Bourjois Air Mat & Volume Glamour Push Up Ultra Black Edition Mascara
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Živjo punce !
Bourjois spet prinaša novosti, eno za drugo. Za podlago Air Mat lahko rečemo, da je v svetu lepotnih blogerk doživela pravo opevanost. Sama sem bila skeptična glede nakupa njihovega novega tekočega pudra, saj nisem potrebovala novega, pa sem le tega prejela v test. Maskar pa očitno pri meni nikoli ni dovolj in jih z veseljem testiram. Naj omenim, da sem pred leti uporabljala maskaro Volume Glamour, katera mi je sama za volumen bila odlična ter sem jo večkrat kupila, vendar sem nato začela z velikim preizkušanjem drugih maskar ter si tako nabirala izušnje.
Hi girls !
Bourjois keeps on releasing some nice makeup goodies. This time I got the chance to try out their new foundation and mascara formula. I did contemplate on purchasing this foundation since there seems to be a lot of hype about it among beauty bloggers, however I received it for testing which I'm quite happy about. And about the mascara...I have to mention that a few years ago I used to use the original Volume Glamour, which I really liked and re-purchased a few times but then I forgot about it...
Kaj obljublja maskara ?
Bourjois spet prinaša novosti, eno za drugo. Za podlago Air Mat lahko rečemo, da je v svetu lepotnih blogerk doživela pravo opevanost. Sama sem bila skeptična glede nakupa njihovega novega tekočega pudra, saj nisem potrebovala novega, pa sem le tega prejela v test. Maskar pa očitno pri meni nikoli ni dovolj in jih z veseljem testiram. Naj omenim, da sem pred leti uporabljala maskaro Volume Glamour, katera mi je sama za volumen bila odlična ter sem jo večkrat kupila, vendar sem nato začela z velikim preizkušanjem drugih maskar ter si tako nabirala izušnje.
Hi girls !
Bourjois keeps on releasing some nice makeup goodies. This time I got the chance to try out their new foundation and mascara formula. I did contemplate on purchasing this foundation since there seems to be a lot of hype about it among beauty bloggers, however I received it for testing which I'm quite happy about. And about the mascara...I have to mention that a few years ago I used to use the original Volume Glamour, which I really liked and re-purchased a few times but then I forgot about it...
Volume Glamour Push Up Ultra Black Edition Mascara
Razlikovalna prednost: Krtačka z "uplift strukturo " ima 15 – plastno področje za povečanje volmuna trepalnic že z enim samim nanosom. Rezultat: V trenutku priviha & poveča volumen do 11x*
Fina & svilnata formula zagotavlja večji volumen in večkratni nanos brez videza zlepljenih trepalnic. Večkratni nanos maskare trepalnic ne povesi navzdol. Močni, ampak prožni polimeri, ki zagotavljajo
obstojnost in dajejo trepalnicam lahkotni občutek.
V sklopu novih Volume Glamour Push Up maskar so na voljo: rjava, črna ter ultra črna (katero sem testirala).
What this mascara promises?
The uplifting brush coats lash by lash, creating irresistible curl with boosted volume and length.
V sklopu novih Volume Glamour Push Up maskar so na voljo: rjava, črna ter ultra črna (katero sem testirala).
What this mascara promises?
The uplifting brush coats lash by lash, creating irresistible curl with boosted volume and length.
Ima zanimivo ščetko katere ščetine so v "čopkih". Sicer to na mojih trepalnicah pomeni, da jih tu in tam malce zlepi, ampak ni preveč opazno. Sama sem glede tega zelo pozorna, ker vse zlepljene trepalnice običajno ločim s posebno krtačko, vendar za spodnjo fotografijo nisem potrebovala dodatne krtačke - res je odvisno od dneva. Ščetka/krtačka mogoče vseeno ni moja najljubša.
Trepalnicam takoj podari veliko volumen in se mi zdi, da jih tudi priviha. Seveda ne manjka niti podaljševanje trepalnic. Maskara se ne drobi ter je dobro obstojna. Nanašanje pa je enostavno in ne potrebujem preveč "potegov" po trepalnicah. Kako sama nanašam maskaro, si lahko ogledate -> tukaj. Ta ultra črna različica je res zelo črna ter lepo intenzivna na očeh, vendar je za odstranjevanje potrebno malo več truda. Ta maskara je precej na vrhu moje lestvice top volumenskih maskar, vendar mogoče kratkim trepalnicam ne podari dovolj dolžine. Cena pa ravno ni najbolj prijazna, saj gre za drogerijsko maskaro, vendar sem opazila, da se na žalost v drogerijah zadnje čase vedno bolj višajo cene.
Cena: okoli 13€
This mascara has a bit of an interested wand with some bristles that come in pairs of two or more. This means that sometimes my lashes will clump up or stick together, however it's not even that noticeable. I'm always careful when it comes to separating my lashes so I do usually use another separate brush, however I didn't have to use it for these pictures. It just depends, sometimes they do stick together and sometimes they don't. The formula offers a lot of volume and I feel like it uplifts my lashes nicely. Also it is nicely lengthening, at least on me. Application is easy and I don't need a lot of strokes to achieve the desired effect. Have a look how I apply my mascara -> here. This ultra black version really is intensely black. Because of that the removing takes a bit more hard work - I usually use oil based make-up remover. I feel like this mascara is quite on the top of my favorite volumizing mascaras because it does a good job. I do feel like it doesn't offer that much length for the girls who have really short lashes.
Price: around 13€
Cena: okoli 13€
This mascara has a bit of an interested wand with some bristles that come in pairs of two or more. This means that sometimes my lashes will clump up or stick together, however it's not even that noticeable. I'm always careful when it comes to separating my lashes so I do usually use another separate brush, however I didn't have to use it for these pictures. It just depends, sometimes they do stick together and sometimes they don't. The formula offers a lot of volume and I feel like it uplifts my lashes nicely. Also it is nicely lengthening, at least on me. Application is easy and I don't need a lot of strokes to achieve the desired effect. Have a look how I apply my mascara -> here. This ultra black version really is intensely black. Because of that the removing takes a bit more hard work - I usually use oil based make-up remover. I feel like this mascara is quite on the top of my favorite volumizing mascaras because it does a good job. I do feel like it doesn't offer that much length for the girls who have really short lashes.
Price: around 13€
Air Mat
Kaj obljublja ta tekoča podlaga ?
Dolgo obstojen mat videz z neopaznim učinkom. Make-up rezultat: Lahek mat finish z občutkom „gole“ kože. Popolno prekrivanje in brezhiben ten. 24h obstojnost. Žameten ten, brez sijaja. Superfin mat puder, izvleček cinka in kroglice silicija so prisotni v formuli, ki uravnava izločanje sebuma. Dermatološko testirano. Nekomedogena formula Udobje na koži: formula, ki kože ne izsuši SPF 10 Bourjois prednost Odišavljeno s svežo in ženstveno dišavo.
Na voljo je 6 odtenkov: 2 lahko roza obarvana odtenka, 3 bež do zlati odtenki, 1 zlat odtenek
What does this foundation offer?
Bourjois' Air Mat foundation has been specially developed to give skin a smooth, matte finish that lasts for up to 24 hours. Its non drying, lightweight formula lets skin breathe throughout the day and provides high coverage for a flawless finish. Enriched with mattifying micronized powders, it elimates shine with no mask effect for an undetectable result. Starting at the centre of your face blend the formula outwards and upwards for a flawless finish whilst erasing any imperfections.
There are 6 shades available: 2 light pink toned shades, 3 beige/gold shades and 1 gold/dark shade
Tekstura tega pudra me je že v drogeriji presenetila saj je zelo gosta. To pomeni, da za lep nanos ne potrebujete velike količine, vendar pri Bourjoisu pravijo, da naj bi bila lahkotna podlaga. Prekrivnost ni najboljša, je rahla do srednja: prekrije nekaj nepravilnosti, vendar koža še vedno izgleda naravno z nekaj malenkostmi, ki kukajo izpod podlage. Moj odtenek: Rose Ivory je precej breskvast, tak, da morda ni najprimernejši za mojo porcelanasto polt, ki teži k rumenim podtonom. Tudi na mojem obrazu na določeni sveltobi izgleda odtenek malce napačno, kar mi ni všeč. Na koži malce oksidira in je temnejši v primerjavi z mojim najsvetlejšim pudrom: Revlon Colorstay - 150 Buff. Sicer sama nimam drugega Bourjois tekočega pudra, vendar sem ugotovila, da sta Air mat podlaga ter Bourjois Healthy Mix korektor v odtenku 51 po barvi precej podobna. Vendar imam občutek, da se korektor bolje obnese na koži saj se zabriše v svetlejši odtenek in nima takšnega "breskvastega" zaključka.
Vonj pudra je nekako parfumski, pa vendar diši bolj kot kakšna negovalna krema za obraz. Meni se ne zdi najbolj lahka podlaga, mogoče ker imam res mastno T-cono in se ta olja nekako skupaj s pudrom naberejo na določenih mestih. Na koncu dneva imam občutek, da je moja koža precej mastna, čeprav na pogled ne izgleda tako slabo. Sicer pa puder s prstom lahko obrišem z obraza, saj se malce topi.
Vonj pudra je nekako parfumski, pa vendar diši bolj kot kakšna negovalna krema za obraz. Meni se ne zdi najbolj lahka podlaga, mogoče ker imam res mastno T-cono in se ta olja nekako skupaj s pudrom naberejo na določenih mestih. Na koncu dneva imam občutek, da je moja koža precej mastna, čeprav na pogled ne izgleda tako slabo. Sicer pa puder s prstom lahko obrišem z obraza, saj se malce topi.
Če imate zelo mastno kožo, kakor jaz na T-coni, boste ta puder morda vseeno občutili na koži. Tako ga priporočam za normalno ali mešano kožo ter če želite "naraven" matirajoč učinek in običajno nimate problemov s "topljenjem" ličil.
Cena: okoli 14€ (30 ml)
Cena: okoli 14€ (30 ml)
What surprised me is the fact that this foundation is quite thick. Bourjois says it's supposed to be a light-weight foundation but I don't get that feeling. The texture to me feels like I don't need a lot of product to cover my face, however it doesn't have a best coverage so you still need a nice amount. Coverage is light to medium: it covers up some imperfections but still looks natural with some imperfections peeking through. The shade I chose is the lightest: Rose Ivory, which is quite peachy toned to me, so it's not the best for my porcelain skin which tends to gravitate towards yellow tones. It oxidizes a bit on my skin and it's darker than my lightest foundation: Revlon Colorstay - 150 Buff. I didn't have any other Bourjois foundation to compare ti to, however I compared it to Bourjois Healthy Mix concealer in the shade 51 and it looks like they could be a nice match. I do still think that Healthy Mix concealer looks better on my skin since it doesn't look so peachy toned when blended.
The smell of this foundation to me is quite like a perfume, however it reminds me of a smell of a skincare or something like that. Because my skin is quite oily, I don't find this foundation as light-weight. At the end of the day I feel like my skin is really oily because the foundation becomes quite heavy and wants to slide off. Still my skin looks quite good.
I would recommend this foundation to people who have normal to mixed skin or if you want a quite natural matt effect and usually don't have a problem with melting makeup.
The smell of this foundation to me is quite like a perfume, however it reminds me of a smell of a skincare or something like that. Because my skin is quite oily, I don't find this foundation as light-weight. At the end of the day I feel like my skin is really oily because the foundation becomes quite heavy and wants to slide off. Still my skin looks quite good.
I would recommend this foundation to people who have normal to mixed skin or if you want a quite natural matt effect and usually don't have a problem with melting makeup.
(wearing Bourjois Air Mat & Volume Glamour Push Up Ultra Black Edition Mascara)

Imam isto maskaro in sem nad njo navdušena, mojim trepalnicam res podari volumen edino cena je dokaj visoka. Imam tudi puder, ki pa je za mojo polt malenkost preveč rumen in ga zmešam z istim revlon colorstay kot ga imaš v objavi, in je potem super odtenek.
ReplyDeleteJa maskara je definitivno fajna, ampak cena me malce moti :D
DeleteNo super glede tega mešanja ! Meni se običajno ne da mešat pudrov, zato hočem, da je en puder tak kot more bit, da meni ustreza :)
Joj ne zamerit- ampak meni izgleda puder na tebi oranžen.
ReplyDeleteSicer sem ga tudi sama sprobala in mi ga je prijazna Monika poslala, morem točno še stestirat. Mi je pa res slabo to, ker rahlo oranžkasto potegne.
Maskara ti pa nore trepalnice naredi <3
Sej sem napisala, da ma tak "peachy" odtenek, kar meni ne paše :/ mam običajno rumen podton...
DeleteHvala :)
Wow, maskara zgleda TOP!
ReplyDeleteMaskara izgleda 1a!! Puder me pa ne prepriča tudi kolikor sem odtenke gledala, ni noben zame ;)
ReplyDeleteXoxo, Nyx
Jaz sem tudi pričakovala več od pudra :) Ampak enim je pa res ful všeč, tako da ne vem...