Lush Valentine's Day Collection
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Živjo punce.
Jutri je Valentinovo. Ta "praznik" je sicer zelo komercializiran, pa vendar je meni zelo lepo, ko znamke lansirajo stvari s srčki in ostalimi kjut dizajni. Lush ima tako vsako leto okoli Valentinovega na voljo veliko izdelkov za razvajanje sebe ali svojega partnerja. Letos so se malce pošalili ter ustvarili tudi nekaj izdelkov v obliki "emoji" znakov, kot sta breskvica ter jajčevec. Tudi jaz sem prejela tri izdelke v test, katerih na žalost nisem imela čas preizkusiti tako podrobno saj sem bila nekaj časa tudi na dopustu, vendar vam bom vseeno na hitro napisala kakšni so moji prvi vtisi...
Hi girls.
Tomorrow is Valentine's day. This day got a bit too commercial for me, however I still love it when companies make cutesy products with hearts and stuff. Lush always celebrates Valentine's day with some special products for pampering yourself or your partner. This year they got a bit funny and also made bath bombs emoji style, such as peach and eggplant. I got three products to test, which I didn't have much time to test because I was also on vacation, however let me still share a few of my first impressions with you...
Love Boat bath bomb
Ljubezenska ladjica je kopalna kroglica za v bano. Preprosto jo spustiš nad vodo in počasi se začne topiti. Ko se topi obarva vodo modro, roza in malce rumeno, končna barva pa je rahlo vijolična. Sicer imam sama raje mehurčke, vendar je zabavno gledati kopalno kroglico, ko se topi. Ladjica ima svež vonj, ki pa ni preveč citrusen. Več tukaj.
This love boat is a fun bath bomb which you throw into the water and watch float and melt. It adds some pink, blue and yellow color to the water which is fun. All together it dissolves into a milky light purple color. I much prefer bubble bars, however these bath bombs are fun to watch when they melt. Love Boat smells fresh but not too zesty. More here.
American Pie body conditioner
Balzami za telo so eden izmed mojih najljubših izdelkov saj sem pogosto prelena za vlaženje telesa. Tako ta balzam naneseš kar pod tušem na mokro kožo ter ga hitro spereš s kože. Pusti navlažen občutek brez mastnega sloja. Sicer ti losjoni niso najbolj vlažilni ampak so super, ko se ti mudi. Še vedno priporočam tu in tam dodatno vlaženje telesa. American Pie balzam ima nežen vonj po vaniliji. Sicer naj bi spominjal tudi na jagode, vendar je vonj tako rahel, da tega ne vonjam. Sicer pa priporočam, da preizkusite bilo kateri Lushev balzam. Več tukaj.
I really like Lush body conditioners because a lot of times when I come out of the shower I just don't feel like moisturising my body. So using this product is quick and easy, because you simply apply it onto the skin and shower off quickly. Afterwards you're left with soft and a bit hydrated skin. It's not the most moisturising product ever, however it's quick. American Pie scent is gentle vanillary scent with a bit of lavender. It's supposed to smell a bit like strawberries, but I don't smell it in this product. More here.
The Big Banana massage bar
Ta šaljiva banana je v bistvu masažna ploščica. Ni namenjena samo za masažo temveč tudi za vlaženje telesa. Masažne ploščice so mi precej poznane in tudi ta se obnese kakor vse druge. Ob stiku s telesom se začne počasi topiti in z nekaj potegi se nanese na telo. Vsebuje masla in olja, katera je potrebno vtreti v kožo. Te ploščice res dobro nahranijo kožo, čeprav za seboj pustijo masten občutek. Zato jih jaz uporabim preden se oblečem v pižamo ali ko fanta končno naprosim, da me zmasira. Tako koža diši še zjutraj in se masla vpijejo v kožo. The Big Banana ima malce začinjen vonj (klinčki) s pridihom brazilske pomaranče. Mene sicer malce res spominja na banane. Je pa to nežen prijeten unisex vonj. Več tukaj.
This fun banana is a massage bar which are not made only for massaging but also for moisturising your skin. You simply apply it onto the skin and it starts to melt. The oil you simply rub into your skin. Because it's mostly made out of butters and oils, it will leave a residue on the skin until it absorbs entirely. It's a very hydrating product, however because of the residue, I usually use it only before bed or when I get my boyfriend to massage me. The skin stays soft and nice smelling even in the morning. The Big Banana has a bit of a spicy scent (clove buds) with a touch of sweet orange. I do kinda smell bananas. More here.

Wow, cutest bath bomb I ever seen. Thank you for sharing.