Catrice GlitterStorm LE - Dazzle Metal Palette & Liquid Liner

Friday, November 30, 2018

Živjo punce.
Ker se bliža božič, v drogerije prihajajo tudi praznični izdelki. Znamka Catrice decembra lansira bleščečo linijo izdelkov za še več glamurja v Decembru. Imela sem priložnost preizkusiti dva izdelka, zato berite naprej za moje mnenje...

Hi girls.
December is here and brands are launching their holiday collections. So, Catrice is launching their glittery collection with many shiny and glittery products, perfect for this season. I got to try two of the products, so keep on reading for my opinion on them...

Dazzle Metal Palette - 01 Dazzle On The Dancefloor

Paletka vsebuje osem senčil za veke in dva osvetljevalca, ki ju prav tako lahko uporabiš kot senčke. Odtenki so različni: bež, rjavi, bordo rdeč ter temno siv, tako da z njimi zlahka ustvariš celoten makeup na očeh. Vsebuje tudi matt rjavo senčko, ki je super za prehode, druge pa so večinoma bleščičaste ali vsaj sijoče. Senčila so dobro pigmentirana, kremasta in se zlahka zabrišejo. Sicer pa na mojih bolj mastnih vekah niso tako obstojna. Nato sta v paleti še dva čudovita osvetljevalca. Prvi ima rozast podton in perlast učinek, vendar je precej bleščičast. Drugi, na desni strani palete pa je čudovite barve šampanjca in lepo sijoč ter ni bleščeč. Zelo lepo se zabriše in izgleda čudovito na koži. tega zadnje uporabljam vsak dan odkar sem prejela paletko. Prav tako je embalaža res prelepa, čeprav ima žameten efekt na vrhu, kar bi se kar hitro umazalo. Paletka mi je všeč, ker vsebuje lepe odtenke in bi jo kupila verjetno že samo zaradi osvetljevalcev.

MPC: 7,39€

The palette has eight eyeshadows and two highlighters (can also be used as eyeshadows). You get some brown, burgundy and champagne shades which can make a nice makeup look. There's also a semi matt brown (great for transitions). But other shades are either shimmery or glittery. They're nicely pigmented, creamy and blend easily. All though they don't last whole day on me because my eyelids are quite oily. First highlighter is in a pinky, iridescent shade which has quite some glitter in it and is very sparkly. The one on the right is a nice champagne one which is nicely shiny but not glittery. I use this one all the time lately because it's just a perfect shade of highlight and is very pigmented. Also the packaging looks so pretty, even though the velvet top could get dirty easily. I love the palette because the shades are so gorgeous and I would buy it just for the highlighter.

Liquid Liner - 02 Eclectic Lilac

Črtalo je na voljo v treh bleščečih odtenkih. Vijoličen ima duo-krom bleščice, ki imajo modro-vijola učinek. Po nanosu izgleda odtenek precej temen (skoraj črn) ter se bleščice in vijola sijaj opazita pod lučjo. Čopič je precej trd ter je z njim kar težko upravljati, še posebej pa dobro narisati podaljšano ali tanko črto. Sicer pa bo mogoče vseeno komu ustrezal. Jaz ga bom uporabljala za posebne priložnosti ali pa na vrh kakšnega priljubljenega črtala za malo sijaja. Pa vendar je zelo dobro obstojen in se ne razmaže (sama imam precej mastne veke).

MPC: 3,99€

Eyeliner comes in three shades. The lilac one is purple toned but seems to be duochrome with a blue effect. On the eyes it looks quite dark and the lilac effect with lots of glitter is visible only under bright lights. The brush is stiff so it's quite hard to make a wing. If you like this kind of liners, that's great but I will only use it if I really want it for the shade. Or maybe just use it on top of any other liners. But at least it has a long staying power (even on my oily eyelids).

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