Empties #13

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Hello girls 
Another satisfying post about empties. You can read/see my previous one here. This time I realized that most of my shower gels are half empty, so I guess I need to start with one at the time to actually use the up and same goes for face creams. However I've been really trying to use up my body lotions/butters/creams and am kind of successful at that. Let's see what I liked or didn't like...

Schwarzkopf Schauma Fresh it up ! shampoo (for quickly greasy hair and dry ends)
A really nice shampoo for greasy hair. It deep cleanses my hair plus it smells really nice.
Repurchase: yes

Batiste Dry shampoo (blush scent)
I always use Batiste. Their dry shampoos are a bit better than all the drugstore ones. However they're not the best of dry shampoos out there. I'll keep repurchasing other scents though, because this one was a bit too floral and powdery to me. Mentioned here.
Repurchase: yes (other scents)

Aloedermal Tonic Cleansing Milk
This one was really pleasant on the skin in the winter time, however I didn't get as much use out of it because I couldn't use it daily on my oily skin plus it expired. I'd recommend it to people with dry, irritating skin.
Repurchase: nope

Afrodita Cosmetics Clean Phase Micellar Solution
I really like this one. It removes makeup nicely, eventhough it made my eyes sting sometimes if I put too much on my cottonpad. Plus it's a slovene brand so I'd always support them. Review here.
Repurchase: yes

Essence My Skin soft cleansing gel for normal skin
I enjoy this face cleanser a lot. It has a really fresh smell and the texture is nice. Also it doesn't dry out my skin but it leaves it really clean. Plus it's really cheap ! Mentioned here and here.
Repurchase: yes

Lush Eau Roma Water
This one was on sale, so I bought it eventhough I knew the one I love is Tea Tree Water. It was really nice. I was sceptical about the smell because it contains rose water, however it was really pleasant and not over-whelming. It's refreshing and really nice.
Repurchase: maybe

Eubos Hyaluron Repair & Protect day cream
A really nice cream. Thick, however sinks into the skin quickly. Plus hyaluron is supposed to be really good for you skin.
Purchase: maybe

Balea clear-up nose strips
I really like these :) I don't think any nose strips can remove blackheads completely, but these ones do a great job.
Repurchase: yes !

Missha Super Aqua Pore Correcting Blackhead Clear Dual Patch
I liked these. They were somehow effective but didn't irritate my skin. Review here.
Repurchase: maybe

Duchesse Cosmetic Pads (x2)Because I use up cotton pads so often I like buying cheap ones. These are not the best because they're quite thin, but they totally work and I would say they're nice !
Repurchase: yes (always)

CadeaVera Anti-Spot Cleansing wipes (Young)
The scent is really fresh and nice. They don't do the best job at removing my makeup but I wash my face anyways so sometimes I just want something to remove most of my makeup (at least on my face,maybe not on my eyes) and at that time these are very handy.
Repurchase: probably

The Body Shop Pink Grapefruit Body Butter
I love this body butter. With a really rich texture it really does help with dry skin, though it leaves just a thin greasy layer behind. Also the smell is ahhh-mazing, so fruity and sour just like grapefruit ! Review here.
Repurchase: yes !

The Body Shop Body Butter Vanilla (Christmas LE scent) - sample
I didn't like this smell. It was just too sweet and a bit weird. However, you know I really like these body butters so of course I used it up.

Rituals Touch of Happiness whipped body cream
Really enjoyed this one. A very unique scent and texture. It really is like a whipped cream and it felt nice on the skin. I wouldn't say it is the most moisturizing cream, however I'd love to get it again. Review here.
Repurchase: maybe

Rexona tropical anti-perspirant
A very nice scent and again I love Rexona deodorants because they really work on me. The only thing I hated about this one is that it leaves white marks, that's why I wouldn' buy it again.
Repurchase: nope

Rexona Clear Pure Crystal anti-perspirant
Again, I really like Rexona deodorants. The more you sweat, the more they work ! 
Repurchase: yes

Rexona Invisible diamond anti-perspirant
This one is always nice. It does the job and keep you "stinky-free" for a looong time ! Also it doesn't leave yellow marks. It's still a bit white though.
Repurchase: yes

Farmona Sweet Secret Coconut Coconut hand and nail cream
I really enjoyed this one. The smell was really nice and yummy. Also it wasn't greasy, the texture felt nice and softening. Review here.
Repurchase: maybe

Burt's Bees Beeswax Hand Cream
I've talked about this cream here. It really is a thick, greasy, wax-like hand cream, so you have to use it before going to bed. The smell is not my fave, because I don't like the smell of almonds. All in all it does work nicely. 
Repurchase: maybe

Nivea Q10 Anti age hand cream
This is my all time favorite hand cream. It is a bit thick, however sinks into your hands quickly without leaving behind any greasy feeling. Plus it smells really lovely. Mentioned here.
Repurchase: always (next time full-size)

Baby Lips Peach Kiss
A very nice lip balm. To me it's moisturizing enough. Though I didn't like this shade, so I used it only at home. Review here. Also mentioned here.
Repurchase: yes (other shades)

Labello repair & care lip balm This is one of my favorite lipbalms: it is moisturizing & it also gives that nude and glossy finish on your lips, so it does leave color and beautify them. But the important thing is that it does repair your lips (at least mine) 
Repurchase: already have
Duchesse Intimate wipes
I like these ones also when you're on the go. They are reall refreshing, nicely scented and don't try out in that plastic.
Repurchase: yes, always

Nuxe Bio Beaute Body lotion
This one was really nice and I remember it had a pleasant smell which I cannot describe anymore. Definitely good for really dry skin.
Purchase: nope (a bit expensive)
Nivelazione SLIM hladilna krema proti celulitu COLD

Ta krema res daje hladen občutek in je predvsem primerna za poletje. Ima zelo tekočo teksturo, kar omogoča, da se hitro vpije kar je super.

A gel-like product with a cooling effect which would be perfect for summer. It is quite liquidy, however it sinks in to the skin real quick.

Purchase: nope

Nivelazione SLIM termoaktivna krema proti celulitu HOT

Pri tej kremi nisem občutila nobenega toplega občutka. Bilo mi je všeč, da je tekstura bolj gosta in jo moreš res dobro razmazati po predelu pri čemer se morda izvaja "masaža".

This one was thick with little particles but it didn't give me a warm sensation. It does take longer to sink in so you have to do a massage for some time.

Pri obeh izdelkih pa nisem opazila razlike pri zmanjšanju celulita. Čeprav ga nimam veliko, ga vseeno vidim in ni bilo opaznih sprememb.

By using both products or should I say samples of them, I didn't notice any changes. I don't have a lot of cellulite but I can still see it so for me it didn't work.

Purchase: nope

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  1. Joj meni so Rexona deodoranti prav proti prišli, mam še 4 za porabit, samo da mi grejo mimo, prav grozni vonji so mi, umetni...pa me niso nikoli motili zdej me pa ful. Pa še tepe se s parfumom.

    1. meni sta vijoličen in moder fajna :) pa se mi nikol ne tepejo z parfumom..poleg tega pa so najboljši, ko ful "švicaš"

  2. Meni pa ta Schauma šampon sploh ne odgovarja. :/ Mi naredi zelo štrenaste in suhe lase. Sploh se ne morem pripravit, da bi ga do konca porabila. Mogoče počakam, kako se bo obnesel v najhujši vročini, ko mam še bolj mastne lase.
    Drugače pa je meni tale vonj Batiste šampona fuul všeč, je pa res, da še nisem preizkusila drugih vonjev.
    Lush tonik, Farmona kremica z banano&kokos in Labello Repair&Beauty pa so meni tudi super in jih z veseljem uporabljam. :3

    1. jaz sploh nimam problemov s tem...lasišče mam pa bolj mastno in si jih perem na 2 do 3 dni...itak pa moreš dodat še balzam za lase :)

    2. Mah, zgleda da moji lasje ne marajo preveč Schaume, ker je to mislim da že drugi njihov šampon, ki mi ne odgovarja. xD :/ Tisti pa mi je lase samo še bolj zmastil. Balzam pa res vedno uporabim, pa vedno sem uporabljala moj najljubši balzam s tem šamponom, tak da sem bla res (negativno) presenečena..

    3. Jaz sem bla skeptična glede Schaume, ampak zdaj sem mela 2 šampona (tistega celega svetlo modrega in tega) in sta mi obadva odgovarjala :) seveda, pa bom malce prešaltala še na kerega drugega..zdaj mam tako Lush šampon, ki mi bo zadoščal za zelooo dolgo + še na zalogi en Garnierjev.
      Se zgodi..itak nam različno ustrezajo izdelki :)

  3. Heeej! Kje pa lahko kupim tale Batista šampon? :)

    1. Jaz ga kupujem prek Asos.com, drugače pa ga lahko kupiš tudi v hrvaških DM-ih :)
      Žal imajo pri nas samo tiste za blond ali rjave lase (Muller)


