April & May: New Launches (review)
Monday, June 04, 2018
Živjo punce.
April in maj sta bila meseca velikih novosti saj se počasi približuje poletje. Tako sem imela priložnost testiranja kar veliko izdelkov. V tej objavi pa bom omenila le tiste, ki sem jih uspela preizkusiti. Nekaj jih še namreč čaka na test, saj imam samo eno kožo ane :)
Hi girls.
April in maj sta bila meseca velikih novosti saj se počasi približuje poletje. Tako sem imela priložnost testiranja kar veliko izdelkov. V tej objavi pa bom omenila le tiste, ki sem jih uspela preizkusiti. Nekaj jih še namreč čaka na test, saj imam samo eno kožo ane :)
Hi girls.
It seems like April & May have been the months of new launches since summer is approaching quickly. I've been sent quite some new products and today I'll talk about some beauty products that I've actually tried and have opinion on already. Some are still waiting for a test as obviously I cannot test that many products at the same time.
Tole paletko sem prejela kar nekaj časa nazaj. Ko sem jo odprla in si jo lepo ogledala, sem najprej opazila velik razpon odtenkov. Tako,da če želite vključiti nekaj barve v očesni makeup na bolj preprost način, vam jo priporočam. Senčila so zelo dobro pigmentirana in na očeh ostanejo ves dan ter ne zbledijo kaj preveč. Zdi se mi, da so pri MR precej izboljšali kvaliteto senčil skozi čas.
This palette I received quite some time ago. Immediately when I opened it, I noticed a great variety of shades. So if you want to include more color into your makeup, this one would be perfect for you. The eye shadows seem very pigmented and they actually last a long time on the eyelids. I think MR has reformulated some eye shadows because these seem better quality than in the past.
Bourjois ima same odlične novosti. O teh izdelkih za lička sem govorila že v obsežnejši objavi (tukaj). Embalaža je res luštna in odtenki so prav tako čudoviti. Rdečila pa na licih izgledajo tako lepo, naravno. Tudi osvetljevalec (Le Petit Strober) je v lepem odtenku šampanjca, ki bi pristajal večim tonom kože. Edino kar mi ni všeč je vonj po vijolicah, ki pa na koži precej hitro izgine.
Bourjois has been on fire with many new launches. I've written a complete review of these new cheek products - find it here. The packaging is adorable and the shades are gorgeous as well. These are one of the nicest looking blushes out there. They look so natural and lovely on the skin. Also the Petit Strober - highlighter is a champagne shade which is nice as well for any skin tones. The only thing I don't like is heavy smell of violets (not my favorite scent), however it disappears quickly on the skin.
Max Factor Miracle Contour Palette
Max Factor je ustvaril tole kremno paleto za senčenje z osmimi odtenki. Takšni produkti so v drogeriji kar redki, zato jih je veselje videt na poličkah trgovin. Sama najprej nanesem tekočo podlago in potem odtenek za senčenje na želene predele (natančna navodila so tudi na hrbtni strani embalaže). Kremnih izdelkov pa sicer ne smemo nanašati preko izdelkov v prahu saj lahko le ti pustijo čuden videz in se podlaga kar premakne. Najlažje je takšne izdelke nanašati z ovalnimi čopiči saj so ti zelo gosti in dobro zabrišejo kremne izdelke, da se ne opazijo črte. Odtenki niso zelo pigmentirani, zato jih je lahko nanašati ter slojiti. Svetlejši odtenki v paleti pa mi sicer niso kaj preveč všeč, ker so matt in lahko povzročijo nabiranje korektorja v gubicah. Lahko pa jih uporabljaš za popravljanje napak pri senčenju. Odtenki za senčenje so mi všeč in se mi ta paleta zdi precej dobra, če komaj začenjate vaditi senčenje obraza.
This is an 8-shade cream contour palette. You don't mostly see these kind of products in the stores so it's refreshing to see it on the market. You do have to get used to the creams. Firstly I apply my foundation and then contour all over where you're supposed to add it (there are instructions on the back). Also you should not add cream products on top of powder products. I found that the creams blend the easiest with Oval brushes because the bristles are so densely packed that it blends seamlessly. The shades are not crazily pigmented which means that you won't make many mistakes but still the colors are buildable. I don't really like the highlighting shades because they don't do that much (matt effect) and can crease up your concealer. But they can be used to fix a few mistakes. Though the contour shades are really nice. All in all, it's a great product for drugstore or if you're only getting into contouring.
Linija MicellAir Expert je odobrena s strani umetnikov ličenja in vsebuje izvleček črnega čaja, ki pomaga k učinkovitemu odstranjevanju nečistoč. Ker gre za dvofazni odstranjevalec ličil, je pred uporabo potrebno izdelek pretresti. Tekočina ni mastna in je zelo podobna micelarni vodi. Ličila kar dobro odstrani, vendar je pri zelo črnih maskarah potrebno nekaj več bombažnih blazinic. Sicer mi je odstranjevalec kar všeč, ni pa revolucionarni.
Nivea MicellAir Expert Eye-Makeup Remover
The MiceallAir Expert line is supposed to be approved by makeup artists and is infused with black tea extract to completely remove any impurities. This is
two phase oil, so you have to shake it well before use. I usually love these kind of removers. And this one does it's job well. The texture is not greasy and feels more like micellar water. It removes makeup nicely, however if you wear extra black mascara, it might take a cotton pad or two more to remove it completely. Otherwise I think it's a nice makeup remover product, however I don't see anything revolutionary about it.
Nivea MicellAir Expert Face Wipes
Že kar nekaj časa nisem preizkusila novih robčkov za odstranjevanje ličil. Robčki so precej odišavljeni ter so kar mokri, zato dobro odstranijo ličila. Sicer sem opazila, da je skozi leta moja koža bolj občutljiva ter že lahko ocenim kadar je izdelek malce bolj agresiven. Tako sem pri teh robčkih opazila, da včasih povzročijo malce pekoč občutek ter rdečico. Čeprav, če kar hitro za tem umijem obraz s čistilom, ta učinek izgine. Zaradi tega jih za vsak slučaj nisem uporabljala na očeh. Zato menim, da niso najboljši čistilni robčki, saj niso prijetni do kože, kljub temu pa ličila dobro odstranijo.
It's been a while since I've tried any face wipes. These wipes are nicely scented and quite wet, plus they do remove my makeup well. Thought I've noticed that my skin has become more sensitive throughout the years and now I can definitely tell when one product is a bit more harsh. That's why I have problem with these, because sometimes they would make my skin tingly and a bit red. However if I wash my face quickly afterwards, I'm fine. I didn't use them on the eyes, just to be safe. I don't think they're the best makeup wipes out there but they are great at removing makeup.
The Body Shop Mint Mattifying Face Mist
TBS je lansiral spreje meglice za obraz za različne tipe kože: za utrujeno, mastno, občutljivo, suho ali pusto kožo. Sama sem seveda testirala tole za mastno kožo, ki naj bi pustila matirajoč učinek. Ker vsebuje meto, sem mislila, da bo vonj spominjal na žvečilne gumije ali zobno pasto, vendar je prijetno osvežilen. Meglica je lepo fina in se fajn razprši ter hitro vpije v kožo. Daje takojšen občutek svežine. Prav tako po minuti, ko se posuši, makeup izgleda malce bolj matt. Seveda ne matira popolnoma, vendar se mi zdi da odstrani nekaj sijaja. Odstrani "pudrast" videz na obrazu ter pripomore, da se ličila lepše zlijejo s kožo. Lahko pa jo uporabiš tudi pred nanosom ličil. Prav tako je zelo priročna za v torbico.
TBS has brought out face mists for different effects: glow, energising, calming, smoothing or mattifying. Of course because my skin is more oily, I opted for a matt one. I thought it would smell like mint chewing gums or such but actually it has a more pleasant smell. The mist is nicely fine and it absorbs quickly. It gives me an instant refreshing effect. Plus when it dries down, after a minute my makeup looks a bit more matt. Yes, it won't completely mattify the makeup, however I feel like it take a bit of shine away and keeps your skin from getting oilier faster. It eliminates the powdery look on the skin and helps the makeup blend into the skin better. Also, you can use it before applying makeup. Plus it's so handy to keep in your handbag.
Ko sem prejela tole kremo, se mi je zdela neprimerna za mojo kožo. Gre za inovacijo pri vlaženju občutljive kože. Čeprav je moja koža precej mastna, je ta lahko na čase občutljiva. Še posebej zjutraj, ko si očistim obraz je zato takšna krema super, ker lepo pomiri kožo. Ker je lahkotna, se precej hitro vpije in lepo pomiri kožo. Uporabljam jo pred nanosom ličil in ne vpliva na izgled mojega makeupa. Prav tako nima nekakšnega vonja, kar je super.
When I received this cream, I didn't think it would work for my skin. It is innovation for moisturizing a sensitive skin. Even though my skin is quite oily, it can also be a bit sensitive from time to time. I tried using it in the morning, after cleansing my skin. Sometimes I can get irritated, so the cream calmed down my skin. It is light weight and sinks into the skin nicely. I can use it before applying makeup and it won't affect the way makeup looks. Plus it doesn't have much scent, which is great.
Clarins One-Step Facial Cleanser
Tole sicer ni novost, vendar sem ta izdelek preizkusila šele pred kratkim. Postal mi je tako všeč, da sem ga skoraj porabila. Tale odstranjevalec ličil je sicer namenjen za obraz, vendar sem ga uporabljala večinoma na očeh. Je zelo nežen in sploh ni dražil mojih oči. Čeprav gre za dvofazno tekočino, ne pusti mastnega občutka ter učinkovito odstrani ličila. Prav tako ima prijeten svež vonj. Na koži naj bi pustil sijoč občutek, vendar o tem ne morem kar veliko govoriti. Zelo mi je všeč, da je nežen do kože in ličila popolnoma odstrani - tudi maskaro.
Technically this one is not new launch, but it has been one of my favorites lately. I've loved it so much that it's almost empty. I use this makeup remover mainly on my eyes even though it's meant for the face. It's gentle enough and doesn't irritate my eyes. You have to shake it well before use because it is two-phase liquid. It's not greasy and removes makeup very effectively. Also I love the refreshing scent. On the skin it's supposed to give glow but I cannot talk about that. All in all I love how gentle but very effective it is at removing every single trace of mascara. It's a great one.

Ooo to LRP kremico sem si kupila, ker upam da bo odgovarjala moji občutljivi koži 😊
ReplyDeleteObičajno so zelo hvaljene njihove kreme za občutljivo kožo. Enkrat prej sem testirala Hydreane Legere, ki mi je tudi bila precej všeč :) Upam, da ti bo tale odgovarjala.
DeleteGreat post!And thanks for the review helps a lot.
ReplyDeleteI want to buy new launched prod too
ReplyDeleteI am very honestly interested with that palette!