NOTW: Studs, sparkle and lace

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

So this is what I am wearing on my nails this week :) I really like this baby pink color. I never thought I would wear something like that but I really like it.

What I used:

I already showed you those 2 h&m nailpolishes in my November haul. I was impressed because they dry really fast on your nails although it chipped on a third day :)
They came in a set and I believe they aren't sold out yet, so you can still check your closest h&m for those goodies ( there is also red, blue and gold set available for 3,95 € if you are interested :D )

Essence nail art decoration kit - Limited edition: Dark Romance collection
(recent buy :P I like the studs, although the packaging is awful because of the little beads that are falling around everywhere. Also bigger studs fall off in a day or two, if you get stuck with a nail on something.)

I also used this Essence stamping kit (the lace detail)

Love and Lemons, Simona

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  1. Sm vesela, da sem neki pripomogla k nakupu! Moram rečt, da je tale rozika med mojimi top 10imi laki! <3

    1. Ja hvala :3 Sicer si jih sama vrjetno ne bi kupla, kr ne veš kak bojo prekrivni :) Sej tak je skoz, gledaš po netu pa moreš imet :D Ja, bo kr fajna pomladna barva tud, ker mi je blo malo čudno nosit, kr je zima pa to :P

  2. Ful lepa roza in nohtki <3 Jaz sem te lakce včeraj gledala v H&M pa potem nisem kupila, ampak vidim da so kar popularni in dobri :)
    Sem pa že zdavnaj obupala nad temi netki na nohtih, ker se vedno zatikam ob kaj in že prvi dan odpadejo, potem pa manikura grdo zgleda, hehe.

    1. Ja, sicer nisem za rozike ampak, ko najdeš enega ko ti je všeč, ga pač morš met :D
      Ma ja, malo je groza. Sicer so noter ti majhni zlati, ampak očitno mi tudi tile odpadejo :S Malo za poigrat je.

  3. Glih zadnjič sem gledala te lake v h&m, majo kar všečne pare :) Mogoče si jaz tudi kakega omislim :)



