Skincare, Body & Other Favorites of 2017
Tuesday, January 09, 2018
Živjo punce.
Po makeup favoritih leta 2017, sledi še drugi del in sicer izdelki za nego obraza, las, telesa ipd. Za vsako podkategorijo sicer nimam izdelka, ki bi mi bil najljubši, saj uporabljam kar nekaj izdelkov, ki so mi všeč (tudi iz prejšnjih let), vendar bom danes predstavila le tiste res top izdelke, ki so me prepričali v zadnjem letu. Na imenih izdelkov najdete tudi povezave do objav/ocen posameznih izdelkov.
Hi girls.
After blog post about makeup favorites of 2017, it's time to introduce other products, such as skincare, body etc. I don't have a favorite one for each category as there are many which I like using, so I'm featuring only the products that really stood out to me last year. If you're interested about a certain product, make sure you click on it's name to read more about it on my blog.
Ta čistilna pena za obraz mi je bila res všeč. Je nežna in kremasta, vendar zelo dobro očisti obraz. Pri čemer pa kože ne izsuši in je prijetna za uporabo. Tudi vonj je prijeten in nežen. Seveda sem jo kar hitro porabila in bi jo z veseljem še enkrat imela v zbirki.
This was a really nice foaming cleanser for the face. It was really gentle while being creamy and nicely cleansing. It didn't dry out my skin and was very pleasant to use. I really liked it and was sad when I ran out. Plus the smell was nice.
Tole je eden izmed tistih bolj zanimivih izdelkov za obraz. Gre za serum, ki je posebej namenjen temu, da odpravi olja in izniči izgled mastne kože. Po celotni rutini obraza, se ga nanese s tapkanjem ter tako služi kot "primer" oz. baza za pod ličili. Je izredno lahek ter ne obteži kože.
An interesting discovery of the year. This serum type of product is specially targeted for oily skin since it absorbs the oils and helps reduce sebum. As a last step in your skincare routine, it can be a nice primer for makeup. Plus it is so light weight, you cannot feel it.
Lansko zimo sem imela precej izsušeno kožo. Pomagale mi niso kreme, četudi sem jih plastila, zato sem se odločila, da posežem po maski za obraz. Oatifix je bila zelo priljubljena maska v Lushu, ko sem še delala tam, zato sem se odločila, da si jo nabavim v upanju, da mi pomaga. In mi je res. Maska je precej mastna in ima gosto teksturo. Je bogata z olji in res globinsko navlaži kožo, pri čemer se ne posuši. Prav tako pomirja kožo in je ta po uporabi videti sijoča. Sicer pa je pri odstranjevanju kar nekaj packanja (jaz jo odstranim z mokro brisačo)
I've never had very dry skin, until last winter. I knew right away that normal skincare would not help me, so I immediately gravitated towards this face mask. When I worked at Lush, they all said it was so good, so I was convinced it would help me. And it did. It's an interesting mask, with quite thick texture and it doesn't dry up at all. It's oily and rich, so it really hydrates the skin. Plus it's calming, so the skin afterwards is very happy and looks glowy and healthy. Though removing it, can be messy (I use a wet towel).
Če imate možnost še vedno kupiti ta božični tuš gel, ga priporočam. Meni so vedno bili všeč sveži, citrusni vonji in tale ni izjema. Diši zelo osvežujoče, po pomarančah. Tekstura pa je zelo gelasta in jo je potrebno dobro zmešati z vodo, da se dobro obnese in lepo spere. Za tuširanje pa je potrebna le majhna količina ter odišavi celotno kopalnico.
If you can still get your hands on this shower gel, you'll be totally happy. I've always been a girl who loves very zesty and refreshing scents and this one is amazing. It smells so refreshing, like oranges and I love it. Though the consistency is very gel-like, so you need to mix it well with water, otherwise it would not come off or be nice to use. In the end you only need a small amount, and I always come out of the shower uplifted.
Zadnja leta kar pridno uporabljam sončno kozmetiko (posebej poleti), saj imam zelo belo polt. Pa vendar me še vedno tu in tam opeče, zato se vedno zatečem k losjonom po sončenju. Ta je sicer malce bolj unikaten, saj je zelo lahkoten kot jogurt, vendar s prijetnim vonjem po kokosu. Vonj ni presladek in lepo nežno odišavi kožo. Najbolj pa mi je všeč, da ohladi kožo, jo pomiri ter nahrani. Ni najbolj hranilen losjon, saj ni masten, vendar mi je všeč za pomirjanje.
Last few years I've been very keen on using as much sun care as I can since I'm so pale. I still get burned sometimes, so after sun lotions are a must. This one is special, because it's so light weight, literally like putting on a yogurt but with a much better smell. Of course it smells like coconuts, but not too sweet. And the effect is nicely cooling. It isn't the greasiest or the most moisturising one, however it is great for cooling and calming down the skin.
Ta šampon me je res prepričal. Prvo kot prvo ima zelo dober vonj, ki na laseh ostane še kakšen dan. Hkrati pa se že majhna količina zelo speni in dobro odstrani vsa olja ter produkte z las. Prav tako las ne izsuši, vendar pusti mehak občutek. Moji lasje se ne zmastijo tako hitro, čeprav si še vedno perem lase na dva ali tri dni. Sem prepričana, da ga bom ponovno kupila, ko porabim Lusheve šampone.
I love this shampoo. First of all, I like the smell and then what it does to my hair which is prone to grease very easily. Just a small amount foams up very nice and deeply cleanses the hair. It really removes any dirt or residue and leaves the hair squeaky clean but still soft. My hair doesn't grease up as quick afterwards, even though I still wash my hair every two or three days. I will definitely be buying it again, when using up my Lush shampoos.
Batiste Blonde dry shampoo
Batiste suhe šampone zdaj uporabljam že par let in ni ga boljšega. Letos pa sem začela uporabljati različico za blond lase, ki je malce obarvana, ter se na laseh ne opazi tako belo. Zdi se mi, da mi prihrani več časa zjutraj, saj ga lažje razčešem in sfenam. Še vedno uporabljam tudi original različico s tropskim vonjem, vendar mi je ta trenutno ljubši.
I've been loving Batiste dry shampoos, now for years, however this year I seemed to be really into this colored one. It's great for my blonde hair, as it is less visible and easier to work with. I still use the original version (mostly tropical scent), however I prefer this one at the moment.
Čeprav parfumov ne uporabljam vsak dan (ker preprosto pozabim), rada uporabljam kvalitetne parfume. In YSL parfumi definitivno ne razočarajo kar se tiče obstojnosti. Ta ima saden vonj z malce sladkim pridihom, kar je čisto po moji meri in je zelo nosljiv. In tudi embalaža je čudovita. Če imate raje slajše vonje, za zimo priporočam tudi Black Opium (čudovit !).
Even though I don't use perfume on daily basis (just because I forget), I like quality perfumes. And YSL ones are definitely the ones to buy. This one has a fruity but a tiny bit sweet scent (very me-like), so it's very wearable. It makes me happy. Plus the packaging is to die for. Longevity is great.