First Impressions: New In Makeup

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Hi girls.
As you can see again I shopped at Sephora for some travel/mini products. I love trying many products but it can get expensive, especially for those "luxury" brands. So these minis are always fun to try. Plus you get enough product to really try out the product and see if you like it or not. I'm glad I tried these because not all are that good - they're a bit overrated. I've been using products for three weeks on and off, so these are my first thoughts. So keep on reading...

Živjo punce.
Tokrat sem spet nakupovala v Sephori. Ponovno sem kupila nekaj mini (potovalnih) različic makeupa, ker se mi to zdi super način, da preizkusim nekaj izdelkov in vidim, če so mi všeč, preden kupim normalna pakiranja. Čeprav gre za mini izdelke, so lahko tudi precej dražji, ker gre za bolj "luksuzne" znamke. Izdelke uporabljam nekje tri tedne tu in tam, tako, da so to moji prvi vtisi. Pa poglejmo kako so se obnesli...

Nars Blush/Bronzer Duo Mini  - Orgasm/ Laguna

Both of these makeup products have been a cult product for years now. So finally I decided to try them. Blush (Orgasm) is peachy/pink and even though it might look a bit too bright in the pan, on the cheeks it looks really nice. It makes your cheeks look healthy and naturally blushed with a bit of shimmer. But of course you can go overboard.
Bronzer (Laguna) is described as a sheer light brown shade with shimmer. I actually expected it to be too dark for me and really pigmented. I've tried it again and again and it is not too pigmented. I didn't have trouble blending it but it wouldn't show up so easily. It is quite a nice shade, though not cool-toned and looks quite natural on my very pale skin. I don't think you can notice any shimmer. But after trying it so many times, I think it could be more pigmented, or maybe it is just the mini version like that. I still prefer Benefit Hoola bronzer over this one because it's easier to use.

Tole je kultni Nars dvojec, o katerem se govori že več let. In končno sem ju tudi jaz preizkusila. Rdečilo (Orgasm) ima oranžkasto/pink odtenek in čeprav na prvi pogled izgleda zelo živo, da licem lep sijoč, a "zardel" videz. Izgleda tako zdravo in ne preveč bleščeče. Lahko pa ga slojiš.
Bronzer (Laguna) je opisan kot lahkoten svetlo rjav odtenek z bleščicami. Mislila sem, da bo bronzer pretemen in zelo pigmentiran. Po nekaj uporabah sem ugotovila, da je res tako lahkoten in bolj prosojen ter ga moreš precej slojiti, če želiš, da se res opazi. Odtenek je kar lep, vendar je precej "topel", zato daje videz zagorele kože ter ni najbolj primeren za konturiranje. Na moji koži zgleda kar lepo in bleščic se ne opazi. Sama mislim, da bi lahko bil bolj pigmentiran - mogoče pa je takšna samo mini verzija. Še vedno mi je bolj všeč Hoola bronzer od Benefita, ker se lažje nanaša in ga ni potrebno toliko slojiti. 

Marc Jacobs Beauty Coconut Glow On The Go Set

Under(cover) Perfecting Coconut Face Primer
Primer has a milky color and watery texture so it absorbs quickly. It's not too runny but it has just the perfect texture. You cannot feel it on the skin. Plus it doesn't have a particular scent. I wish this primer smelled a bit of coconuts. I don't notice any difference. Plus I can apply my foundation the same way. But it might hydrate my skin just a bit.

Primer oz. podlaga za ličila ima nežno belo barvo ter vodeno teksturo, tako, da se hitro vpije. Ni pa preveč tekoč. Hkrati je lahkoten na koži ter ga ni čutiti. Nima posebnega vonja, čeprav si želim, da bi bil rahlo odišavljen po kokosu. Sicer pa na koži ne opazim razlike, če ga uporabljam ali ne. Aplikacija pudra je enaka, brez težav. Edino daje mi malce vlažilen občutek. 

Marc Jacobs Beauty Dew Drops Coconut Gel Highlighter

This highlighter is really nice. The shade is nice golden/champagne and it just blends into your skintone. A little really goes a long way. Sadly it's difficult to use the pump because sometimes it gives you such a big amount of product which is hard to use up in one go. Anyways, you just put it on with your fingers and blend in well. It dries quickly so you have to really blend with your fingers quickly. At the end it looks quite natural, not too "blinding". It's not sticky and is long lasting. In comparison to Becca Liquid Highlighters, this one is harder to blend because it's thicker and gel-like, which is disappointing.

Osvetljevalec je kar lep. Odtenek je zlato bež in se ujema z mojo svetlo poltjo. Je zelo pigmentiran, tako, da je za lep učinek potrebna majhna količina. Žal pa je pumpica malce nadležna, ker včasih iztisne preveč izdelka, ki ga je težko porabiti takoj. Najraje ga zabrišem s prsti. Sicer se zelo hitro suši na koži in ga moreš res hitro zabrisati. Ampak daje lep videz. Ni preveč lepljiv ter je dolgoobstojen. Sicer pa se v primerjavi z Becca tekočimi osvetljevalci težje zabriše, ker je tekstura bolj gosta in gelasta. Becca osvetljevalci so bolj tekoči in lahkotnejši.   

Marc Jacobs Beauty Finish-Line Perfecting Coconut Setting Powder

Setting powder is sheer yellow shade but on the skin it looks just natural. It smells a bit like coconuts which I like. The texture is really soft and it gives you a bit of a blurring effect. It doesn't make me look powdery which is nice, however I don't think it combats the oils though. All in all, I'm not sure I would spend so much money on a powder.

Puder v prahu ima nežen rumen odtenek, ki na koži izgleda naravno. Ima rahel vonj po kokosu, kar mi je res všeč. Tekstura je zelo mehka in daje malce "zamegljen" učinek. Na koži ne izgleda "pudrasto", saj je res fino mlet. Pa vendar ni najbolj matirajoč. Je prijeten za uporabo, vendar sama ne bi zapravila toliko za puder v prahu.

Guerlain Maxi Lash Mascara

I've purchased this mascara quite a while ago. Though I own too many, so I only started using it not long ago. It impressed me at the first try. You know how usually mascaras are too wet at first and it takes a while to dry down and only then formula becomes really nice to use. Well this one was perfect right away. The wand isn't that special and is not too big. But the formula is so nicely volumizing and separates lashes. Just what I want in a mascara and I love it. Plus it is really long lasting. A lot of mascaras smudge on me after a few hours because my eyelids are more oily. But this one I can wear all day long and even have a nap and I would see only a small trace of mascara under my eyes. It's really smudge proof, but still easy to remove with micellar water which is great. And lastly, the packaging is of course gorgeous. It's hella expensive but at the top of my mascara list along with Lancôme Hypnôse range. 

Tole maskaro sem kupila že nekaj časa nazaj, vendar še ni prišla na vrsto. Končno sem jo preizkusila in že takoj me je osupnila. Običajno so maskare na začetku precej mokre in je potrebno počakati, da se formula posuši in se šele potem obnesejo odlično. Pa vendar se je ta od prvega nanosa odrezala odlično, kar mi je super, ker sem jo potem začela z veseljem vsak dan uporabljati. Maskara je res super, ker mi da mojim trepalnicam veliko volumna in jih lepo loči. Tako da videz gostih, številnih trepalnic. Hkrati pa je zelo dobro obstojna. Običajne maskare se lahko po nekaj urah zabrišejo pod oči, saj je moja koža bolj mastna. Ta pa je zelo odporna in tudi po 12ih urah se ne razpacka. Tudi če si vmes privoščim popoldanski spanec, kjer pa seveda sploh ne pazim na ličila, opazim čisto malo maskare na spodnji veki, pa še to ni vidno, če se ne pogledam zelo od blizu v ogledalo. Hkrati pa se zelo enostavno odstrani z micelarno vodo. Čeprav je precej draga, je na moji listi top maskar, poleg Lancôme Hypnôse linije. 

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