Skincare: L'Occitane Aqua Réotier

Monday, April 30, 2018

Živjo punce.
Pretekli mesec sem testirala novo L'Occitanovo linijo za nego obraza. Ta se fokusira na vlaženje, katero je moji povrhnjici zadnje mesece precej primanjkovalo saj kot vemo, mrzel zrak precej izsuši kožo. Vlaženje in hidracija pa sta ključ do zdrave kože in telesa. Mene osebno najbolj odžeja prav voda. Čeprav ta nima okusa, je meni okusna ter ima svež pridih, ki takoj pogasi žejo. Prav tako vpliva na vlago v koži. Mojo kožo pa najbolj odžeja hialuronska kislina, saj se hitro vpije in takoj navlaži kožo ter je tudi del sestavin linije AQUA RÉOTIER. Hkrati je glavna sestavina linije voda, ki teče v osrčju provansalskih gora že stoletja. Ta se na svoji poti bogatí z minerali in pride na površje v izviru Réotier. Polna je kalcija, ki pomaga ohranjati zaščitni plašč kože ter vlago v njej. Kako pa se je ta linija obnesla na moji koži ? ...

Hi girls.
The past month I've been testing new skincare line by L'Occitane. It focuses on hydration, which my skin was lacking the past few months. Hydration is mainly the key to healthy skin and body. You should drink the prescribed amount of water each day. And to be honest, I love the water because to me it feels very refreshing. I even like the taste (I know - it's supposed to be tasteless) and it immediately eliminates the thirst. Plus it helps your skin staying hydrated. However my skin loves hyaluronic acid because it provides instant moisture and you can also find it in Aqua Réotier line. Another great ingredient present in that line is water of Réotier spring in Provence which is enriched with minerals such as calcium. Calcium is the key to maintaining natural barrier of the skin and retaining moisture and hydration.

Vodni gel za čiščenje obraza

Nego obraza seveda vedno začnem s čiščenjem kože. To je moj najljubši začetek in konec dneva saj mi čista koža daje občutek svežine. Čistilni gel Aqua Réotier je tekoč (prozoren) in se na koži v stiku z vodo spremeni v kremasto teksturo, ki deluje zelo prijetno. Zelo dobro odstrani ostanke ličil in ostale nečistoče ter olja. Super je, ker pusti mehak občutek ter ne izsuši kože. Prav tako kožo osveži. Ima precej zanimiv, zemeljski vonj, ki me malce spominja na svežo travo. Sicer pa ta linija ni tako močno odišavljena in deluje prijetno, saj vonj precej hitro izgine. Hkrati pa deluje zelo osvežilno. Všeč mi je tudi, da je gel na pumpico, saj se ga enostavno dozira.

Cena: 19,30€

Every skincare routine should start with cleansing of the skin. This is my favorite time of the day (in the morning and before bed) because I love the feeling of clean, fresh skin. Aqua Réotier cleansing gel has a liquid, transparent texture which when mixed with water forms into a creamy consistency. It deeply cleanses the skin while removing any impurities. However the skin afterwards is left with a soft feeling and it doesn't dry it out. Plus it feels very refreshing. The scent of this line is a bit earthy - to me it reminds me a bit of fresh grass which is pleasant and it disappears quickly. 

Vlažilna esenca za obraz

Naslednji korak je nanos esence. To je res zanimiv izdelek. Sama bi rekla, da deluje kot serum za obraz. Kožo hitro navlaži in jo pripravi na nanos drugih vlažilnih izdelkov. Tekstura je zelo tekoča in ob tapkanju v kožo se v nekaj sekundah vpije. Sicer za seboj pusti malce lepljiv občutek, ampak na vrh dodam kremo za obraz, ki izniči ta učinek. Tudi v tem produktu se nahaja provansalska voda, ki je ključna sestavina za ohranjanje vlažnosti v koži. Esenca pa takoj na koži pusti občutek vlage.

Cena: 22,40 €

Next step is applying essence. This is an interesting products as it preps the skin for next layers of moisture and at the same time it provides some hydration. It feels very liquid, like a serum and when tapped onto the skin, it dries very quickly. It does feel a bit sticky at first, however it also feels very hydrating and the stickiness disappears after applying a cream on top. This product contains Réotier water, which is a main ingredient for hydrating the skin. 

Ultravlažilna krema za obraz

Po esenci pa seveda sledi krema za obraz, katera ima svilnat občutek in gostejšo teksturo, ki pa se enostavno razmaže po koži. V sestavinah sta združeni provansalska voda s hialuronsko kislino ter glicerin, ki nase veže vlago. Tako je krema res prijetna in moja koža jo kar vsrka, tako da ne za seboj ne pusti mastnega občutka. Mojih por ne maši, predvsem pa zelo nahrani povrhnjico. To opazim, ko se pogledam zelo od blizu v ogledalo, saj ne vidim več kakšnih luskic in pikic, ki so bile prej znak izsušenosti. Kreme ne uporabljam vsako jutro, saj takrat uporabljam kakšne matirne fluide pred nanosom ličil. Definitivno pa vsak večer nanesem dober sloj kreme na celoten obraz in malce po vratu. Redko so mi všeč kreme z gosto teksturo, vendar me je učinek le te prepričal in jo z veseljem uporabljam. Embalaža pa je minimalistična, ampak čudovita.

Cena: 28,50€

The final step is a ultra thirst-quenching cream. The ingredients are Réotier water, hyaluronic acid and glycerin which attracts water. So it is extra hydrating. The texture is silky but thick and it spreads easily onto the skin while sinking in quickly. It definitely provides a great layer of moisture without leaving a greasy feeling behind. It doesn't clog my pores and I definitely see a difference in my skin. Before, I could see little dots and flakes of dry skin and now it just looks smooth. I don't use it in the morning, just because I use a mattifying fluid under my makeup. However, I use the cream every night. I apply a nice layer all over my face and down my neck. It would seem that thick texture would bother me, but no, I love the refreshing feeling without any stickiness. It's just great.

- Ta linija je res dobro vlažilna, saj izdelki ne "sedijo" samo na koži, temveč se vpijejo v povrhnjico in jo ohranjajo navlaženo. Menim, da je linija za vse tipe kože, saj lahko količino vlaženja prilagajate, hkrati pa so sestavine tako lahkotne oziroma univerzalne.

*PR izdelke sem prejela v oceno, mnenje je moje

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  1. Čudovite fotke <3 Že imam celotno linijo na wishlisti :D

  2. These seem very refreshing for the skin, would be a nice gift for a lady!

  3. Thanks for the information. Please suggest me the best body wash in india that can help me to heal the skin and provide proper moisture in summers.

  4. Every Body is Beautiful and you have to insured your beauty with the usage of organic products. Organic products are the best soaps for sensitive skin that can make you look beautiful.

  5. Thanks for sharing your skin care tips and the products. Its really nice to use organic products.

  6. I think this is good for the skin.Women loves this.


