January Favorite Discoveries
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Živjo punce.
V januarju sem preizkusila kar nekaj izdelkov in nekateri so me zelo navdušili, zato sem se odločila, da vam jih predstavim. Opravičujem se, ker je ta objava precej pozna, vendar sem imela malce probleme z zdravjem (prehlad,gastritis,trebušna gripa..) in tudi preprosto ni se mi dalo blogat. Še vedno uživam v teh izdelkih, zato sem se odločila, da vseeno objavim ta zapis...
Hi girls.
V januarju sem preizkusila kar nekaj izdelkov in nekateri so me zelo navdušili, zato sem se odločila, da vam jih predstavim. Opravičujem se, ker je ta objava precej pozna, vendar sem imela malce probleme z zdravjem (prehlad,gastritis,trebušna gripa..) in tudi preprosto ni se mi dalo blogat. Še vedno uživam v teh izdelkih, zato sem se odločila, da vseeno objavim ta zapis...
Hi girls.
In January I discovered many nice makeup products, so it's time to share them with you. I'm sorry for posting this so late, however I just had some health issues and also didn't feel like blogging. But here are some makeup gems that I still enjoy a lot.
L.O.V. Magnetic Loose Eyeshadow - 510 METALfusion
This eyeshadow is just gorgeous. I have a blue version in my collection but this one really wowed me. It's a nice taupe brown shade which suits my green eyes a lot. I simply apply it with a fluffy blending brush onto the eyes and swipe it around to create one shadow look. It looks super sparkly and it's just beautiful to use on it's own. Plus it's quite long lasting.
L.O.V. Highlighting Drops 020
Again, this is a product I've tried before but in a different shade which was pale pink and wasn't my favorite. The shade 020 is more of a golden champagne shade which blends into my skin very nicely. It is quite a subtle highlighter, so it's not gonna stand out as much, however you could also mix it in with your foundation for all over glow because it's quite an universal color.
Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara
I've been trying some hyped up products lately and this one is one of them. I picked up a travel size version because I simply cannot finish that many full size mascaras. The wand is thicker and fluffy with an interesting shape: bristles are longer at the start, in the middle and at the end. There are two spaces where the bristles are shorter. The mascara formula is very nice. The brush coats the lashes nicely, giving a ton of volume and it is very black. The lashes don't get stuck together and look very fluffy. I really like the finished look, however on me it smudges a bit.
L'Oreal Color Riche Shine - 112 Only in Paris
Izdelke za ustnice imam najraje, če so lepo kremasti. In tudi ta šminka ima lepo kremasto teksturo, ki se preprosto nanaša na ustnice ter daje izgled sočnih, navlaženih ustnic. Tekstura je zelo podobna YSL Volupté Shine šminkam. Embalaža sicer ni tako luksuzna, vendar je prav tako absolutno čudovita. Če iščete bolj poceni različico teh šmink, vam jih definitivno priporočam. Sicer pa takšne šminke ne izgledajo najboljše na suhih, razpokanih ustnicah tako, da svetujem kakšen piling.
This is a dupe for YSL Volupté Shine lipsticks. It has a very similar texture: a smooth, buttery texture which glides on very easily while looking quite shiny and hydrating. Plus it also has a fruity scent. Even though the packaging of YSL lipsticks is really special, these ones look very fancy too. It is a plastic packaging, however it looks and feel very sturdy and luxurious.
Urban Decay Quick Fix Hydracharged Complexion Prep Priming Spray
Lani sem v Parizu v kompletu kupila UD Fixing Spray in tega vlažilnega. Nisem se spomnila, da bi ga uporabljala ravno v poletnih mesecih, saj je moja koža takrat bolj mastna. Zdaj pa se soočam z bolj suho povrhnjico ter sem bila vmes že dvakrat prehlajena in je moja koža okoli nosu tudi precej suha. Tako sem potrebovala veliko vlažilnih izdelkov in potem sem se spomnila na ta sprej. Že po prvi uporabi mi je bil precej všeč. Naneseš ga kot osnovo pod podlago. Diši po kokosu saj vsebuje infuzijo kokosove vode. Mogoče spominja na ostale vodice za obraz, vendar mi je ta res všeč saj takoj daje občutek svežine in navlaženosti. Sicer verjetno velike različice ne bi kupila, ker je precej draga za to kar je, ampak mi je res prijeten za uporabo.
In Paris, last year I bought a duo of UD Fixing Spray and this one. I didn't care much to use it in a summer months, however lately my skin has been a bit drier, also because I cleaned my nose so much because I was sick. So, that's why I needed some products to make my makeup look a bit better. I decided to prep my skin with this spray and I was very happy even with the first use. It smells like coconuts because it's infused with coconut water. It instantly refreshes your skin and can be also use over makeup to give your skin a fresher look. It might be like any other infused water sprays, however it's really lovely. I'm sure I won't be buying a full-size because it's expensive but it's really nice to use.