustnice. Šminka pa je vseeno zelo dobro prekrivna. Ker ni preveč kremasta na ustnicah zelo dolgo ostane, torej je dobro obstojna. Ta odtenek mi je zelo všeč, ker je koralen z oranžnim podtonom. Verjetno lahko najdete podobne odtenke pri ostalih znamkah, kar sem tudi pokazalo z Essence šminko, ampak ima tale res lepo embalažo in je omejena kolekcija.
Cena: 4,29€

Wauu tale je pa res prekrasna! ❤️
ReplyDeleteres je :)
DeleteWau, res je lepa! Če bi nosila take odtenke, bi jo takoj kupila. <3 :)
ReplyDeleteso pa meli pink verzijo tud, tako da bi tista bla za tebe :)