Favorite Skincare, Bodycare & Other of 2018
Wednesday, January 02, 2019
Živjo punce.
Tukaj je drugi del favoritov leta 2018. Moja najljubša ličila leta 2018 si lahko ogledaš ter prebreš tukaj. Danes pa sledi nega obraza, telesa in podobno...
Hi girls.
This is the second part of my favorites for 2018. Previously I wrote about my favorite makeup in 2018, which you can read here. And today I'll talk some more about skincare, body and other favorites...
L'Occitane Aqua Réotier Water Gel Cleanser
Ta čistilni gel za umivanje obraza je bil res čudovit. Prijetno nežen, ampak učinkovit. Imel je res prijeten nežen vonj, zato sem ga najraje uporabljala zjutraj. Sicer je tudi ostanke ličil dobro odstranil ampak nekako mi je najbolj bil všeč za jutra. Najboljše mi je bilo, ker ne izsuši kože. Tudi to, da je doziranje bilo na pumpico mi je bilo zelo všeč. Sicer je res drag in dvomim, da bi si ga še enkrat privoščila sama, ampak sem tako uživala v uporabi. Več si lahko preberete v objavi tukaj.
I loved this cleansing gel. It was very pleasant to use because it was gentle but effective. The scent was very mild, so I used it mostly in the morning. However, it also removed all the remaining makeup off of my face when I used it at night. I mostly liked how gentle it was because it didn't dry out my skin. Plus the pump was very handy. It is an expensive face wash, so I doubt I will repurchase it, however I enjoyed it a lot. You can read more about it here.
Garnier Micellar Cleansing Gel Wash
Še en čistilni gel, ki se mi je zdel res dober. Tega sem uporabljala bolj po odstranjevanju ličil in mi je bil zelo všeč. Res se je dobro spenil ter odstranil še zadnje vidne ostanke maskare. Do kože je bil precej nežen in ni imel močnega vonja. Po spiranju mi kože tudi ni zategovalo. Dodaten plus pa je to, da je bil na pumpico. Tudi micelarna voda iz te linije mi je bila všeč.
Another face wash that I loved but this one is a lot cheaper. I used it mostly for taking off the rest of my makeup since it's based on micellar water. It foamed up very well and I noticed it helped with removing the rest of my stubborn mascara. On the skin it was quite gentle and I didn't notice that it would be drying. Plus the scent wasn't strong either. Another plus goes to the packaging with a pump, I very much appreciate that. I also liked the actual micellar water from this line.
La Roche Posay Micellar Water Ultra
To micelarno vodo sem sicer preizkusila že v prejšnjem letu, ampak sem to leto porabila dve embalaži micelarne in ugotovila, da je v primerjavi z ostalimi res vrhunska. Ne iritira oči, je nežna ter res učinkovito odstrani tudi najbolj trmasto maskaro. Največ problemov pri ostalih micelarnih vodah imam z odstranjevanjem maskare, ker je običajno nanesem kar lepo količino ali pa uporabljam takšne, ki so ekstremno črne. Sicer morem zdaj porabit še vse ostale micelarne, ki jih imam na zalogi. Če pa imate namen zapraviti malce več denarja na micelarni, vam svetujem tole. Sama ne opazim razlike med tole za mastno kožo in klasično. Je pa tole pakiranje 400ml ter zadostuje za res dolgo.
I tested this micellar water in a year before, however in 2018 I used up two big bottles and found out that in comparison to other micellar water it was actually much better. It's gentle, so it doesn't irritate my eyes. But mostly, it removes even my most stubborn mascara. With other micellar waters I have problem that they don't completely remove mascara if it's a bit more long lasting or extremely dark. So this one is a winner. Sadly I have to use up all of my other micellar waters. But if you want to spend a bit more money on a micellar water, I recommend this one. Plus this is a 400ml bottle so it will last you a long time.
L'Occitane Aqua Réotier Ultra Thirst-Quenching Cream
Še en izdelek iz novejše L'Occitane linije. Tole kremico uporabljam kot nočno, saj je moja koža čez dan bolj mastna. Gosta tekstura se hitro vpije v kožo in ne daje lepljivega občutka. Kožo pa res dobro nahrani. Sicer bi rekla, da je bolj primerna za dehidrirano kožo ter ne suho (če potrebujete masla in olja). Kljub redni uporabi se je ne porabi toliko. Več tukaj.
Again with a product from this newer line from L'Occitane. I used this face cream as my night moisturizer since my skin gets quite oily during the day. The thicker texture actually sinked into the skin very fast and didn't leave any sticky residue behind. And it left my skin feeling nicely hydrated. I would say that it is made for dehydrated skin (like mine) but not for very dry skin (especially if you need more oils and butters). Even with a regular use, I didn't use it up yet. More about it here.
The Body Shop Tea Tree Oil
Končno sem si kupila to olje za mozoljčke. Tea Tree linijo sem prej že preizkusila in mi je kar všeč, to olje pa je sedaj zmagalo. Olje čajevca je na splošno znano, da pomaga pri zaviranju mozoljčkov saj deluje antibakterijsko. Jaz si tole olje dam na vsak mozoljček posebej s pomočjo vatirane palčke in zjutraj ali že čez nekaj ur je opazna razlika. Mozolj posuši ter prepreči nadaljnjo nastajanje. Porabi se ga malo in je res tisti rešilni izdelek. Meni je še bolj všeč saj lahko na obrazu uporabim željene izdelke za nego, s tem oljem pa se fokusiram samo na mozoljčke.
Finally I bought this little oil for the pimples. I've tried some products from TBS Tea Tree line and I liked them, however this oil is a winner. Tea tree oil is known for being antibacterial, so it's great at preventing and getting rid of the pimples. I use it with a cotton swab to put it onto separate pimples and even in a few hours or in the morning I noticed a difference. It dries up the pimples and stops them from developing. This little bottle lasts a really long time, so it's totally worth the money. Plus I love it that I can use my regular skincare on my face and then just with this oil focus on imperfections.
La Roche-Posay Anthelios XL Wet Skin Gel SPF 50+
Moja najljubša krema za sončenje tega leta. Spet gredo hvale LRP kozmetiki, ker njihovi izdelki res delujejo. Ta sončna krema je vodoodporna in ima SPF kar 50+. Tole je seveda zelo pomembno, če imaš tako belo kožo kot jaz in te sonce takoj opeče. Ob uporabi te kreme me na morju v 8 dneh ni niti malo opeklo in moja koža izgleda zdravo. Sicer, če je naneseš malo več, imaš na koži rahel sloj, vendar sploh ni tako mastna kot klasične kreme za sončenje. Zdi se mi res kvalitetna in ko grem spet na morje, si bom mogla omislit novo embalažo. Celotno objavo lahko prebereš tukaj.
My favorite and maybe even the best sunscreen I've ever used. Again thanks to LRP cosmetics because their products really do work. This sunscreen is waterproof and has an SPF of 50+. If you're pale as me, you know that SPF is very important. I get sunburned very easily and using this cream for 8 days I didn't get burned at all. After vacation I didn't look much tanned, however my skin was healthy. I like the texture of this cream because it spreads easily without leaving white traces. Sometimes if you put a bit much on, it would leaves residue, however in comparison to other sun creams it wasn't greasy at all. I think it has a great quality and next time I go on summer vacation, I need to buy another one. Read more about it here.
Rexona Invisible Anti-Perspirant Active Protection +
Našla sem moj novi najljubši deodorant. Sem sicer uporabnica Rexona že nekaj let. Edino kaj mi pri njihovih dezodoranti ni všeč, je to, da se ven razprši kar močna meglica ob kateri se kar dušim, ker imajo tudi močne vonje. Tale neviden Active Protection pa ni takšen. Ima prijeten nežen pudrast vonj, ki ni moteč. Tako se brez problema našpricam tudi v zaprti kopalnici. Hkrati pa je tudi zelo obstojen in me zaščiti ves dan tudi ob večjih aktivnostih.
I found my new favorite deodorant. I've been using Rexona for quite a few years now. The only thing Rexona sprays I don't like is that each one of them has a very strong scent and the spray is so strong that I choke on it each time I use them. This one is different. It has a nice gentle powdery scent and I can spray it even in a closed bathroom and have no trouble breathing normally. At the same time it is very long lasting and keeps me stinky free for a long time even with doing bigger activities.
My favorite and maybe even the best sunscreen I've ever used. Again thanks to LRP cosmetics because their products really do work. This sunscreen is waterproof and has an SPF of 50+. If you're pale as me, you know that SPF is very important. I get sunburned very easily and using this cream for 8 days I didn't get burned at all. After vacation I didn't look much tanned, however my skin was healthy. I like the texture of this cream because it spreads easily without leaving white traces. Sometimes if you put a bit much on, it would leaves residue, however in comparison to other sun creams it wasn't greasy at all. I think it has a great quality and next time I go on summer vacation, I need to buy another one. Read more about it here.
Rexona Invisible Anti-Perspirant Active Protection +
Našla sem moj novi najljubši deodorant. Sem sicer uporabnica Rexona že nekaj let. Edino kaj mi pri njihovih dezodoranti ni všeč, je to, da se ven razprši kar močna meglica ob kateri se kar dušim, ker imajo tudi močne vonje. Tale neviden Active Protection pa ni takšen. Ima prijeten nežen pudrast vonj, ki ni moteč. Tako se brez problema našpricam tudi v zaprti kopalnici. Hkrati pa je tudi zelo obstojen in me zaščiti ves dan tudi ob večjih aktivnostih.
I found my new favorite deodorant. I've been using Rexona for quite a few years now. The only thing Rexona sprays I don't like is that each one of them has a very strong scent and the spray is so strong that I choke on it each time I use them. This one is different. It has a nice gentle powdery scent and I can spray it even in a closed bathroom and have no trouble breathing normally. At the same time it is very long lasting and keeps me stinky free for a long time even with doing bigger activities.
The Body Shop Mango Body Yogurt
Sicer sem letos preizkusila kar nekaj losjonov za kožo, vendar me prepričajo le redki. Rada imam zelo bogate losjone, ki dejansko nahranijo kožo ali pa tudi take, ki jih naneseš na kožo ter se takoj vpijejo in se lahko oblečeš. No, tale jogurt za telo od The Body Shop-a je ravno takšen. Ima prijetno gelasto teksturo, ki se enostavno nanaša ter se takoj vpije v kožo. Tale ima še vonj po mangu, ki je res njami. Sicer kože ne navlaži vrhunsko, ampak mi je všeč, da v tistem trenutku občutim, da je koža malce nahranjena in lahko grem naprej z dnevnimi opravili. Več tukaj.
I think I've tried quite a few body lotions this year, however I'm very picky with them. I either like very rich body butters/lotions which really hydrate the skin or I prefer the ones which sink in right away so you can immediately put on the clothes. That's exactly how this body yogurt is like. It has a gel like texture which spreads easily and sinks in right away. Plus it smells like mango, which is so yummy. The skin is immediately hydrated, however the effect doesn't last a long time since it's so lightweight. But I like that I can continue doing my tasks right away. More here.
I think I've tried quite a few body lotions this year, however I'm very picky with them. I either like very rich body butters/lotions which really hydrate the skin or I prefer the ones which sink in right away so you can immediately put on the clothes. That's exactly how this body yogurt is like. It has a gel like texture which spreads easily and sinks in right away. Plus it smells like mango, which is so yummy. The skin is immediately hydrated, however the effect doesn't last a long time since it's so lightweight. But I like that I can continue doing my tasks right away. More here.
4Kids and Us Black Shampoo
Za testiranje tega šampona za lase sem odlašala, ker sem imela doma precejšnjo zbirko šamponov (ja, še zdaj imam kakšnega odveč na zalogi). In ne obžalujem nakupa. Sicer me malce zmoti, da se šampon ne speni tako dobro in ga moreš kar fajn podrgnit po mokrih laseh, vendar deluje precej dobro. Moje mastne lase res dobro očisti in niso hitro mastni. Ima nežen vonj, ki pa ni nič posebnega. Meni je tudi super, da je brez embalaže. Več podrobnosti si lahko prebereš tukaj.
I was putting of purchasing this shampoo because my stash at home was too big (I still own an extra shampoo here and there). However I'm so happy I finally bought it. Firstly I'm a bit annoyed that it doesn't foam up that well, but it's a natural shampoo so that's expected from it. However, it works great. It cleanses my oily hair very well and they don't get greasy fast. It has a gentle scent which is nothing special. But mostly it's great that it's packaging free. Read more about it here.
I was putting of purchasing this shampoo because my stash at home was too big (I still own an extra shampoo here and there). However I'm so happy I finally bought it. Firstly I'm a bit annoyed that it doesn't foam up that well, but it's a natural shampoo so that's expected from it. However, it works great. It cleanses my oily hair very well and they don't get greasy fast. It has a gentle scent which is nothing special. But mostly it's great that it's packaging free. Read more about it here.
Bvlgari Omnia Crystalline
In še za konec ena dišava. V sodelovanju s Spleticna.si sem si jo izbrala glede na opis, ker imam rada bolj sveže vonje. In sem bila zelo vesela, da je popolnoma po mojem okusu. Je res osvežilen vonj, z rahlim pridihom cvetlic. Če ne marate citrusnih vonjev, potem žal ne bo za vas, ampak ima Bvlgari v tej liniji še veliko drugih vonjev. Meni je res prijeten vonj, ampak kakor je značilno za sveže vonje (in ker je toaletna voda), se hitreje razdiši. Se mi pa zdi, da tudi na moji koži parfumi res niso dobro obstojni, saj se zadnje čase tudi močne parfumske vode na meni kar razdišijo.
And the last product is a perfume. In collaboration with Spleticna.si I picked a perfume based on description because I liked fresher scents. Luckily I was happy with a choice because it's totally up my taste. It's a very clean, refreshing scent with a touch of flowers. If you're not a fan of citrus scents, this one won't be for you, however Bvlgari has many other scents in this range. I love this scent but as it is typical for fresh scents, they don't last a long time. Though this is also EDT. I do think I have trouble with perfumes because even strong, real perfumes don't last a long time on me.
And the last product is a perfume. In collaboration with Spleticna.si I picked a perfume based on description because I liked fresher scents. Luckily I was happy with a choice because it's totally up my taste. It's a very clean, refreshing scent with a touch of flowers. If you're not a fan of citrus scents, this one won't be for you, however Bvlgari has many other scents in this range. I love this scent but as it is typical for fresh scents, they don't last a long time. Though this is also EDT. I do think I have trouble with perfumes because even strong, real perfumes don't last a long time on me.
