Rimmel: Fresher Skin Makeup Look
Monday, February 13, 2017
Živjo punce !
Pomlad se približuje in kar kliče po svežini. Tako sem se tokrat spoznala z Rimmel izdelki ter njihovim novim tekočim pudrom: Fresher Skin. Izdelkov prej še nisem poznala. Z njimi pa sem ustvarila svež, naraven videz. Pozimi nosimo precej težak makeup ter veliko temnejših šmink ter senčil, zato mi prav paše minimalističen videz, ki koži podari svež, sijoč videz - popoln za vsak dan.
Hi girls !
Spring is approaching soon and I'm all in that "fresh look" mood right now. I got the opportunity to play with Rimmel products and try a new Fresher Skin foundation, before it hit the stores here. I've never tried any of these products, so of course I'm excited. I created a natural, fresh look to run away from heavy makeup we are used to in winter time. This minimal look can look pretty and glowy - perfect for every day.
Fresher Skin foundation - 100 Ivory
Tekoča podlaga ima lahko teksturo katera je zanimiva saj je nekaj vmes med tekočo ter mousse podlago. Lepo se zlije s kožo ter ne pušča mastnega sijaja. Formula vsebuje naravne minerale, ki pomagajo absorbirati višek maščobe. Sestavine aloja, kamilica in izvleček alg pa pomagajo zgladiti kožo. Tekoča podlaga vsebuje SPF 15 in te hkrati ščiti tudi proti škodljivimi učinki sonca.
Gre za naraven in svež videz. Prekrivnost je majhna do srednja (na mozoljčke in ostale nepravilnosti je potrebno nanesti korektor) z lahkotnim občutkom. Na koži se ne občuti težko, na koncu dneva pa moja koža ne zgleda pretirano mastna kakor ob drugih vlažilnih pudrih.
Odtenek 100 Ivory je malce temnejši od moje polti in na začetku izgleda malce čudno, vendar se kasneje lepo zlije s kožo.
Priporočena MPC: 7,99€
This foundation has light, breathable texture, for an even, natural-looking fresh finish. The texture is something between liquid and mousse foundation. It is smoothing and blends easily. Also it has SPF15. Formula with mineral powders help absorb excess oil preventing shine, while the formula with Aloe, Chamomile & Sea Algae extracts help reduce the appearance of redness and evens out natural skin tone.
Coverage is light, however a bit buildable, so you need some concealer on problem areas. On the skin you can barely feel it and it is shine-free. Which means that at the end of the day my face won't look super shiny as with normal hydrating foundations.
Shade Ivory is a bit too dark for me, however when it blends and sets after a few minutes, it looks nice.
Sculpting & Highlighting Kit By Kate Moss - Golden Sands
Ta paleta je izdelek za oblikovanje in osvetljevanje obraza. Vsebuje tri odtenke pudra – osvetljevalca, pudra za senčenje in rdečila za ličnice s čimer lahko ustvariš zdrav, sijoč in oblikovan videz.
1 - Bleščeči osvetljevalec se običajno nanese na predele, ki so naravno bolj osvetljena. Tako sem ga nanesla na najbolj visoko točko ličnic, tik pod obrvmi ter na vrh ustnic.
2 - Puder za senčenje je sicer sijoč ter sem ga zato uporabila kot bronzer s čimer dodam toplino ter svežino obrazu. Nanesla sem ga na ličnice, brado in zgornji del čela (v obliki črke E oz. št. 3).
3 - Rdečilo za ličnice v pudru sem nanesla samo na sredino ličk, za naraven rožnat videz.
Priporočena MPC: 9,49€
This is supposed to be a contouring and highlighting kit. It contains three powders: highlighter, bronzer/contouring powder and a blusher.
1- Soft shimmer powder is usually used to highlight the high points of the face. I used it on cheek bone, brow bone, and on Cupi's bow (upper lip)
2 - Contouring powder is actually really shiny so I'd say it is more like a bronzer. That's why I used it to add some warmth to my face. I applied it with a brush in a shape of a number 3, so on the cheeks, sides of forehead and a bit of a jawline.
3 - The last step is powder blush with which I added a bit of rosiness to the apples of my cheeks.
1- Soft shimmer powder is usually used to highlight the high points of the face. I used it on cheek bone, brow bone, and on Cupi's bow (upper lip)
2 - Contouring powder is actually really shiny so I'd say it is more like a bronzer. That's why I used it to add some warmth to my face. I applied it with a brush in a shape of a number 3, so on the cheeks, sides of forehead and a bit of a jawline.
3 - The last step is powder blush with which I added a bit of rosiness to the apples of my cheeks.
Magnif'eyes Eye Contouring Palette - 02 London Calling
Paleta ponuja lep nabor svetlih ter temnejših odtenkov za "smokey" videz. Svetlejši odtenki niso tako zelo pigmentirani v primerjavi s temnejšimi, ki pa se na očeh zelo lepo poznajo. Presenetil pa me je odtenek št.4, kateri je popoln za gube vek: je mat ter sivkasto rjav, kar imam najraje za takšen tip senčila.
1 - odtenek sem nanesla na notranje kotičke očesa za osvetlitev oči ter s tem izločila utrujen videz.
2 - odtenek sem nanesla na celotno veko za lep sijaj
3 - odtenek ima nekaj več sijaja ter sem ga nanesla v zunanje kotičke očesa proti sredini
4 - odtenek sem nanesla v gubo veke, za lepšo definicijo, ter jo lepo zabrisala
Priporočena MPC: 9,50€
This palette has a nice variety of light and darker shades, perfect for a smokey look. The lightest shades are not as pigmented as I want them to be, however darker ones are perfect. I was pleasantly surprised by the shade nr.4, because it is a perfect crease colour. It is a greyish brown, which is what I look for in that type of shade.
1 - this shade I applied on the inner corners of the eyes, to add some brightness and eliminate a tired look
2 - this shade is quite light, so I added it all over the lid
3 - another light shade, which is a a bit darker and more pigmented, so I added it on the outer crease, towards the centre.
4 - this cool toned shade I added in the crease for a nice definition and blended everything
Scandaleyes Reloaded Mascara
Volumenska maskara je pri meni pika na i, pri izgledu na očeh. Scandaleyes lepo odpre oči, trepalnicam pa podari gostost, ki si jo želim. Za svež videz sem uporabila tanek sloj, saj ne pri takšnem videzu ne potrebujem dramatičnosti. Sicer pa je maskara res dobra, lepo podaljša trepalnice in je zelo volumenska. Krtačka pa je ogromna ter tako maskara pokrije prav vsako trepalnico.
Priporočena MPC cena: 7,99€
Mascara is must have for me as it totally changes the shape of my eyes. Scandaleyes mascara is very volumizing and lengthening. The brush is quite huge, so it covers all the lashes. For a fresher, more natural look I used a thin coat, just to open the eyes and give lashes a bit of volume.
The Only 1 Lipstick - Naughty Nude
In za na konec sem ustnicam dodala malce barve s to kremasto šminko v naravnem nude-roza odtenku. Je zelo vlažilna in daje sijoč, sočen videz. Sicer pa ni tako obstojna kot mat šminke, kar je logično.
And to finish off my look, I added a moisturising lipstick in the shade Naughty Nude. It's a pinky but natural color. It adds a bit of brightness and shine. Because it's quite shiny, it's not as long lasting.