L'Oréal Paris Elseve Extraordinary Clay - Line for Greasy Scalp
Thursday, June 08, 2017
Dekleta in lepotni svet veliko govorijo o novi L'Oréal liniji za nego las. Tudi sama sem dobila priložnost preizkušanja in morem reči, da sem se razveselila, saj le redko v test prejmem izdelke za mastne lase . Moji lasje so ob koncu drugega dne po šamponiranju že precej mastni ob korenu, zato jih takrat spnem v čop, zato sem se lahko prepričala ali ta šampon res deluje.
Linija Elseve Extraordinary Clay je namenjena lasem, ki se mastijo pri korenih ter hkrati suhim konicam. Obogatena pa je s čistilnimi glinami.
Posebnost te linije je maska za lase, saj pred umivanjem las zagotavlja temeljito očiščeno lasišče. Nanese se na suho lasišče, potem počakaš 5 minut (medtem vpije sebum in nečistoče) in nato jo spereš z vodo (navodila se skrivajo v nalepki na vrhu pokrova).
Posebnost te linije je maska za lase, saj pred umivanjem las zagotavlja temeljito očiščeno lasišče. Nanese se na suho lasišče, potem počakaš 5 minut (medtem vpije sebum in nečistoče) in nato jo spereš z vodo (navodila se skrivajo v nalepki na vrhu pokrova).
Tekstura je sicer bolj gosta zato pri meni nanašanje traja vsaj 5 minut. Kljub temu potrpim packanje po lasišču, saj mi nato daje tak hladilen, osvežujoč občutek na lasišču. Spere se zelo enostavno, nato pa si sama še dvakrat šamponiram lase, čeprav bi si verjetno lahko tudi enkrat. Kadar jo uporabim, se mi zdi, da imajo moji lasje več volumna, saj ji počešem nazaj, ko jo nanašam na lase. Tu in tam se mi zdi, da malce še podaljša čas med pranji, pa vendar tudi šampon samostojno deluje dovolj dobro, zato ne bi rekla, da je izdelek "must-have" v moji rutini. Z veseljem pa masko uporabim vsaj 1x na teden, za osvežitev, saj mi je všeč občutek na lasišču. Ima pa tudi prijeten vonj.
This line comes with an interesting product: a cleansing hair mask which you apply before washing your hair. It serves to deep cleanse the roots of your hair, while absorbing sebum. Firstly you apply a thicker texture onto the scalp, all over and then wait 5 minutes.
It might be a bit messy, however I like the refreshing feeling it leaves behind. It's very easy to wash out and afterwards you follow with shampoo. I wash my hair twice with a shampoo, even though I could easily do it once, hence the mask. I feel like because of the application where I brush my hair backwards, I get more volume. Here and there it also prolongs the time between washes even further, however sometimes I feel like the shampoo itself works greatly on its own. That's why the hair mask isn't my "must-have" in hair routine, however I do like using it once per week because of the refreshing feeling. Plus it smells lovely.
This line comes with an interesting product: a cleansing hair mask which you apply before washing your hair. It serves to deep cleanse the roots of your hair, while absorbing sebum. Firstly you apply a thicker texture onto the scalp, all over and then wait 5 minutes.
It might be a bit messy, however I like the refreshing feeling it leaves behind. It's very easy to wash out and afterwards you follow with shampoo. I wash my hair twice with a shampoo, even though I could easily do it once, hence the mask. I feel like because of the application where I brush my hair backwards, I get more volume. Here and there it also prolongs the time between washes even further, however sometimes I feel like the shampoo itself works greatly on its own. That's why the hair mask isn't my "must-have" in hair routine, however I do like using it once per week because of the refreshing feeling. Plus it smells lovely.
Drugi korak pri umivanju las je seveda Extraordinary Clay šampon za lase. Ta diši zelo dobro in celo malce salonsko. Ima klasično gosto teksturo in se lepo speni tudi ob uporabi manjše količine. Nanesem ga dvakrat, ga lepo vmasiram v lasišče in nato počasi izperem. Ključ korak do dobro očiščenih las je, da kakršnega koli šampona ne izpereš takoj, temveč pustiš nekje minuto, da deluje na laseh. Lasje so po umivanju lepo očiščeni, vendar ne izsušeni ampak še vedno naravno mehki. Hkrati pa lasem doda nekaj volumna. Ta šampon je res eden redkih, po katerem lasje tudi po ravnanju še vedno zelo dišijo, tako da jih z veseljem povonjam. Moji lasje hitro vsrkajo vonje iz okolja, vendar sem opazila, da po tem šamponu lahko dišijo tudi do dva dni, kar je odlično. Šampon naj bi zagotavljal 72 ur svežine in morem reči, da se kar lepo približa tej trditvi. Podaljša rok med pranji in čeprav so lahko naslednji dan lasje malce poležani, se olja naberejo komaj tretji dan. Ne morem pa zagotoviti, da se lasje po kakšni flaški ali dveh ne bodo navadili šampona in bo lasišče spet ekstremno proizvajalo olja.
Second step is of course shampoo. Again, it smells nice, even a bit saloon-like. The texture is nice, thicker and it foams very easily while using even a smaller amount. I shampoo my hair twice, while nicely massaging my scalp. It's great if you leave the shampoo on for a minute, so that it really works it's magic. After washing it off, my hair feels squeaky clean but without a dry feeling. It's still soft and a bit voluminous. Extraordinary Clay shampoo also makes my hair smell very nice even after straightening it, which is rare. I have that type of hair which absorbs the scent from surroundings and tends to never smell nice, however with this one, I can still smell it the second day. They claim, the shampoo is supposed to give you 72 hours of freshness and it gets close to that. Even though my hair can be a bit flattened the next day, I notice oils only on the third day which is amazing and I can wear my hair straight for two days. Though I cannot guarantee that the hair won't get used to the shampoo and start to act as before.
Kot tretji korak lahko na konice nanesete še balzam. Le tega sem preizkusila samo nekajkrat, saj imam krajše lase, ter nepoškodovane konice, ki po šamponiranju niti niso suhe. Sama bi ta korak lahko izpustila, saj običajno na koncu konice posprejam z oljem ali serumom za lase, da se lažje razčešejo. Kljub temu se mi je zdel vredu, vlažilen in ni obtežil las. Vonj pa je enak kot pri šamponu.
Third step is of course a hair conditioner. I didn't have to use this one too much because my hair is not that dry after shampooing, plus it's not damaged. I tend to rather use a serum or light oil spray on wet hair ends for hydration and to comb through easier. However, the conditioner is still nice, lightly hydrating and doesn't weigh down the hair. Again it has the same scent as shampoo.
Third step is of course a hair conditioner. I didn't have to use this one too much because my hair is not that dry after shampooing, plus it's not damaged. I tend to rather use a serum or light oil spray on wet hair ends for hydration and to comb through easier. However, the conditioner is still nice, lightly hydrating and doesn't weigh down the hair. Again it has the same scent as shampoo.
Skratka, meni je linija z glino zelo všeč. Maska za lase je lepo čistilna in morda za tiste, ki raje uporabljate druge šampone, ampak potrebujete zelo čisto lasišče. Šampon pa je absolutno "must-have" in ga vsakomur priporočam za preizkus. Cene pa so okoli 3-5€.
All in all, I really like this Clay infused line. I was surprised by cleansing ability. I do like the mask, however it might be a hassle to use. Though shampoo is an absolute must have and hopefully it will work for me for long time. Plus the products are very affordable (around 3-5€)
All in all, I really like this Clay infused line. I was surprised by cleansing ability. I do like the mask, however it might be a hassle to use. Though shampoo is an absolute must have and hopefully it will work for me for long time. Plus the products are very affordable (around 3-5€)

Oooo tole moram pa nujno sprobat saj sem v ''lovu'' za dobrimi šamponi, ki bi pomagali, da moji lasje nebi bili takoj mastni. Upam, da mi bo tale odgovarjal. :)
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