
Perfected Skin in Summer

Hi girls. I've decided to show you a few products I've been using lately to get a more perfected skin. Also there will be some tips included and I hope this post will be interesting for you. You can use these techniques even in winter, however at that time I seem to change up my makeup products. In summer months I stay away...

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Empties #27

Hi girls. Time for another Empties post. I think I'm getting better at using up products. And I hope you enjoy these kind of posts as much as I do... Uriage Eau Thermale This is your standard thermal water in a spray. It's great for refreshing the face or using it as a toner before any cream. This one is not specially different...

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The Body Shop: Mango Body Yogurt & Shower Gel

Živjo punce. Za današnjo objavo si želim, da bi tudi ve lahko vonjale te prijetne izdelke, ki vam jih bom danes na kratko predstavila. Sama nisem fanatik sladkih ali cvetličnih vonjev. Če pa kaj obožujem, so to sadni vonji. In TBS zna te vonje res dobro formulirati saj te spominjajo na prave sadeže. Ker so ti vonji tako realistični, bi izdelke kar pojedel....

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April & May: New Launches (review)

Živjo punce. April in maj sta bila meseca velikih novosti saj se počasi približuje poletje. Tako sem imela priložnost testiranja kar veliko izdelkov. V tej objavi pa bom omenila le tiste, ki sem jih uspela preizkusiti. Nekaj jih še namreč čaka na test, saj imam samo eno kožo ane :) Hi girls. It seems like April & May have been the months of...

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