Brand Favorites: Essence

Monday, October 27, 2014

I decided to introduce you to my favorite products from the brands I use the most. I hope I'll keep these posts as good as possible and interesting.
Essence was the first brand I tried from makeup. I know firstly I bought a blue eyeshadow (haha, don't ask), so this is a good start.

Odločila sem se, da poskušam narediti objave najljubših izdelkov določenih znamk, kolikor mi bo moja zbirka ličil dopuščala :) Upam, da vam je to interesantno.
Kot prvo znamko sem izbrala Essence, ker se mi zdi, da je bila prva znamka ličil, ki sem jo sprobala. Vem, da sem si najprej kupila senčilo svetlo modre barve - groza, vem. 

24h hand protection balm

I've repurchased this one several times. It is not greasy because it sinks into your skin really quick and it leaves your hands really soft. However the texture is thick and very nice. Also it smells good. I haven't yet tried other scents/varieties.

Tole kremico sem že večkrat ponovno kupila. Tekstura ni mastna, saj se krema hitro vpije v kožo ter pusti mehak občutek na rokah. Kljub temu, pa je tekstura kar gosta ter lepo diši. Nisem še sprobala drugih vonjev oziroma različic, ker mi tale zelo odgovarja.

 My Skin soft cleansing gel for normal skin

Let's not forget about skincare. I had this before and totally enjoyed it. It has a nice, fresh smell, a bit cucumber but not too much. The texture is liquidy, but not too liquidy. It cleanses skin very well and it leaves it fresh. Totally nice even for my oily skin. I've seen they also have a mattifying cleansing gel, which I'd need to try.

Rada bi omenila tudi kozmetiko za neko obraza, saj verjetno marsikdo pozabi nanjo pri tej znamki. Tale izdelek sem imela že prej in mi je bil zelo všeč. Ima lep, svež vonj, malo po kumaricah, vendar ne preveč. Tekstura je bolj tekoča, vendar ni preveč tekoča. Kožo dobro očisti in osveži in je super tudi za mojo mastno kožo. Essence pa ponuja tudi matirni gel za umivanje obraza, katerega še morem sprobat.

Longlasting lipstick

When they brought out these lipsticks I was so excited. Essence never had normal lipsticks and after a long time they came up with these. The texture is creamy and really nice. They are not the most longlasting, however the quality is good for the price. Also the selection of colors is quite good.
I have shades: Natural Beauty & Coral Calling (which is my fav + I featured it here).

Bila sem navdušena, ko je Essence predstavil te šminke, saj več let niso imeli navadnih šmink. Tekstura je kremasta in prijetna. Meni se ne zdijo najbolj obstojne, pa vendar je za ceno kvaliteta res dobra. Tudi selekcija odtenkov je dobra. Odtenka, ki ju imam jaz: Natural Beauty in Coral Calling (katero sem že omenila tukaj).

Express dry drops

Whoever said this doesn't work, was wrong - at least on me this work wonders. I feel like the liquid is quite greasy, but it does it's job and dries your nailpolish faster.

Slišala sem že, da so nekatere punce rekle, da te kapljice sploh ne delujejo, vendar na meni čudežno delujejo. Tekočina je mogoče malo mastna, pa vendar deluje ter lak za nohte res hitreje posuši. Meni je super !

Color correcting concealer - Say no to redness

I've also reviewed this one here. I think it's really good and it's a true gem in my makeup routine. If you have red skin you need this one !

Tale izdelek sem že podrobno ocenila tukaj. Meni se zdi res dober in je postal del moje vsakodnevne rutine ličenja. Mislim, da ga potrebuješ, če imaš rdečkasto kožo !

I didn't bother searching for the prices, but every piece costs less than 4 €.

Nisem iskala cen, saj so vsi izdelki pod 4 €.

Love and Lemons, Simona

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  1. Hahah, naključje! Tudi jaz sem najprej kupila modro senčilo :D

  2. vse se sliši super in ker smo punce, sploh blogerke obsedene z poceni in dobrimi izdelki, bom najbrž preiskusila tale gel za obraz in korektor za rdečico. bi ga res rabila. :))


    1. ja, sej sem res najljubše izdelke izbrala :) super, upam, da ti bojo všeč, tako kot so meni !

  3. Ti ta gel ne povzroča nikakršnjih težav? Jaz sem prej imela tak tip kože,da sem lahko vse sprobala pa nisem imela nikakršnjih težav. Ko pa sem sprobala ta gel pa sem imela grozne mozolje in občutljivost. Je pa super,da ti odgovarja,saj je res poceni pa dolgo držI:D
    Šminke in korektor sta meni tudi super izdelka,moram po poskusit še te kapljice:)

    1. no morem rečt, da moja koža ni ravno zahtevna. Če dobim kakšne težave/mozolje, je običajno zaradi kakšne čudne kreme :) ..drugač mi je pa res bil fajni, škoda da se pri tebi ni obnesel :/ in upam, da ne povzroča težave še več puncam !

      ...super !

  4. Šminke so tudi meni super, ostalih stvari pa še nisem poskusila.


