Makeup Collection & Organization

Friday, January 30, 2015

Hello girls,
I know a lot of bloggers do these kind of posts, so here's something new on my blog. I'll show you how I store most of my makeup and you'll have a sneak peak into my full collection - I don't want to show you every single product because that would mean a lot of pictures. I'll try to show you all of my lipsticks in separate posts and whatever you wish to see up close just write it down below !
My collection is not big, but keep in mind that from time to time I sell or give away any items that I know I wouldn't use or have just forgotten to use it.
My storage is not that pretty however I just like the way it works. Not everyone has those Ikea Alex drawers haha ;D. I keep most of my makeup in the bathroom because I don't have a great direct lighting in my room to do my makeup properly. And no, I don't want one of those light up mirrors either.
I hope you don't mind I used flash in some of these photos because the lighting in my bathroom is more yellow and not so great.

This is an acrylic drawer that I keep on the washing machine actually, because it's near that cupboard thingy. Bought it in Jyvsk (15€). On the top I keep some eyeshadow palettes and face masks.

In frst two little drawers I keep some high-end skincare samples, a new Essence eyeshadow which ofcourse I didn't know where to put and some MAC makeup (+ a random pigment).

Third drawer contains some new makeup and some items that I need to test out properly or I don't know where to put, so they stay here all the time.

Fourth drawer contains samples which I want to use up.
 (I do have many more elsewhere)

Here's my main makeup drawer. On the upper left there are most of my face & eye primers, skin bases, brow stuff, a concealer or two, an eye shadow palette etc. In the center there are lipglosses and chubby lipsticks. On the right I keep some new and old makeup that doesn't fit anywhere else and needs to be organized but still I don't know where to put it. In between I keep some random things.
In the left corner down there I keep some samples, lip scrub, eye drops and two pencil sharpeners. Then in the center we have lipsticks and more lipsticks (I'm running out of space :| .. some I keep in the boxes) and in the right corner are powders.

On this shelf I keep a plastic drawer (bought in Kik), BH Cosmetics eyeshadow palette, basket (Jyvsk) full of makeup + a toiletry bag + a brush roll with some brushes if I need them
(I do have another brush roll stored somewhere else but I don't use those brushes like ever)

First drawer contains cotton swabs and if my collection will grow really big I'll have to empty that one and keep them somewehere else. In my second drawer I keep most of my blushes which are stacked. Third drawer contains some individual eye shadows and duos (also stacked in two rows) + some samples of AVON lipsticks.

So this is a basket that I keep beside that black drawer. It contains: eyeshadow palettes (MUA, Makeup Revolution, Deborah), two packs of eyelashes, eyelash curlers, gel eyeliner, foundations, setting spray and in that pencil holder I have just a few eyeliners & mascaras.

This toiletry bag is kind of my project. Here I keep all of the makeup I want to use up, so I use it basically all the time. It is quite full.

Here are the other palettes (most of these are stacked on the top of the acrylic drawer).

The brush roll that I keep next to the brown basket which contains random makeup brushes.

And this is my nailpolish rack which is actually in my bedroom but I decided to show it anyways. I got it in a giveaway and it's a China Glaze stand that you would actually see in a store, so you can't actually buy it I think. Ofcourse my collection is too big so some of the new nailpolishes are waiting on the shelf for their first use. I keep some old nailpolishes and other nail care in one drawer as well, but that's boring.

I keep most of my brushes in a glass cup (Tedi). In there I also keep a MAC mascara, eye cream and a pimple cream + a Soraya sample.


I have two of these plastic holders which I think I bought in Jyvsk

Also a cardboard box which has so many glitter on it that it's not useful (glitter flies everywhere) unless you keep it in a drawer. It contains most of my lipsticks.

I also store this toiletry plastic bag in my room in a drawer. It has all of the new makeup items that are waiting for me to use or are backups.

I hope this was interesting for you and let me know if you'd make any changes in my way of storing makeup items.

Love and Lemons, Simona

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  1. Waw. :D Šmink pa imaš precej. Super vse v teh škatlicah. Jaz imam ves make up v enem predalu v mizi. Za tuširanje in te zadeve imam v predalu v komodi. Parufme in kreme pa veselo razpostavljene na policah, ker so luštkane embalaže. :))

    Super post. xoxo

    1. Ma meni se pa ne zdi, da jih imam toliko :) ..
      sej jaz še mam en cel prostor spodaj v tej komodi ter v sobi še en ogromen predal za novo kozmetiko: tuš geli in vse za kožo, lase, + na mizi imam dva pladnja kozmetike za telo...vem preveč imam :)
      parfume mam pa tudi jaz na polički, ampak nisem hotla vsega pokazat, ker bi tukaj naj šlo za ličila in vem, da bi se nekaterim zdelo noro koliko kozmetike imam v bistvu - za kakšni 2 leti al še več jih tudi jaz hočem počasi rešit hehe :D

      tnx :)

  2. Replies
    1. zbirka ** :P lahko bi tud štela kot zalogo ja, haha :D

    2. zdaj si me spomnila, da tudi nisem pokazala kaj še nosim v drugi toaletni torbici :3

  3. Oo, koliko imaš stvari. Včasih me kar malo potolažijo objave drugih blogerk in si rečem da še ni tako hudo :P

    Haha, pa čisto podobno objavico sem danes objavila, ker mi je končno uspelo najti primerne škatlice.

    Drugače sem pa zelo zelo ljubosumna na stojalo za lakce, super izgleda! In veliko prostora prišparaš ker je v višino. Če ga kje opaziš, sporoči prosim. :)

    1. pa meni se ne zdi tolk no :)

      podobno stojalo imaš na ebayu, še celo večje je in ja, se kr prihrani prostor :)

  4. Res lepa in ogromna zbirka, si dobra da imaš vse pod kontrolo :D

    1. se trudim, da je pod kontrolo, čeprav še morem kaj prerazporedit, porabit ter stran dat :)

  5. Wauuuu to je pa lepa vlka zbirka :) pri meni počasi tudi narašča, ampak moram zdaj nehat, če ne ne pride vse na vrsto :P

    1. se mi zdi, da sem v letu in pol za polovico povečala zbirko :) sicer pa jaz dam raje stran stvari, ki jih ne uporabljam, da pridejo nove na vrsto :)

  6. Ogromna zbirka :) Si tisti akrilni predalnik v Jysku kupila že pred časom? Ker iščem nekaj podobnega in nočem naročati prek spleta. :)

    1. ma ni ogromna no, ne mi slabe vesti zbujat :P
      ja, mislim, da ga imam že eno leto, so ga imeli še enkrat, ampak zdaj se bojim, da ga nimajo več :)

  7. I love to read this kind of posts and honestly I really like your collection :)

  8. Lepo imaš vse popredalčkano, jaz sem tudi imela, pa se mi sčasom vse zmeša, moram eno čistilno akcijo naredit v kratkem:)

    1. ja to pač more bit...sem tak tip osebe, da more bit vse na svojem mestu :) pa tud fajn je, ker najdeš več stvari :P ... ko mi je dolgčas grem malo pospravljat te pa je vedno urejeno :D

  9. Te Jyskove sem pred časom iskala, ker sem videla, da jih imajo Hrvatice. A jih v LJ nikjer ni bilo. Očitno so bili del akcije. :( Meni so cute in bi takoj imela ene 3. :D

    1. običajno jih majo znižane in jih potem verjetno precej pokupijo :)

  10. Joj kako super so ti organizer-ji, škoda, da jih nikoli nisem zasledila. In na tvojo zbirko ličil in vsega lahko rečem samo waw <3 xx

    1. Zdaj je zbirka še večja, čeprav sem se odločila da par stvari prodam ali podarim ^^


