Lush: New Valentine's day Goodies
Tuesday, February 07, 2017
Živjo punce !
Bliža se Valentinovo in kot vsako leto tudi Lush pripravi odlične izdelke za razvajanje okoli dneva zaljubljencev. "Valentinovo, 14. februarja je tradicionalni dan, ko si v nekaterih kulturah zaljubljenci izkazujejo ljubezen. Praznik svetega Valentina se je sprva praznoval kot rimskokatoliški dan posta v čast svetemu Valentinu. Današnji pomen je dobil šele po visokem srednjem veku, ko se je razvila zamisel o romantični ljubezni."
Sama si sicer želim, da je Valentinovo vedno manj komercialen dan, vendar razvajanje nikoli ne škodi. Četudi nimaš partnerja, se lahko sama razvajaš na takšen in drugačen način ter poskrbiš za svojo kožo ter duha. Tokrat sem izbrala izdelke, katerih še nisem preizkusila, saj je vsako leto na voljo nekaj starega in nekaj novega. In če morda iščeš darilo zase, za partnerja ali samo za prijateljico, za pocrkljat, je ta objava pravšnja zate. V njej pa boste našle cvetlične vonje, ki so zelo prijetni in nič kaj preveč močni. Valentinova kolekcija je samokonzervirajoča (brez dodanih parabenov oz. konzervansov) ter popolnoma veganska :) Sliši se mamljivo kajne? Edina slabost je, da so izdelki res omejeni in samo določen čas v trgovinah.
Hi girls !
Valentine's day is approaching and of course Lush celebrates it with a special collection.
Valentine's day is approaching and of course Lush celebrates it with a special collection.
"Valentine’s Day is a time when people show feelings of love, affection and friendship. It is celebrated in many ways worldwide and falls on February 14 each year."
I don't like Valentine's day being too commercial, however I do like some nice pampering. Even without a partner you can relax and pamper your skin and mind. This time around I've tested some totally new products, because I've tried many other last year. Also these make a great gift for your partner, a friend or just to spoil yourself. They're mostly floral scented and even though I'm not a fan of floral scents, Lush knows how to make a perfect scent which is not artificial or overpowering. You'll see that I'm obsessed with these. Plus there are not parabens added and everything is totally vegan. Sounds delicious, right ?
I don't like Valentine's day being too commercial, however I do like some nice pampering. Even without a partner you can relax and pamper your skin and mind. This time around I've tested some totally new products, because I've tried many other last year. Also these make a great gift for your partner, a friend or just to spoil yourself. They're mostly floral scented and even though I'm not a fan of floral scents, Lush knows how to make a perfect scent which is not artificial or overpowering. You'll see that I'm obsessed with these. Plus there are not parabens added and everything is totally vegan. Sounds delicious, right ?
Two Hearts Beating As One Bath Melt
V mrzlih dneh se zelo rada kopam in običajno bano napolnim z mehurčki, zraven pa dodam kaj vlažilnega, saj lahko vroča voda zelo izsuši mojo že tako suho kožo. V takšnih primerih pridejo oljne kopeli zelo prav. Ta Valentinova različica je sestavljena iz dveh luštnih barvnih srčkov, zato jo lahko uporabiš za dvakrat. Polna je kakavovega masla, mandljevega olja, olja mareličnih koščic ter arganovega olja, ki skupaj zmehčajo ter lepo navlažijo kožo. Vodo pa obarvajo v nežno roza. Vonj je prijeten, ženstven preplet gardenije, vrtnic ter jasmina. Ko sem konec s kopanjem pa se ne obrišem takoj, vendar pustim da se masla oz. olja lepo vpijejo v kožo in se koža sama počasi posuši. Tole je pravo razvajanje za kožo.
Taking baths in winter can for sure be very pleasing, however the weather and hot water can dry up my skin, that's why I make sure to add in something moisturizing. That's when these bath melts/oils come in handy. This beautiful mix of two hearts is gorgeous, with bright colors that make your bath lightly pink. Besides that, it contains lots of softening organic cocoa butter, almond oil, apricot kernel oil and repairing argan oil which leaves my skin very smooth and moisturizing. The scent is quite feminine and floral with a mix of bergamot, geranium, jasmine, rose and ylang ylang. I add some bubbles and make a nice soothing coctail in my bath. Because I lay in the bath tub for at least 15 minutes, the butters really moisturize my skin and afterwards I don't just hop out of bath and dry off, but I let the butter sink in. It's just a wonderful treat for the skin.
Love You,Love You Lots soap
Tole milo je podobno lanskemu: Roses All The Way, v obliki rožice, s tem da ga letos lahko kupuješ po kosih. Vsebuje rastlinsko osnovo kakor vsa Lusheva mila. Temu pa je dodan poparek svežih vrtničnih cvetov, vrtnični sirup, vrtnično olje ter celo sveži vrtnični cvetni listi, za popoln vonj po vrtnicah. To milo ima nekakšen sladek, pudrast pridih hkrati pa diši kot popoln svež šopek vrtnic. Ima zelo podoben vonj kot Rosy Cheeks sveža maska za obraz. Definitivno mi je boljši vonj kot pa Rose Jam linija.
Kremasta tekstura ne izsuši kože. Milo pa se zelo lepo speni. Z njim se lahko stuširaš, sama pa ga večkrat na dan uporabim za umivanje rok. Ker milo tako zelo lepo diši, odišavi kopalnico, kasneje pa si po umivanju še z veseljem kdaj povonjam dlani.
Cena: 5,95€/ 100g (na voljo v trgovinah Maribor, Koper ter Ljubljana ali na spletu)
This soap has the same scent as last year's Roses All The Way which I sniffed but didn't try. As all Lush soaps, it has a vegetable base. And for the scent they added rose petal infusion, rose oil, rose syrup and even fresh rose petals, for a perfect love potion. And it has such a nice floral scent, just like smelling fresh roses, while there is a hint of something sweet and powdery. The scent is very similar to Rosy Cheeks fresh face mask. And I definitely prefer it over Rose Jam line.
It foams up nicely, but not too much and it's not drying. You can shower with it, but I mostly use it to wash my hands many times per day. The scent is so uplifting and it beautifully distributes over the bathroom. Later I found myself sniffing my hands, because the smell it's so pretty.
Love Spell Massage Bar
Letos so tudi naše trgovine počastili s tole masažno ploščico, saj so jo lani izdali ekskluzivno samo v Angliji. Ker pa so losjoni ter masla oz. masažne ploščice eni izmed najbolj vlažilnih (po mojih izkušnjah) in moji najljubši, sem se tega res razveselila.
Ploščica Love Spell je polna kakavovega ter karitejevega masla, vsebuje pa še jojobino ter nerolijevo olje, ki skrbi za čvrstost kože. Dodan organski gel aloe vere pa bo ublažil rdečico ali občutljivost. Zelo nežno diši po vrtnicah, nerolijevo olje ter limonska mirta pa dodata poživljajoč, malce citrusen pridih. Masažna ploščica se ne stopi takoj v rokah, kar je super saj se ne bo zelo hitro porabila. Najprej jo zagreješ med dlanmi, jo razmažeš po telesu ter odložiš, nato pa maslo vtreš v kožo. S stranjo katera ima srčke lahko podrgneš direktno po koži ter služi za bolj intenzivno masažo. Za tem je koža zelo mehka in ekstra navlažena ter potrebuje nekaj časa, da se masla popolnoma vpijejo. Izmed vseh izdelkov je meni ta masažna ploščica res najbolj krasno darilo. Super je seveda za masažo, še boljše pa je, če imaš koga, da te lahko zmasira. Sicer je vonj precej ženstven in je sama ne bi uporabila na fantu, bi pa z veseljem prejela masažo.
Cena: 9,25€/ 50g (na voljo v trgovinah Maribor, Koper ter Ljubljana ali na spletu)
Last year this massage bar was exclusive only in England and because I love Lush body lotions and butters I got really excited for this one, in this limited collection.
Last year this massage bar was exclusive only in England and because I love Lush body lotions and butters I got really excited for this one, in this limited collection.
It is full of Fair Trade, organic cocoa butter, shea butter and organic jojoba oil while neroli oil is great for toning the skin which makes the skin more flexible. Filled with rich rose hip syrup and spicy carnation absolute it smells like a floral goodness, however uplifting neroli and organic lemon myrtle give it a fresh touch. Plus there's a Fair Trade organic aloe vera gel added, so it's soothing on the skin. It's one of those massage bars which won't melt immediately in palm of your hand, which makes it last longer as it won't dissapear quickly. You simply rub it between hands until it starts melting and apply it all over skin. Then I usually put it somewhere and meanwhile rub the butters into the skin. However with this one, you can rub the side with hearts, directly onto the skin, to get a more effective massage. Afterwards the skin is very soft and extra moisturized.
I'd say massage bars are underrated as they're the best thing for your skin. Plus they make a special gift, Because this bar is very romantic but mostly floral, I maybe wouldn't use it on my boyfriend, but would be happy to receive a massage.

Uuuu, vidim, da morem spet obiskat Lush. Nazadnje, ko sem bila v Mb, sem bila malo razočarana nad ponudbo, tele Valentinove zadevice pa morem absolutno it povohat! =D
ReplyDeleteNice shape. Lovely!