The Best of The Body Shop: Advent Calendar - Overview

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Hello girls.
As I've been into cosmetics for a long time, I was super excited to finally get an advent calendar. What could be better than The Body Shop one, as I've never tried something from them. I just wanted to share my opinion on this "product" and to let you know if it is worth splurging on. Also if you're considering getting one next year, here's a few of my thoughts. I was so sad when I opened the last door yesterday, because I really liked it.

Živjo !
Že nekaj let me kozmetika precej zanima, zato sem letos bila zelo vesela, ko sem lahko v Avstriji kupila ta adventni koledar. Še boljše pa je, da je znamke The Body Shop, ker od njih prej nisem prav nič sprobala. Z vami bom delila svoje mnenje, če vas seveda zanima ali je vreden denarja in če razmišljate o nakupu naslednje leto. Včeraj sem bila kr malo žalostna, ko sem odprla še zadnja vratca, saj je bilo res fajn odpirat vsak dan namesto čokolade ter je bilo tako vedno nekaj novega.

First Half (1-12)

Almond Hand and Nail Cream 30ml
Almond Nail File
Eye Definer Black 1g
Strawberry Heart Soap 25g
Strawberry Lip Butter 10ml
Strawberry Hand Cream 30ml
Colour Crush™ Nail Colour 6.8ml (Relish the Moment)
Glazed Apple Heart Soap 25g
Glazed Apple Body Lotion 60ml

Second Half (13-24)

Vitamin E Moisture Cream 15ml
Vitamin E Moisture Mask 6ml
Vitamin E Nourishing Night Cream 15ml
Moringa Shower Gel 60ml
Moringa Body Milk 60ml
Mini Crinkle
Lily Honeymania™ Lip Balm 10 ml
Wild Argan Oil Body Lotion 60ml
Eyeshadow Brush
Shea Shower Cream 60ml
Shea Body Butter 50ml
White Musk® Eau de Toilette 10ml

My thoughts:
As I've seen the pictures from last year's calendar, this year they also included some products that are the same which is not good if you've had it last year as well - but you do see the list of all the products online before purchasing it. However, they included a few more festive products and some novelties. You mostly get sample (small-sized products), but some are also full-size. I know there's also available a Luxury, Deluxe and Ultimate calendar, but I don't know which countries sell those.
I'm really pleased with the products I got because by the look, smell and a bit of testing of them I think I will enjoy every single one. That being said, I only have a complaint on Moringa scent (which I don't like, but other people love it). Maybe I'd wish there was a sample from Tea Tree line or a body scrub or polish, but they chose the products which suite most people and are supposed to be the best.
I do have to test the products properly, but I'm sure I will like them. This calendar is a nice way to test a brand.
Overall I'm pleased with this calendar and you get your money's worth, however it just bothers me that it's so pricey in some European countries, so you get a better deal elsewhere. I paid 90€ in Austria.

Moje mnenje:
Sodeč po slikah lanskega koledarja, so se tudi letos odločili, da vključijo nekatere enake izdelke, kar ni najbolj praktično, če si imel/a koledar že lani - pa vendar lahko prej vidiš kaj vse se not skriva. To leto so dodali tudi nekaj več prazničnih izdelkov in tudi nekaj novosti. Večina izdelkov je manjše verzije, nekaj pa jih je celo običajne-velike velikosti. Obstajajo še: Luxury, Deluxe in Ultimate koledarji, vendar ne vem točno v katerih državah jih lahko kupite.
Sama sem zelo zadovoljna z izdelki, ki sem jih prejela v koledarju, saj že po izgledu, vonju ter kratkem preizkušanju vem, da bom v vseh uživala. Edini vonj, ki mi ni fajn je Moringa, ampak vem, da je veliko ljudem všeč. Mogoče bi si želela, da bi bil noter kakšen izdelek iz Tea Tree linije ali piling za telo, ampak vem, da so izdelke izbrali tako, da ustrezajo večina ljudem ter so najljubši.

Res je, da morem izdelke še bolje sprobat, ampak že vem, da bodo prijetni in super. Ta koledar je super, da dodobra sprobaš znamko.
Sama sem zadovoljna s koledarjem, ker menim, da je vreden denarja in dobiš dovolj izdelkov, ampak me vseeno moti, da je v nekaterih evropskih državah zelo drag, ker drugje dobiš boljšo ceno. Sama sem plačala 90€ zanj.

I hope you've had a nice Christmas so far :)

In Vesel Božič ter lepe praznike še naprej :)

Love and Lemons, Simona

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  1. res je da so dragi izdelki, vendar bi rada probala kakšnega. zgleda pa top vse. :)

    1. ja res je :) ..sicer izdelki morda niso taki, da jih pri drugih znamkah ne bi mogla najde kaj primerljivega, ampak je vseeno dobra kvaliteta...ampak vonji so pa top ! :)

  2. Wow, res zgleda super:) kje v Avstriji si ga pa kupila?

    1. v Grazu :) ...menda so ga meli povsod po Avstriji, dokler se pač ne razproda :P

  3. Kok carsko! :)

    Sicer je cena res visoka, ampak zakaj pa ne če si lahko privoščiš :)

    1. sej TBS izdelki so v Avstriji že tako dragi...ampak naj bi po izračunu manj plačal kot je vrednost koledarja :)

      itak, enkrat pač :) itak ga naslednje leto ne bom mogoče še kaj drugega probala..sam mam preveč izdelkov :P

  4. drago ali ne drago, uporablo se bo pomoje vse :P res luštne zadevce :)


