Review: Mama Mio OMG Feel Good Mini Kit

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Hello there again with another review !
I've been waiting to share my opinion about these products for a long time, due to having too many unused products. I finally started using these Mama Mio products and have also finished a few of them. Because I heard a lot of nice things about Mama Mio products before, I was excited to try these. I will keep it short because there's already 5 of the products so keep reading :)

These are sample sizes, however you get a nice amount of products to try them out properly.
All of the products smell citrusy and fresh, however it's a really interesting and unique scent, but not overpowering.

Živjo, še ena ocena za vas !
Dolgo sem čakala, da vredu sprobam te izdelke saj sem imela preveč drugih za porabit. Nekaj teh Mama Mio izdelkov sem že porabila in končno je tukaj ocena. O Mama Mio izdelkih sem slišala veliko lepega. Res je, da je veliko izdelkov za nosečnice ter mamice, pa imajo tudi nekaj izdelkov za kožo za navadne ali pa aktivne uporabnice. 

Izdelki so v manjši različici, ampak še vedno je v pakiranju dovolj izdelka, da dodobra testiraš.
Vsi imajo citrusen, svež vonj, pa vendar je zanimiv in kar unikaten ter ni preveč močen.

(review of the products is in the same order as in the packaging)
(ocene izdelkov si sledijo v enakem zaporedju kot v pakiranju na sliki)

Shower Cream (50 ml) / gel za tuširanje

This was one product that I thought it wasn't super special. The scent is the same as in all of the other products, however it doesn't smell that good when in touch of water. Product itself looks a bit like jelly at first. It feels nice on your skin, but it's nothing special.

Ta izdelek se mi ni zdel kaj preveč poseben. Vonj je enak tako kot pri vseh izdelkih, vendar pa s stikom z vodo ne diši tako lepo. "Krema" oziroma gel za tuširanje ima teksturo skoraj kot žele. Je prijeten do kože, pa vendar nič kaj poseben.

Body Buff (50 ml) / piling za telo

A body scrub with a dry sand-like texture, which transforms into a more softening and moisturizing scrub under water. I was impressed with the texture, because it's nothing I've tried before. It is not too harsh, but still good and nicely scruby. The scent is really citrusy and nice and stronger. I really like this product !

Ta piling ima zanimivo suho teksturo, ki je malce podobna pesku, vendar se ob stiku z vodo spremeni v bolj mehak piling, ki je tudi malce vlažilen. Tekstura je res nekaj posebnega, kar še nisem prej sprobala. Ni preveč groba in fajn "zdrgne" kožo. Vonj je spet citrusen, vendar mi je pri tem izdelku še najbolj všeč.

Super-Rich Body Cream (50 ml) / losjon za telo

As the name says, it is a really rich and also really thick cream. It is a really nice product for dry skin. Feels luxurious and soft on your skin and I do really think it hydrates your skin nicely without being greasy at all. The smell is nice, not that strong.

Kot tudi ime izdelka pravi, ima ta krema zelo bogato, gosto teksturo. Ta izdelek je res dober za suho kožo. Občutek na koži je razkošen in mehak, prav tako pa zelo dobro vlaži kožo brez, da bi bila krema sploh mastna. Vonj je prijeten, ne preveč močan.

Boob Tube (30 ml) / krema za oprsje

As I have small boobs and I'm not a mom I don't have any problems with my "boob area", so I couldn't perfectly test this product. However, when I was using it, my chest and neck looked nicely moisturized and a bit glowing. It's not as thick as Super-Rich body cream, but it's not greasy.

Tega izdelka nisem mogla najbolje testirat, saj imam bolj majhno oprsje ter nisem mama, zato nimam kakršnih problem. Pa vendar, ko sem ga uporabljala se mi je zdel lepo vlažilen in je moja koža izgledala zdravo-sijoče. Ta krema ni tako gosta kot Super-Rich krema za telo, pa vendar ni mastna.

Wonder Full Balm (10 ml) / trdno olje za suhe predele kože

I've talked about this one in my favorite lip balms post. I really like the texure - it's weird because it's a bit gritty and it's quite thin. However it moisturizes your lips nicely and it does feel really hydrating because of the thin liquidy texture. I only use it on my lips, eventough this is a multi-purpose balm.

O tem izdelku sem že govorila v objavi o mojih najljubših balzamih za ustnice. Zelo mi je všeč tekstura, ki pa je mogoče malo čudna, ker ni najbolj gladka. Kljub temu je balzam bolj lahek ter dobro vlažilen. Uporabljam ga samo na ustnicah, čeprav naj bi bil namenjen za več različnih uporab.

I would definitely recommend the Body Buff & Wonder Full Balm as I've had great experience with them. However I do realize that these products are expensive.

Where to buy this set ? on ebay on amazon (for cheaper)

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