NOTD: Catrice LE Nude Purism - Pure Blue

Friday, March 06, 2015

Hello girls,
after a long time finally a manicure on my blog. I haven't been painting my nails due to my split ends which are horrific and also my culticles aren't in the best shape either. I don't usually buy Catrice nail polishes because I've been mainly buying Essie since it lasts on me the longest. However, when I saw this light baby blue color which is almost white I needed to have it. Last year I was obsessed with white nails, this year I'll maybe switch to this one.

The brush on this nail polish is wide which I like, however because the shade is so light, it can look streaky on your nails, so you have to work with it quite quickly. Also this shade contains small sparkles which you can see in the bottle but are not visible on the nails. Plus, I am impressed because it stays totally intact for 24 hours and still I only have two cracks in nailpolish, no chipping !
Here are the pictures...

p.s. Giveaway še vedno poteka -> tukaj

Love and Lemons, Simona

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  1. Jaz sem si ta odtenek ravno danes kupila, vidim da lepo pride na nohtih :)

  2. Replies
    1. ane? meni je ful fajni, čeprav si želim, da bi ga že pozimi imeli, ker je tak "icy"

  3. Super odtenek! Jaz sem obsedena s catrice laki, barve so mi tok fajne, da jih mam cist prevec ;).
    Zanima me ce si nasla resitev za cepljenje konic? Jaz imam s tem velik problem, tudi lak se mi vedno odkrusi. :)

    1. res majo fajne barve ampak meni gre na živce, da se mi tako hitro okrušijo :/ nisem potrpežljiva pri mazanju mi ne da na 3 dni skoz, zato mam rajš Essie :D

      nisem našla rešitve...dolgo sem uporabljala Microcell 2000 in mi je zelo pomagal, potem je pa učinek prenehal in zdaj imam precej grozne nohte. Manikerka mi je priporočala neko olje z neko sestavino, pa sem pozabla kaj je blo noter :( ker lahko kupiš samo v salonih

  4. Very beautiful color! :)

  5. Še en odtenek, ki ga MORAM imeti :) Lahko bi rekli, da sem obsedena s pastei :)


