Avon Review Part Two: Supershock mascara, Cocoa lip butter, Face mask, Concealer, Perfume
Friday, April 03, 2015Živjo dekleta,
tukaj je drug del ocene Avonovih izdelkov. Spet jih je kar nekaj na kupčku in v veselje mi je bilo testirati toliko novih stvari. Ker mi je punca, ki prodaja Avon kozmetiko pozabila poslat masko, mi je tokrat še dodala maskaro, korektor in nekaj kar bo za giveaway na FB. Tukaj pa je prvi del, če ga še niste pogledale/prebrale.
Here is a second chapter of Avon reviews. I enjoyed trying everything. Lovely girl who sells Avon spoilt me again since she forgot to send a mask last time, but I don't mind. Also everything I tried so far hasn't dissapointed me. Also here is the first part if you might haven't read it already.
Ideal Flawless Cream Concealer / kremni korektor - Fair (5,9 €)
Before & after
Ta korektor je precej kremast, skoraj tekoč. Pa vendar se na koži nekako spremeni v bolj pudrasto obliko kar je super saj to pomeni, da ne bo kar "stekel" s kože. Odtenek mi je zelo všeč saj je popolnoma svetel in se zlije z mojo kožo. Ker je lepo svetel ga priporočam tudi za osvetljevanje pod očmi. Prekrivnost na mozoljčkih je dobra, na podočnjakih pa bolj slaba, zato potrebujete malo več izdelka. Barvno sem ga primerjala tudi z Bourjois korektorjem.
This concealer is really creamy, however on the skin it tranforms into more of a powder type of product which is perfect because that way it lasts longer on your skin. I really like the shade because it's super pale - just like me. If you're not that pale, you could definitely use it as to highlight under-eye area. Coverage isn't the best: it works good on pimples but you definitely need a nice amount of product to hide those under-eye bags. On the picture above you can see that I compared it to Bourjois one.
Supershock Mascara ( 5,9-10,9 € )
Before & After
Od te maskare nisem pričakovala kaj veliko, ker nisem imela izkušenj z Avon maskarami ter tudi nisem navajena takšne krtačke. Pa vendar, me je lepo presenetila. Sicer so moje trepalnice lepo dolge ter mi veliko maskar takoj ustreza, ampak kar iščem v formuli je: volumen, malo podaljševanja ter da mi ne zlepi trepalnic, temveč jih lepo razporedi.
Ta maskara nudi dober volumen in res loči vsako trepalnico posebej. Čeprav morem s krtačko večkrat trepalnice "počesat", pa je rezultat res odličen. Omogoča večplastno nanašanje brez da bi se trepalnice preveč zlepile. Ker je krtačka daljša ter debelejša, naenkrat dosežeš večino trepalnic.
I didn't expect anything special from this mascara as I haven't tried any from Avon before but also the brush looked funky. However it did surprise me in a positive way. My lashes are usually long and don't need any special mascara but I always look for more volume, a bit of lengthening and separating my lashes.
This mascara adds a nice amount of volume, meanwhile separating each lash. It does need quite a few layers but without wetting your brush again - it allows you to layer mascara nicely without clumping up your lashes and the result is great. The brush is quite big and long so it coats each lash.
Peel-off Mask / Piling za obraz s čajevcem in kumarico ( 3,90 € )
By reading my blog you might know I love peel-off masks: the ones that are in liquid shape and they dry on your face, so you can peel them off. I usually buy the ones in packets for one or two uses, however I've been always eyeing the ones in a tube. Having a big packaging is very handy. It's supposed to help with oily skin prone to impurities. It absorbs oiliness but doesn't try out your face too much. I didn't notice andy big changes in my skin as it is in a good condition at the moment.
Cocoa Lip Butter / Balzam za ustnice (2,6€)
Mislim, da sem o tem maslu za ustnice že brala dobre ocene. Najprej mi je zelo bil všeč sladek vonj po kakavu - njami. V lončku je bolj trd ampak se pod toploto prstov lepo topi, kar je tudi značilno za takšna masla. Na ustnica ne pušča mastnega občutka, ter deluje sijoče, pa vendar je lepo hranljiv. Mogoče ni primeren za najbolj popokane ustnice, ampak meni je trenutno fajn. Embalaža sicer ni moja najljubša saj ni higienična, ampak je za doma super.
I think I've heard great things about this lip butter. First thing I noticed is sweet, yummy cacao scent. Looks really buttery in the packaging and it melts under heat of your fingers. It's not greasy but leaves a shine on your lips and is nicely nourishing. Not the most moisturizing lip balm type of product, but it's still nice. Packaging is not my favorite as it's not hygenic, but very common these days.
Far away mini roll-on Perfume (5,3€)
Opis vonja: "Izbrana mešanica ylang-ylanga, belega jasmina, vrtnice in oljkovca s podtoni vanilije, sandalovine in čutnega mošusa. Zelo ženstven vonj."
Morem bit iskrena saj mi ta vonj res ni všeč. Vsak ima svoj "okus" za vonje in ta mojemu ne ustreza. Je cvetličen, malce nežen ampak je res takšen starejši vonj, ki mi ne ustreza, ampak bi mogoče bil dobro darilo za npr. mamo.
Scent description: "Let it transport you to a place within yourself and your own imagination. An exotic treasure of dreamy florals, spiced amber and spirit-moving woods."
To be honest I really don't like this scent. It's just not what I would usually choose for myself: it's flowery, a bit gentle, however smells "old", which is not my cup of tea. I'd rather give it to my mom.
Cherish EDT (tester)
Opis vonja: "Začutite resnično očarljiv orientalski vonj sijočih citrusov in sočnih jagod, ovitih v šopek kremnih belih cvetlic in žametnih ctrničnih cvetov na postelji tople sandalovine".
Ta vonj me takoj spominja na Salvatore Ferragamo parfum z imenom: Incanto Dream (mislim, da se ga dobi še samo na spletu). Sama sem ga imela pred več leti in je tako saden ampak malo cvetličen, res je svež. In točno ta Avonov parfum ima zelo podoben vonj ter res priporočam, da si nekako pridobite vzorček ali pa ga povonjate v reviji (pod nalepkico). Na začetku se mešajo sadni in cvetlični toni, nato pa prva nota zbledi in je nežno cvetličen ter še vedno svež.
Če ne bi imela tako ogromne zbirke parfumov bi si ga omislila, ker je popoln vonj zame.
Scent description: "Feel a warm embrace with this tender floral scent, a delicate blend of sensual jasmine sambac, creamy sandalwood and lingering precious musk."
This scent really reminds me of Salvatore Ferragamo - Incanto Dream which is rarely available nowadays. I had it years ago, however I kept a sample. Cherish is at first really fruity but then it wears off and is more flowery , but still fresh. It totally describes "me" and my taste for scents.
p.s. trenutno se na Facebook strani bloga odvija Avon giveaway <-
Love and Lemons, Simona

Uuuu, maskara zgleda res dobra!
ReplyDeleteja, je kr fajna :D pa še ful jo lahko nanašaš :)
DeleteTa maskara je med mojimi 10 najljubšimi. Z njo si vedno lepo ločim in poudarim trepalnice, potem pa dam še kakšno drugo čez.
ReplyDeleteres je dobra za ločevanje :) ..bom jo verjetno jaz tudi tako uporabljala kot ti :)
DeleteJaz imam tudi tale korektor in mi je zelo všeč, da je tako svetel:). Je odličen za posvetlitev pod očmi, prekriven pa res ni za kakšne temne kolobarje:). Za Cherish dobim vedno pohvale kako lepo dišim, tako da mi je zaradi tega še bolj všeč:).
ReplyDeleteja, prav presenetlo me je, ker je menda to moj najsvetlejši korektor v zbirki :) in tako kot si napisala, fajn za osvetlitev, meni tudi za mozoljčke.
DeleteČe ne bi imela velike zbirke dišav bi si takoj privoščila Cherish :) Se tolažim, da ga kao ne rabim