Dry Skin Saviours
Friday, February 17, 2017
Živjo punce.
To zelo mrzlo zimo sem se soočila z ekstremno dehidrirano kožo kar se pozna tudi ob prehodu na toplejše vreme saj se koži kar zmeša. In ni hujšega, ko se koža po obrazu in tudi telesu začne lupit, ter se poznajo vse linije. Predvsem na obrazu pa se ličila zato težje nanašajo in niti osnovna podlaga ne izgleda lepo. Zato sem raziskala svojo zbirko kozmetike ter nakupila tudi nekaj izdelkov, ki so se izkazali za odlične.
Hi girls !
This winter was extremely cold which resulted in my skin being super dehydrated. I struggled with flakiness which didn't look nice. I couldn't put on foundation without it looking weird and clinging to the patches and the skin on my body started itching because it was so dry. That's why I tried to discover the best products in my drawers and bought some as well to include in my daily routine. Luckily I found a few that work really well and would definitely recommend them to you.
To zelo mrzlo zimo sem se soočila z ekstremno dehidrirano kožo kar se pozna tudi ob prehodu na toplejše vreme saj se koži kar zmeša. In ni hujšega, ko se koža po obrazu in tudi telesu začne lupit, ter se poznajo vse linije. Predvsem na obrazu pa se ličila zato težje nanašajo in niti osnovna podlaga ne izgleda lepo. Zato sem raziskala svojo zbirko kozmetike ter nakupila tudi nekaj izdelkov, ki so se izkazali za odlične.
Hi girls !
This winter was extremely cold which resulted in my skin being super dehydrated. I struggled with flakiness which didn't look nice. I couldn't put on foundation without it looking weird and clinging to the patches and the skin on my body started itching because it was so dry. That's why I tried to discover the best products in my drawers and bought some as well to include in my daily routine. Luckily I found a few that work really well and would definitely recommend them to you.
Lush Oatifix
Kot veste že dalj časa uporabljam Lusheve maske ter sem jih preizkusila kar nekaj. Takoj ko so se začeli kazati znaki dehidriranosti na mojem obrazu in nobena krema ter serum nista pomagala, sem pomislila na vlažilne maske. Odpravila sem se v trgovino in 5 posodic zamenjala za masko, česar sem bila zelo vesela. Že ko sem jo prvič uporabila sem opazila razliko. Diši zelo lepo po keksih, saj vsebuje hranilne banane, mleti oves ter mandljevo olje, ki pa dobro navlaži kožo. Maska se na obrazu ne posuši in je svetle barve, kot bi jo izdelala doma. Odstranjevanje pa mogoče ni najbolj prijetno, saj moreš vzet brisačko in jo dobesedno obrisat dol. Nato pusti mehko kožo, brez mastnega občutka, ter povrne ogromno dehidracije. Če mi je zategovalo kožo, se je ta po maski zelo sprostila. Priporočam pa uporabo 1-2x na teden.
Lush face masks are one of my favorite ones. They're made of fresh ingredients and usually work really well. When my skin was really dehydrated and no cream helped, immediately I thought of this face mask. I exchanged it in for 5 empty containers and left the store all happy. First of all, it smells delicious, like some fresh cookies because it contains hydrating bananas, calming oatmeal and almond oil which is really hydrating. It is so thick and doesn't dry up on the skin. Though it's a bit messy to remove, so I just grab a wet towel and simply wipe it off. Afterwards my skin is really hydrated and smooth but without a greasy feeling.
Lush face masks are one of my favorite ones. They're made of fresh ingredients and usually work really well. When my skin was really dehydrated and no cream helped, immediately I thought of this face mask. I exchanged it in for 5 empty containers and left the store all happy. First of all, it smells delicious, like some fresh cookies because it contains hydrating bananas, calming oatmeal and almond oil which is really hydrating. It is so thick and doesn't dry up on the skin. Though it's a bit messy to remove, so I just grab a wet towel and simply wipe it off. Afterwards my skin is really hydrated and smooth but without a greasy feeling.
MAC Strobe Cream
Tole pa je izdelek, za katerega nisem pričakovala, da ga bom kupila saj imam običajno precej mastno kožo in sem vedno bila prepričana, da takšni "osvetljevalni" izdelki še bolj poudarijo olja na koži. Pa vendar se je moja koža popolnoma spremenila to zimo. Prepričalo me je to, da se je ob preizkusu na dlani, krema takoj vpila, za seboj pa pustila le majhen zdrav sijaj. Po tem, ko se moja dnevna krema vpije v kožo, takoj nanesem majhno količino Strobe Cream ter jo dobro razmažem. Po nanosu pudra se ne svetim, moja koža pa izgleda zdravo. Hkrati pa, če zelo navlažiš mastno kožo, le ta ne bo imela razloga, da bi še pretirano izločala olja.
Having an oilier type of skin I never thought I'd purchase this famous product for strobing. However, when I tried it in the store on the back of my hand, it sinked in so quickly and didn't leave that much shine. That's why I bought it, to retain some moisture in the skin, before putting on foundation. Plus if you put more hydrating products on the oily skin, it counteracts and keeps oils away. This cream is perfect as a primer and helps reduce any flakiness and skin looks more perfected.
Having an oilier type of skin I never thought I'd purchase this famous product for strobing. However, when I tried it in the store on the back of my hand, it sinked in so quickly and didn't leave that much shine. That's why I bought it, to retain some moisture in the skin, before putting on foundation. Plus if you put more hydrating products on the oily skin, it counteracts and keeps oils away. This cream is perfect as a primer and helps reduce any flakiness and skin looks more perfected.
Le Couvent Des Minimes Ljubeča nega (24,40€ /50 ml)
Moja koža na telesu pa je včasih tako suha, da postane kar luskasta, pri čemer lahko včasih na hlačah opazim majhne pikice. Sliši se malce ogabno, ampak tako je, ko je koža zelo izsušena in potrebuje ekstra nego. Pri čemer morem poskrbeti najprej za piling, da odstranim odmrle celice ter šele nato negujem kožo. Tako mi pomaga ta "francoski" piling, ki na pogled izgleda kot običajen losjon za telo. Galensko mazilo pomaga nahraniti, obnoviti in zaščititi kožo, izvleček iz sleza zaščiti kožo pred izsuševanjem in naraven silicijev dioksid nežno odstrani odmrlo kožo. Šele, ko ga vtreš v kožo s krožnimi gibi, začutiš majhne delce, ki opravijo piling. Mojo kožo lepo zdrgne, nato pa za seboj pusti mehak občutek, kot da bi bila koža navlažena. Zanimivo je, da je piling zelo nežen pa vendar dobro odpravi odmrle celice. V primerjavi z nekaterimi pilingi, ta niti malo ne izsuši kože. In še diši zelo prijetno.
As said, my skin on the body tends to get much drier which results in flakiness (gross, I know) and it can be seen then I change my black clothes. That's why hydration is not the only key. The dead layer of skin must be firstly removed but gently without irritation. That's where this scrub comes in handy. First of all it looks like a balm or a lotion, however when you start rubbing it into the skin, you can feel many beads which scrub nicely but without harshness. It removes the dead skin, however leaves a nice smoothing feeling behind. It's like a scrub and balm - two in one. The texture is unique and I love it. Plus it smells very gentle and comforting.
Lush Strawberry Feels Forever
Vem, da običajno omenjam Lusheve losjone za telo, vendar so masažne ploščice prav tako čudovite. Vsebujejo masla in olja, ter so brez konzervansov in embalaže saj pazijo na okolje. Jagodna ploščica vsebuje polno kakavovega ter karitejevega masla in kokosovega olja, ki ob nanosu na telo dajejo občutek vlaženja s tekočimi olji saj koža kar sije. Vonj hibiskusa ter svežih jagod pa že spominja na pomlad.
I bet you must be tired of me talking about my favorite Lush body lotions, that's why I decided to mention a massage bar this time. They're lovely, preservative-free bars which are mostly made up of rich butters and oils. And with no packaging, they're environment friendly. A lovely strawberry shaped massage bar is full of cocoa and shea butter, plus some coconut oil. When warmed up and applied on the skin it gives a feeling of a massage oil because the butters melt, hydrate the skin and give it a healthy glow. Plus this one smells like strawberries and hibiscus, perfect also for spring time.
As said, my skin on the body tends to get much drier which results in flakiness (gross, I know) and it can be seen then I change my black clothes. That's why hydration is not the only key. The dead layer of skin must be firstly removed but gently without irritation. That's where this scrub comes in handy. First of all it looks like a balm or a lotion, however when you start rubbing it into the skin, you can feel many beads which scrub nicely but without harshness. It removes the dead skin, however leaves a nice smoothing feeling behind. It's like a scrub and balm - two in one. The texture is unique and I love it. Plus it smells very gentle and comforting.
Lush Strawberry Feels Forever
Vem, da običajno omenjam Lusheve losjone za telo, vendar so masažne ploščice prav tako čudovite. Vsebujejo masla in olja, ter so brez konzervansov in embalaže saj pazijo na okolje. Jagodna ploščica vsebuje polno kakavovega ter karitejevega masla in kokosovega olja, ki ob nanosu na telo dajejo občutek vlaženja s tekočimi olji saj koža kar sije. Vonj hibiskusa ter svežih jagod pa že spominja na pomlad.
I bet you must be tired of me talking about my favorite Lush body lotions, that's why I decided to mention a massage bar this time. They're lovely, preservative-free bars which are mostly made up of rich butters and oils. And with no packaging, they're environment friendly. A lovely strawberry shaped massage bar is full of cocoa and shea butter, plus some coconut oil. When warmed up and applied on the skin it gives a feeling of a massage oil because the butters melt, hydrate the skin and give it a healthy glow. Plus this one smells like strawberries and hibiscus, perfect also for spring time.
Nivea Q10
Preizkusila sem kar nekaj krem za roke, vendar sem se pred kratkim spet vrnila k tej. Pred tem sem imela manjšo "tester" verzijo in mi je dobro ostala v spominu. Sicer naj bi preprečevala staranje kože na rokah, ampak to ni moj namen. Krema je zelo hranilna in se lepo vpije v kožo ter za seboj ne pušča mastnega sloja, kar je odlično. Lahko jo uporabljam tudi, ko sem na poti, in še zelo lepo nežno diši. Q10 pa definitivno daje lep izgled rokam. Skratka sama imam včasih tako suhe roke, da se mi pojavljajo razpoke in "lišaji" in mi ta krema še najbolj pomaga. Seveda razlika ne bo opazna po prvi uporabi in tudi ko jo prenehaš uporabljat so lahko roke spet izpostavljene mrazu ali vodi ter se suhost povrne. Jo definitivno priporočam in morda preizkusim še druge Niveine kreme za roke.
I've tried so many hand creams, from the cheapest to a bit more expensive ones. However, this winter I returned to this one. I've had it in a mini version and I never forgotten it. It's has anti ageing benefits, however I like it because it's so hydrating. Texture is thick, however it sinks in quickly without leaving a greasy feeling. The smells is really nice and pleasant. Because of Q10 it also beautifies hands. I've had major cracks and dry patches and it was the best for me. It doesn't do magic when applied only once, however it did wonders for me. Plus it's a great one to keep in the purse.
I've tried so many hand creams, from the cheapest to a bit more expensive ones. However, this winter I returned to this one. I've had it in a mini version and I never forgotten it. It's has anti ageing benefits, however I like it because it's so hydrating. Texture is thick, however it sinks in quickly without leaving a greasy feeling. The smells is really nice and pleasant. Because of Q10 it also beautifies hands. I've had major cracks and dry patches and it was the best for me. It doesn't do magic when applied only once, however it did wonders for me. Plus it's a great one to keep in the purse.
Jessica Phenomen Oil
Poleg kreme za roke, pa za obnohtno kožo uporabljam tole olje. Za nanos je potrebna ekstremno majhna količina, nato olje vmasiraš ter se kar hitro vpije. Res je čudovito.
And for culticles I use this little oil. You need only a small amount and when massaged in, it sinks in quickly. It's not too greasy and does wonders.
And for culticles I use this little oil. You need only a small amount and when massaged in, it sinks in quickly. It's not too greasy and does wonders.
Nuxe Rêve de Miel Lip Balm
Ta balzam za ustnice je edinstven ter res najbolj navlaži ustnice. Meni deluje kot nekakšna maska za ustnice, saj ima zelo gosto teksturo ter ga je najbolje nanesti pred spanjem. Tako se čez noč skoraj ves spije, ostanek pa obrišem dol pri čemer včasih tako zmehča moje ustnice, da z robčkom odstranim tudi nekaj odmrlih celic.
This hyped-up lip balm is an actual gem and performs wonders. To me, it's like a lip mask because it's so thick. That's why I apply a generous layer before going the bed. And when I wake up, I remove the remains which sometimes include some dead skin and I'm left with perfectly soft and hydrated lips. A definite winner !
This hyped-up lip balm is an actual gem and performs wonders. To me, it's like a lip mask because it's so thick. That's why I apply a generous layer before going the bed. And when I wake up, I remove the remains which sometimes include some dead skin and I'm left with perfectly soft and hydrated lips. A definite winner !

Luštna objava ! Oatifix je definitivno moj naslednji nakup, reve de miel je pa pozimi itak must have.
ReplyDeleteTako je ! :)
DeleteTa piling je super, sem ga imela.
ReplyDeletePa se mi je razbil, skoraj sem ponorela, ker ni poceni :D
Imam pa kremo za telo, ta vonj je super super tak nežen <3
Uh ja, embalaža je precej težka ! :D
DeleteJo bom čuvala :)
Vonj pa itak, tak prijeten za spa razvajanje.
Na MAC Strobe Cream pa sem že kar malo pozabila :) Meni je bila tudi super, si jo moram spet umislit :)