Makeup Empties #1

Thursday, November 05, 2015

Hello girls !
In march I did a post about makeup which I really wanted to use up (link here), because some of the items were old or I just wanted to get rid of them. Plus I don't like throwing away anything that hasn't been used up (well at the end I will throw away some stuff that I'm just not comfortable at using since it's the items can be quite old). after more than half a year I decided to show you how successful was I.  


All I can say is: mascara.

L'oreal Volume Million Lashes Excess
I think I've talked about this mascara enough. It's just really volumizing, separates the lashes and is just good. Review here.
Repurchase: yes

Maybelline The Colossal Cat Eyes
As much as I really love the original version of this mascara, this one just didn't do it for me. The wand/brush bothers me too much - it's just too curvy and I can't use it properly.
Repurchase: nope

Vipera Majestic mascara
A mascara with a really weird wand, which surprisingly works really good: nicely volumizing. I've talked about it here.
Repurchase: maybe

Essence Crystal Eyeliner  - 07 get ready !
I believe this one is discontinued. It was nothing special as it was poorly black with a bit of shimmer which wasn't noticable. Was good for everyday wear.
Repurchase: no


Essence ET Love Letters jumbo sheer stick - 01 Rosy in Love 
This one was ok, but nothing special, that's why I wanted to use it up (swatch here on my blog). 
Repurchase: nope, not in any shade

Nivea Volume Shine Glace lipgloss - Milkshake 
This one was one of my favorite lip glosses for a long time. It made my lips looking juicy but also they looked nicely "nude" and natural.
Repurchase: I would if I could

Makeup Revolution Amazing Care Lipstick - Electric Love
I really liked it at first but then I realized I have cheaper option: Maybelline Baby Lips. It's so similar. MR also doesn't nourish my lips as well as Baby Lips. I mentioned this product here.
Repurchase: nope


Catrice - Re-touch Light-reflecting concealer - 001 Porcelain
I buy these each time Catrice decides to discontinue shades, so it's 1,99€ . There's very little product in it so you use it up quickly. It was a nice pinky shade for under-eye circles.
Repurchase: maybe

Deborah AGEReset concealer
I talked about it here. It was nice, not that special, however I still liked it. The applicator is really handy.
Repurchase: maybe

Revlon Colorstay - 150 Buff 
My all time favorite longlasting foundation. It is great for oily skin but also the pigmentation is great. If you haven't tried it, you should.
Repurchase: yes

Fixing Mist from MUA
This was a nice fixing mist, one of my first ones. I did like it, however I'm trying to find a better one. Let me know if you've used it and liked it ?
Repurchase: maybe

Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Powder 003 Peach Glow
Another staple in my routine. This pressed powder is just really nice. It works against oiliness and doesn't make you look to cakey.
Repurchase: yes


L'oreal 7 in 1 Saviour
This is a nailpolish for damaged nails. It was nice and it made my nails looking better, however I really hate the packaging. The top is so tall, so you can't reach the bottom of the bottle with a brush and use it up whole.
Repurchase: no

What I threw away:

Essence glossy lipbalm - Pink Grapefruit
Really liked the fruity smell of this lipgloss, however they get bad so fast: the smell changes quickly, so I have to throw it away. Other than that it was not anything special.
Repurchase: nope

Essence lipstick 45 this is me
These are not available anymore but the new Essence lipsticks are really nice. It's pretty old but it was good. Have you had any of these ?

VERDICT: Out of 27 products I wanted to use up, I actually used up 7 products, however I used up additional 6 products. I really hope I'm going to get better at this but it's really hard to try to use something you so don't like anymore. My problem is that the last few months I've been testing quite a lot of makeup, so I tend to gravitate towards those. I might end up throwing aways lots of products.

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  1. Uf, da bi meni uspelo v tako kratkem času porabiti toliko maskar! :) Sicer pa se strinjam glede Glossy Lipbalm – en in edini, ki sem ga imela, se je pokvaril tako hitro, da ga nisem porabila niti do polovice. :(

    1. Se ful trudim glede maskar, ampak trenutno nimam več nobene, ki bi se hotla vsaj malo posušit :( vsaj vonj te opomni, da je fuč ^^

    2. Jaz imam tudi tisto od Alverde ... Jo uporabljam že sto let, ampak se kar noče in noče posušit. XD

  2. Tudi jaz se trudim porabiti nekatere izdelke, samo mi nekak ne gre, če so novi vedno bolj zanimivi. :D
    Tale Rimmelov Stay Matee sem že nekaj časa opazovala, zgleda ga bom morala v kratkem probat. :)

    1. Ma ja ! Senčila je najtežje porabit :S Ampak se mi zdi, da bom kmalu enga porabla wuhu
      Rimmel je definitivno za sprobat :)

  3. Meni jih je tudi uspelo kar veliko porabiti, nekaj tudi tistih, ki jih ni bilo na listi, edino hit the pan projekt mi gre slabše, ker stalno testiram nove izdelke, potem pa tiste zapostavljam. Well done. :)

    1. Super ! Jaz si sicer nisem zadala hit the pan ampak kr da jih hočem porabit, čeprav je to bolj optimistična naloga, ampak vseeno se mi je zgodilo, da bom eno senčilo kmalu porabila :3
      Preveč testiramo :P

  4. Kako se je obnesel puder od Revlona?
    Kaksna je prekrivnost pa obstojnost? Pa ti odtenek ustreza al je tezko v trgovini zbrat tisti pravi odtenek?

    Hvala za odgovor

    1. Živjo !
      To je moj najljubši puder, ker je zelo prekriven in tudi zelo obstojen, vsaj na moji koži. Sama imam drugač probleme z obstojnostjo, ker imam precej mastno kožo, tako da ta trenutno zmaga. Je pa tak, da nekatere pravijo, da jim malce maši pore, ker je malo težji puder, zato ga jaz včasih uporabljam z rahlimi nanosi, ko grem kam ven pa nič ne šparam :D
      Meni ta odtenek super paše, ker je najsvetlejši in čist primeren za mojo porcelanasto polt.
      Sama nisem imela problema, ker je najsvetlejši odtenek in drugega niti ne bi mogla preizkusit,
      drugače pa če je možnost, da si v trgovini malce pudra pretočiš v embalažo, pa sprobaš doma :) Ali pa na vratu, kakor se drugače preizkuša.
      Majo pa še različico za bolj suho kožo, tisti pa ne vem kako se obnese in tudi odtenki so drugačni.

    2. Tisti za suho kožo baje ni tako dolgo obstojen. Mene samo motijo parabeni med sestavinami, drugače bi ga takoj kupila. :(

    3. Aja, no to sploh nisem vedla, da ma noter, ampak kolk kozmetike smo pa uporabljali, ko so bli parabeni not...jaz še vedno ne pazim tolk na to :)

  5. Hahahaha, Stay Matte <3 Tudi moj je enak :D

    1. Od tega nič ne ostane, ker se tisto mičkeno kaj je ob strani zdrobi, pa še napis gre dol ne :D

  6. Pridna si, pridna =D Te občudujem ;) Jaz toliko menjavam, da mi še gela za tuširanje ne uspe porabit =P
    Xoxo, Nyx

    1. No pri tuš gelih tud postajam pridna ! :D Veš kak je fajni občutek, ko lahko nekaj vržeš stran :3


